Was it even real?

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I got up before my alarm which is weird for me it must have been that dream. What could it mean it wasn't even real or was it? I mean it with all I've been through with Yami it seems possible but at the same time unrealistic because of the hope that I would see him again, and I haven't let it show I really miss him and it's only been a few months. Everybody thinks that I've been taking it really well getting the school doing my work being normal again after saving the world multiple times from an impending evil.
I hurry up and eat something I never do I have to tell the others. Poor teá after me shes taking this the hardest. I set him free I was connected mind body and eventually soul. True we had our own places in the mind and thats how things worked. I wonder what his part would look like now if everything is clear.
I hear Joey and he breaks me from my thoughts. "Yuge come on pal. What're ya doin up der?"
"I'm comin Joey I'm just eating." I hurry up and finish eating it's important I tell them.
"Bout time pal." They notice I'm acting out of the ordinary,"yuge you alright bud "
I scoff kinda, "you can say that I'm just I got something to tell you but it has to wait."
"What is it yugi?" Teá asked "we haven't heard that since well you know atleast not in that tone."
"Teá he wanted to leave without saying goodbye."
"You really think that helps you big dummy. It only makes it worst." She whispered now "he couldnt get away from us sooner could he? We practically begged him to stay but knew what that would have meant."
I spoke up," he could wait." I wasn't about to sit there while my partner in crime got talked down. "How do you know what was going through his mind? I did. He wanted us to think he was happy that he could finally rest. It showed. We didn't even ask guys."
"Yuge how can you stick up for him? He left us hurting worrying."
"Joey's right Yugi."
We get to Tristans house, "hey what's up guys."
"Yugi still insist Yami Atem whatever didn't wanna leave."
It's about time I tell them, "I had a dream last night or this morning about yami."
Tea cuts me off, "here we go again. Yugi they arent real they're dreams."
"No teá i think this one was. I don't know how I know but it was. Remember how me and yami were connected i think that he came to talk to me. Guys spirts and angels or what ever can do that. Maybe he got to thinking about us and came to me. He told me he was waiting to be at peace for so long he didnt think until he crossed over. Then he cried." Tears filled teás eyes as I told her. "He wants to come back. He begged to. And I dont think he realized how he left us the look he gave me goes to show that."
"He...he... wants to come back?" Teá. Cried more.
All I could do was nod to keep from crying myself. The lump only grew bigger.
"Yuge don't be playing mind games."
"Joey I'm not, if I was I wouldn't tell y'all." I know how much it would mess with them. Yami if you can hear me if you can see us help please.
We get to class and get ready to start the day. This is the only period i have with them all together atleast.

"Yugi wake up the bell already rang" Tristan shakes me to wake up.
  "Huh," I wake up in a daze when did I fall asleep?
  "Yugi come on we're going to be late." Teá said nearly pulling me out of class.
  "Great, just great."
  "Anyways Yugi what happened? You never sleep in class."
  "I just didn't sleep great last night."
  "Dreams?" Teá said when we were alone. 
  "Yeah. Teá do you believe me? Be honest."
  "Yes Yugi I do. He opened my mind to the impossible. This is another impossibility." She sighed "Yugi Joey has a point he came and change our lives then left. It hurts but I don't agree with being a jerk. He thought thats what he wanted and now he wants to come back it doesn't make any sense but it does."
  "Teá he loves you and wants to come back. He said to say hi by the way."
  She looked at me, "you're making that up."
  I shook my head, "nope"
  "Yes you are." She hit me and the teacher looked at us.
  "Sorry teach." We both looked down and chuckled.
  Yugi can you hear me?
  Atem? Yeah I can hear you. What is it?
  I may come back sooner than I thought.
  What do you mean Atem don't play tricks with me?
  Im not and by the way the answers 45.
  Got to go bye for now Yugi.
  "Yugi what did you get for number 10? Again"
  "No." He looked at his paper and said "oh nevermind" the class laughed.
  "How'd you know that Yugi?" Teá asked knowing I didn't do the work.

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