wheres Mokuba

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I help him up, Kaiba poor man. He doesnt know what to do without Mokuba.
"We might as well drop out of school and become professional duelist" I dont know if he was joking or not but Joey sounded pretty serious I mean it was almost the end of our last year right?
"Come on Joey we're in 12th grade with a few more months left to go."
"Yugis right Joey. Why would you even. Wait that reminds me Teá your birthdays coming up." Tristan looks at me and I look down why was he the only one to remember?
"Um can we focus on Mokuba you know my little brother." Poor Kaiba he's lost his mind and himself.
"Guys he's right forget school we graduate in a few months time anyways. Plus it shouldn't take that long."
"Yeah but Teá we helped him before and he didn't even thank us."
"But big brother it's Mokuba he hasn't doesnt anything."
"Serenitys right."
"God everyone taking his side."
Mokubas pov
"Hello" I screamed out. "Where's my big bro." I tried pulling my arms out of the ropes. What stupid person would tie another up in ropes?
Then I hear laughter, "how is Kaiba Mokuba?"
It was the bully from when I was younger that stepped out of the shadows. "What do you want?"
"I want to knock your brother down a notch or two. Always bragging saying hes the number one duelist with this big huge company. Does he have time for you anymore moky?"
"You don't know my brother he does whats best for me." I wish my big bro was here.
"Are you sure?" That's when I noticed a glow in his eyes. Something I've never seen before in another person.
"Watching you 2 for all these years and it seems like you care more about him than he does you."
"Hes my big brother everything he does was brought on by our step father. Pushing him making him grow up too soon."
Roland stepped out of the shadows laughing, "he was too busy for you Mokuba"
Yami pov
I was sitting on the porch. Starring out.
I played the seal and let the darkness reak havoc on my soul. I should have lost it that day but Yugi pushed me away. They only need one of us. Im letting them take me.
Yugi no. It was too late though he was gone.
Kaiba walked out at sat down. "How did you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Come back? Deal with losing Yugi?"
"I didn't deal with it I let that failure turn into anger and it turned me. Don't do that to yourself hes your brother he needs you right now. Well get him back focus on that. When I lost that duel against Raphael my mind stuck on that moment."
"What if we don't find him or he winds up dead?"
"We'll find him. Remember when noa brainwashed him. You lost your stride and broke down but ended up getting him back. You lost hope and lost your duel."
"Thanks for the reminder."
'as for coming back I split my soul. I was torn so the pharaoh rules the spirit realm and I'm here. I dont regret leaving because I'm still connected in a way to the pharaohs half."
"Yami do you think Mokuba will forgive me?"
"Hes your brother Kaiba of course he will." We turn around and see Yugi. "I forgave Yami and he didn't listen to me."
"Sorry yuge" I look at the ground.
"It's ok Yami."
"So he will forgive me?"
"He's loyal to you like I am to Yami. He's my best friend and partner in crime."
"You can't get down Kaiba."
"I know guys."
"So whats the plan?"
"Good question, Kaiba anywhere Roland would take Mokuba?" There had to have been something in his past or Rolands past for him to go.
"The only place I can think of is our old house. It's been abandoned for years."
"Perfect" I jump up and walk in the door Duke is cuddled up with Serenity I shake my head and rub my eyes how much have I missed. Mai has her feet on joeys legs. "Ok how much have I missed?" They look over and sit up quickly and I laugh.
"Nothin' you missed nothing." Joey went blood red and I laughed even more.
"Obviously I missed something. I mean I knew you were in love with Mai Joey but not this much." I was just adding to the flame.
"Enough messing around guys its time to get serious. We have an idea as to where Mokuba is but aren't sure" I realized how much has changed especially with Yugi he hasn't really even spoken to me. I wonder if we are still some how connected no not possible.
"Right Kaiba lost his parents when he was younger"
"So what are you getting at Yami?"
"Think about it Mai. He lost his family his life his youth he grew up too soon. His home."
"You guys think Mokuba is at his old home."
"Maybe that may be what takes him down. This is obviously revenge." Yugi picks up as I sit there thinking.
The more I think the more i realize where he is. "The orphanage"
"What do you mean?" He turns around and they all stare at me.
"Revenge. What better way to take down Kaiba thats obviously what they want. Remember he said Mokuba was tired of Kaibas arrogance."
"Youre right and after Gozaburo adopted us I started losing my connection with Mokuba I promised him I wouldnt let him go back. I swore to him the day we got there I would be his father and look after him."
"The way I swore I would get her money for the surgery."
"We need to get going." Kaiba turned to go outside there was a tear in his eye and behind it showed the anger.
"How you ran here and rich boy if you havent noticed you have no one to kiss your feet." A limo pulled up front and his jaw dropped." I stand corrected.
"That's not mine."
"Mr. Kaiba an old friend." Mr. Muto got out wait where has he been.
"Yami how are you dear boy?" He had a tear in his eye.
"How are you back?" Kaiba rolled his eyes
"Ill explain everything on the way to find Mokuba. Can we use your limo?"
"Of course"
We all get in the limo and there were so many questions." Ok so you remember priest Seto I was originally going to leave him as pharaoh like I did when I locked my soul into the puzzle to save Egypt."
"So how did you come back?" Teá crooked her head to the side and scooted to the edge of the seat.
"I was torn between the spirit realm and human world I wanted to be back with you guys and still stay with my family. So I split my soul and manipulated my powers to my use and created the body you see in front of you. I couldn't use my old body and yugi had his I wanted to be my own person again. This made the gods mad and this part was banished from the spirit realm I am basically in exile."
"You cant go back?" Teás eyes lite up.
"No I can't how ever I am still in away connected to Atem. So just you know call me Yami."
"Got it we should be there soon. For the record guys I don't need Mokuba to keep me sane. I know what you been thinking hes my little brother let me address that now and he is the co CEO of my company."
"Lets go Mokuba wont wait forever."
We pull up to the run down orphanage. It has vines growing on the front.
"Big bro" we see Mokuba out the door.
"Mokuba" Kaiba walks up to him and he runs out with arms wide open, "wait you arent Mokuba." He turned real quick. "Run!"
Soooo dont kill me im sorry I'll have a new chapter up asap. But whats goin on what or who is that? What happens to Kaiba?

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