Hard Times Atem

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Teás pov
"Yugi what do you mean Atem? He's not here Yugi yall aren't connected any more." How was this possible? Yugi wasnt even asleep.
"He's in the spirit realm Teá. Plus he's pharoh."
"What if hes trying to break the rules to get back? I wouldn't put it past him." Me and her both laughed it was true.
"Neither would I." We were both laughing and the teacher got mad. Thankfully the bell rings in a little while.
"Ok lets calm down so he doesn't get mad." I turn to Yugi," is it possible he can come back?"
"I don't know Teá." He looks up and point to the teacher staring at us.
"Sorry we just have alot on our minds right now."
"Well whats with the laughing?"
"Its stopping the crying." He turned back around and Yugi was pale and i reached over and rubbed his arm.
You can hear me great. Ok listen.
Yeah how are you talking to me?
Don't worry about that. Look I need you to do something for me. I can't believe it after months I can hear his voice.
Yeah what is it?
I been watching what's been going on and I don't get why they're mad. Make sure they are ok.
We loved you Yami. We love you and even though we know you were going to rest it still hurt we basically begged you to stay well thought about it. We were happy but at the same time hurt. Its great that you got what you deserved. I was kind of disappointed. I was expecting something else. I missed him and after months he comes to ask for a favor?
Teá... Im sorry if only you knew what I been doing since that last duel. I'm suppose to rest, but how do I rest with out you Teá without Yugi and Joey Tristan Duke even Kaiba. Yes I miss that stuck up jerk.
Atem I'm sorry I doubted you. I wish you were still a spirit I wish you and Yugi were still attached.
Atem it's fine it's time to change class bye. I was crying and I know he saw it I know he was watching me and still nothing.
Wait Teá uh I uh I need you to do that for me.
Bye Atem.
Atems pov
I tried to go to Teá and make things right. Tell her how I truly feel ever since that day in domino city after I defeated evil Marik and banished him to the shadow. She shut me down. Why am I tired? I'm a soul not a human. What is going on with me? I need to get back.
Joey comes to mind as I sit planning but he wont forgive me. I hear Teá talking to him.
Joey you have to listen to me.
What Teá? Do you expect me to believe the great pharoh the...the almighty pharaoh spoke to you from the spirit realm. Geez guys give us a break I was one of Atems best buddies, me and him fought side by side multiple times and he saved our butts then left. It was time for him to move on yeah I know. He did what he had to and learned the truth and found the light within. Along the way we got close shed tears and laughed just to get ripped away and now coming back sayin' der was a choice!
You don't get it do you Joey, Yami wants to come back as a human. A living breathing human. Sure it's been a few months but he misses us and we owe it to him to forgive him after all he didn't know. He was torn between two families past and present.
Teá what's going on? She was crying when Yugi saw them at lunch.
Yugi he's not listening. Atem talked to me too. He asked me for a favor and frankly I was expecting more.
I'm stupid Teá I'm sorry. Now i was crying I wish I could make it up to them. Soon I will. The image faded with Yugi wrapping Teá in his arms I punched the wall in my room and grunted. Something was seriously wrong. Maybe I should ask the gods.
"Atem are you okay?"
"Yes mana. I'm fine just I miss the human world and everyone there. The thing is none of them understand and are hurt."
"My pharoh you need to understand they need time to get their thoughts together you changed their lives for the better leaving Yugi felt empty. They play off eachothers emotions like we did 5000 years ago. Time will come they will not be sad any more and celebrate again."
The thought made me smile goofy Yugi and Clueless Joey. Teá being the tough guy Tristan and Joey fighting. The thoughts made me miss them even more. Memories flooded my mind of each of the. Battle city, duelist kingdom, saving marik and bakuroa from their evil half, the great labyithan and dartz, dueling Joey and trying to set Yugis soul free and almost losing them all. How could they forget those times? How could it not bring a smile to their face? All the duels all the fun games? I missed it all not being pharaoh just being me. By time Kaiba got to believing in what was really going on, I left. I felt like he was being to actually form a friendship with us but his ego wouldn't let him admit it.
Joeys pov
They told me everything but how is it possible? He left us. How do we know he won't again? I love em to death but I'm scared he will walk away easily again. I look at a picture of him in Yugis living room. There was a noticeable difference in da two of em for one Yami Atem who ever was taller and more aggressive in his facial features. When Yugi got this I don't know. It was him and the pharoh in Egypt. "Hey yuge whered this pic come from?"
"I don't know Joey. It just showed up out of no where. There was one of him and Teá during battle city too. Another of you and him and a few groups that showed up a week ago."
What was going on here? This is weird even for us.
"Yuge you said you had a dream last night?"
"Yeah why?"
"Call me crazy but what if someone was watching us?" I got mad who ever is following us is gonna pay.
"Not possible. Look," he got out another picture of the duel between yami and him it's gotta be someone we know or knew look at where it is."
"Maybe you're right pal." I still dont get it. No one had a camera.
"Here Joey take this picture something tells me we need it."
"For what yuge why do we want to remember that day."
This was the first time I ever saw Yuge get really mad. "Joey it's time to stop you said it yourself he'll always be in our hearts and we were lucky to know him. REMEMBER JOEY! It was hard but I'm getting tired of this. He was apart of our group and family. We knew all along he would leave and we got attached anyways stop blaming the pharaoh. If you want to be mad at anyone be mad at me. I won that duel I sent him off." He looked dead at me until this point he looked straight ahead. It wasn't his fault and he hasnt really dueled since then.
"Yuge bud I'm sorry it's not your fault. We gave him friends when he was here and that was something hes never had before. It's always been servants."
"Atleast not really close friends. Joey they were his friends and you know it."
Yes Joey, it's me. Why are you so angry with me?
You wanted to leave without saying goodbye no thank you nothing. After all we did for ya after everything ya went back to them. Ya was my best bud and waltzed into our lives changed it and left. Back to yer friends.
Joey I wasn't thinking. I wanted to be back with them. Im coming back though i realized i would never see you guys again. Im doing what I did years ago and leaving the throne to seto the other pharohs are trash here.
I laughed when he said that even now he can talk trash.
Yami er I mean Atem are you leaving again.
No Joey I'm not but I don't know if its a good idea or not right now.
Teà and Yugi wont stop talking bout it we been fighting alot and Yugi stopped dueling.
I know Joey I've been watching and hey they were my friends Joey not just servants. He let out a laugh and I felt bad.
Um a yeah I knew that.
Goodbye for now Joey. Somethings wrong with Teá.
What do you mean?
She's dueling and it's not going well on her part.
Uh oh this aint good. Well it's true I'm bringing Atem back I dont know when but I'm hyped i think i might play with minds alittle longer I wanna bring him back so bad guys. Let me know what y'all thinks going to happen what yall want to happen I'm working on the next chapter and it's starting in Atems pov

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