Teás birthday

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Yamis pov
  It's Teás birthday and I have a day for us planned. I'm going to wake Yugi up and we are going to school during lunch its going to be me and her.
  Lunch time came around and I went to Teá's class,"hey come with me." I pull Teá away and we go up to the roof top. "Happy birthday keiko"
  "Thanks Yami." We get to the stairs and I open up the door. She gasp and wraps her arm around my neck. I had asked the principal to help me set up a picnic for Teá telling him the problems we were all having and it was her birthday. It took alot of convincing but I got it done. "Yami it's beautiful" there were daisies lilacs and roses.
  "It's your birthday" I smiled at her.
  "You were the only one to remember."
She hugged me again and this time I returned it before sitting down. "We have time to eat. I got these." I pulled the excuse passes out of my pocket and we started sharing a bowl of ramen. Not the most romantic food but it made her happy.
  Before long we were done with our food and sat up on the roof talking. She was on laying on my shoulder staring off into space I inched my hand closer to hers lacing her fingers in mine when I did she looked at me surprised I just pulled her close and held her.I love this girl and always will. She has kept me going all of these years in the tough times she was by my side. I look over and she's asleep so I kiss her forehead.
  Yeah Yami.
 How is everyone doing? Have they noticed anything?
 Only the gods know you are gone. Are you okay?
 Yeah Teá is asleep I need to wake her up soon so we can get to class.
 What class is that?
 You should ace that
 We both laugh. Yeah I should but it's all wrong especially the Egyptian history they have nothing of your reign our reign what ever that's important.
Well we did go unknown for 5000 years. Wake up Teá and tell her happy birthday for me.
 Alright Atem see you later.  
 “Teá keiko its time to wake up." She stretched and yawned.
"Where are we pharaoh?" She must have been dreaming of when I was still in the puzzle.
  "I'm not the pharaoh anymore remember." I giggle as she looks up at me sleep still in her eyes. That's when I notice the slight bags in her eyes. "Have you been sleeping ok keiko?"
  "I didn't get any last night doing homework."
  "You just what to stay here?"
  "Yami we need to go to class. As much as I would love to we can't."
  "Ok" we get up and walk to class hand in hand. Tonight I'll ask her to be mine in the best way possible.
  This class we have Joey and Yugi the gods only know what they'd say.
Teás pov
  Today is probably the best birthday I've had since I met Yami. I just wish he would have asked me out on the roof but I can't even really get upset he's a guy. We get close to class and he drops my hand just like my heart did on that roof while he held me. It was perfect but he stiffens up and acts like the stern guy we all know.
  I spend the class staring off into space. "Teá what's up?"
  "Nothing Joey. Just thinking." We were watching an old movie in class that was set in world war 1 then doing a test.
  "Bout what Teá?" He leaned in closer ,"you and Yami." I turned around and ignored him. "Hey by the way Teá happy birthday."
  "Thanks Joey and no maybe. Its nothing Joey." I go back to watching the movie or staring off into space but I listen to Joey and Yami talk.
  "What's goin on with ya yam?"
  "What do you mean?"
  "With you and Teá. What's that deal?"
  "I'll tell you later. After I find out myself." What does that mean? Is he planning something?
  Joey ask just that and Yami looks over at me. God men are so annoying. The bell rang and I got up before Yami could come to me. I didn't wanna be around him right now. He was getting on my nerves I wanted him to ask but I might as well so I turn around and walk up behind him grabbing him. "Yami I have a question for you?"
  "Whats that Teá?"
  Now's my chance but I choke. So I whisper in his ear and he doesnt answer just walks away. Fine be that way so I turn around and walk home alone.
  He played me but I'm not going to cry. I won't cry. I repeated this to myself as I walked home and the past few weeks played back in my head. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. I failed the roof top picnic hit when he was holding me.
  I got home and went straight to my room not eating i didnt want to. Someone knocked on my door but I didn't answer it. I hear the door open, "go away" I struggled to get the words out.
  "Teá it's Yugi. I heard what happened." He was coming up the stairs I didn't want his sympathy.
  "I don't care go away."
  "Teá," he was standing at my door and I latched on to him," he loves you I know you know that" he walked me over and sat with me on the bed.
  "Then why did he walk away?" He looked away. Someone else knocks on the door. What now?
  "I can't tell you the answer to that." This time it was Yami that walked in and I was still holding on to Yugi for dear life crying my eyes out.
  "Teá are you ok?" He walked over and sat next to me I buried my face in Yugi. I couldn't face him right now but he lifted my chin up.
  "No Yami I'm not. You walked away I get it you don't want me leave me alone." I noticed he wasnt in his usual outfit. The collar was gone and so was the puzzle and everything else. He had on a dress shirt and slacks.
  "Thats not true at all Teá get dressed I'm not done with you yet." He kissed my forehead and pulled yugi out. "Come on Serenity, Mai." They came up and helped me even though I didn't want to go. I wanted answers though.
  They gave me a short baby blue dress with spaghetti straps and a skin tight skirt that matched his tie and my silver sandals. Mai curled my hair and Serenity did my make up bright red lipstick and eyeliner. No one spoke and every time I tried I got shut down I guess they knew what I was going to ask.
