The afterlife

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The door closed, I said goodbye I heard them. All heartbroken no one easier to leave than the next even Kaiba.
A few months later
I was happy that I was where I belonged with my own people and my memory back. I was happy to see my parents again and my old friends. They greeted me after 5000 years of failed attempts to bring me home. When everything settles down and after feasting with past pharaohs and ones after my reign of Egypt I head to my quarters and look through the veil into Tea and Yugis world. Though I'm happy and where I belong I will never forget the look on their faces as I walked into the light. I wanted to stay oh great Ra I wanted to.
As Tea said I was just getting to know myself as they were me. As sit in my quaters crying Osiris walks in.
"Why are you crying you're home my dear boy?"
"Them," I pointed down at the world I once lived in both as a spirit and a great ruler of Egypt,"seeing them cry, seeing yugi cry and hit his knees has been effecting me lately. I'm suppose to be at rest but my mind is back on earth. Is there any way possible I can return?"
His face remained stern he was the god of the afterlife after all. After a few minutes he spoke up,"Atem you must stay they are hurt and fine. Do you really think they will welcome you back?"
"With all do respect sir," I face him again" Is my spirit really at rest when I look at my old home and see a mirror image of the spirit realm and memories I have with them? My heart is split. I want to be with my friends here and there."
"I'm sorry I cant send you back it would stir too much up."
"Siree please" I now beg for him to show me mercy.
"Enough" thunder crashed or so it seemed as he rose his voice.
"I only I ask for a way between realms siree."
"Atem it's impossible you made your choice." What I had a choice. "Eventually you would have been able to come home and stayed but you chose afterlife "
I could have stayed with Yugi, Teá, Joey, Tristan, Duke, and Mai. We have been through so much together.
"You could have."
I feel like in a way I knew I could stay but for so long I wanted my memories I wanted to be at peace in the end I only turned my back on those who gave me so much.
I look back down and see yugi sleeping many nights he would be so worried about the next morning would he be exiled to the shadows or would we be closer to saving the world. Nights we would spend together talking with the others. I remembed Teá being there for me when I lost his soul she would never let us give up. That day before my duel against Mariks dark side is when she showed her true strength. She was always there with yugi and joey to cheer me on. That day is when I realized I loved Teá Graner. The girl that wasn't a duelist but stuck by our side no matter what.
I sat on the bed, just realized how much I actually cared hell loved her. I had to think of something anything. I sat and watched her sleep some how sleeping myself.
Atem we wanted you to stay. We just didnt want to ask. Yugi stood there it was pitch black. We understand that you after long last wanted to rest peacefully. And that you accomplisned what you needed to accomplish. Atem really right now lifes hell without you. I didn't know if it was a dream or not spirits don't need sleep only a mind. I'm just merely a soul of a late pharoh.
Yugi I thought thats what I wanted I needed hell I wanted you all to join me. I wanted to stay and I watched as the door between worlds closed with tears in my eyes.
Then why didn't you stay Atem wouldnt there have been another way?
I could have Yuge but I spent so long wanting to be here I didn't think I didn't even know I could. Now they refuse to let me come back.
That's not fair! Yami we need you back here. I don't even know if this is a dream or not. But I heard that spirits can appear in dreams so its possible right? Of course I didn't think of that!
Of course Yugi it is I didn't think of that until now. Hey isnt it time to go to school even heros need to learn. Even now I'm still looking out for him I just hope that they will believe Yugi. Yeah sadly it is but I'll tell everyone hey for you.
I just hope they believe you.
After everything we been through together it's not impossible.
Ha I guess not.
I sat there as my little buddy drifted off and I woke up myself.

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