  Finally I'm ready. I walk down and Yami was pacing around the kitchen with my mom and Yugi. Yugi nudges Yami and he turns around looking between me and my mom. I take that last step and he holds his arm out I dont link mine I'm still mad at him he still insist on hurting me. I go and open the door gesturing him out and I go behind him and Kaibas limo is out there I guess as a thanks for saving his brother, probably Mokubas idea.
  We get in and Yami looks at me. "Teá I am truly sorry. I had no intention on hurting you I just didn't know how to answer you earlier. I had to walk away and I went to explain a few minutes later you were gone."
  "Yami you crushed me. I'm giving you a chance to fix this because of Yugi." Looked away from me and seemed hurt I can't say it hurt me.
  "Teá I have a plan for tonight I talked your mom and she's letting you stay past curfew. Please try and have fun. Ive had this planned out for weeks." He looked back at me with an attempted smile on his face.
  "Ok" I scoot closer to him and smile wrapping him in a hug whispering "I forgive you." I pulled away and saw him slightly blushing he was so cute. We arrive at the park. "Yami what is this?" I'm dumb founded my favorite tree is covered in lights and there are paper lanterns with a picnic blanket and soft music playing it was so beautiful. "Yami" I couldn't think of anything else to say.
  He pulled me closer, "I want you to have a good birthday my dear." He kissed my hand and I screamed inside.
  "I am it's much better than it has been." I smile and forgive him for real now.
  "Good" I feel like a giggly school girl with both of us smiling and everything.
  I see my favorite foods and we start eating it's quiet while we eat and I'm enjoying it. Every few seconds we glance at eachother. I finish my food and tackle him he groans on my impact and his face buldges I'm in a playful semi-romantic mood thanks to him. He tickles me and we roll around wrestling. I get up and he grabs me picking me up and spinning with me.
  "Woah I'm dizzy." He laughs and sits me down. "Teá I'm glad I came back just because tonight I'm enjoying your company and Im here with you. I missed you Teá more than anything. I never meant to hurt you in anyway. For so long all I wanted to do was tell you what I felt. I love you I have I always have I always will. Your strength, courage, will power, determination, and patience. Everything you mean every thing to me." Finally what I wanted to hear for so long how did he know?" Will you be mine? I wanted to say yes to you Teá so bad but I had this moment playing in my head forever. Please say yes." He grabbed my hands right before he asked. I'm speechless I can't I just can't. My mind is frazzled.
  "Teá" I hear my dad and
  "Daddy?" His voice snaps me from my thoughts. I drop Yamis hands to look for my dad who I thought died.
  "Yes baby it's me" he steps from behind the tree. I found out he supposedly dead 6 years ago today.
  "Oh my" everything and everyone vanished.
  "I missed you baby." He kissed my forehead. I missed him so much.
  "I missed you too daddy. What happened to you?" I was in shock I missed him so much he's missed so much"did you walk out on us?"
  "God no Teá my plan crashed on that business trip I wanted to get back but my accounts were frozen I had no money to get home on in another country. I tried to get home for so long I never gave up on you guys. I love you too much. I love your mom too much. I couldn't walk out on you guys if I wanted to. Yami and Seto found me for you and brought me home to suprise you. You have a great man Teá and from what I understand you have been through alot together. Don't let him go." I was so happy I hugged him so tight I didnt want to let go.
  "I'm not going to," I told him when I let go I turn to Yami and he's gone. I frown and sit down. "Where is he daddy?"
  All he did was shrug. I got ditched again. Fine Yami just fine I'm done." I'm going to sit here and catch up with you. Catch you up on every thing."
  "Sounds good are you ok Teá." I nod and lay on him.
  "So after you left mom slipped into depression and so did I. We got closer, Yugi came over with mr. Muto nightly. Helped us through it all we got closer. So freshman year he comes back from Egypt Yugi solves this puzzle and that's where Yami meets us he was a pharaoh years ago. We go on all these adventures starting with duelist kingdom with peagus. Yugi by the way was getting bullied but the two he helped and now we're all good friends. But anyways then we come back to domino city and that's when the puzzle starts to fall together and one thing after another leads to Yami leaving and now hes back."
  "So Yami was an ancient pharaoh trapped in a puzzle?"
  I nodded and he looked suprised. Yami walks back with flowers in his hand. "You left me."
  "Teá I had a good reason I forgot the flowers."
  I laughed at him. "You dork, I'm kidding and yes I'll be your girlfriend." He looked relieved and dropped the flowers picking me up and kissing me then stopped and apologizing to my father he just brushes it off and walks away. He kisses me again and this time theres more behind it sending my body roaring with passion and flare.
  "Keiko... we... should ...go." He says in between kissing.
  "I don't want to."
  He stops and looks at me. "Keiko neither do I but your dad is here it's not right to kiss you here and anyways I'm pretty sure your mom would love to see him."
  "She would lets go." I'm happy my dad is back but I wanted to stay here.
  "Ok one more kiss though" he kisses me I wanted this to happen so much over the past 4 years with him.
  Back at Teás house
  We pull up to my house and the chauffeur comes to open the door telling my dad welcome home and Yami tips him. I open the door and call for my mom. I get no answer i go running through the house worried Bakura got her she was in her room asleep. "Mommy wake up." I sound like a kid when i say it. I feel like one right now.
  "What's wrong baby?" She looks up worried I just pull her out of bed and walk down to the living room where dad is staying.
  Her daddys back. Theyre together but we cant forget Bakura taking loved ones and people from the past. How is Teás mom going to react? What's going to happen next?

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