Chapter 26

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Caitlyn P,O,V

Being in the beneath as Cass had named it made me grow accustomed to the thought that I would never be able to go back... however going back would happen. Now leaning into Aaron's chest, my legs feeling like wax as I try to get used to working on firm, earth soil again. I wonder how I could have ever thought that. Of course Aaron would save me. he was made to save me, made to love me. the fact that I ever doubted his loyalty made me sick to the point that I started to tear up.

"Caitlyn! Oh!" Aaron exclaimed as my arms went around his torso. He enveloped me within his arms and it wasn't until a few seconds after that I felt the soft feathery touch of his wings wrap around me as well,

I looked up at him the shadows of his wings blocking the entire world except for him and I out. I breathed in his scent as if I hadn't been around him for ages and I cried quietly in his arms. He felt like Spring and held me like the sun held the earth, high in the sky in the very middle of the day.

"It was awful..." I sobbed softly, clutching his shirt like I had so passionately clutched onto the memory of him when we were separate.

"I know.... It is alright now." His satin voice clamed me, letting me know that everything really was okay,, the smell of the outside was authentic, along with the baby blue skies and the mild Italian air. I was really back. This wasn't just a dream.

Aaron's wings opened and when they did I looked at the sight before me in confusion. There on the ground was a pile of ashes a translucent burgundy and violet glow erupting from within it. Daniel sat on the floor of the gazebo we were under holding Marrisa in his arms. She didn't look conscious. What scared me the most about the entire situation was the soft quiet sobs of Daniel as he stroked her hair gently. Her skin and lips were pale and I could see her eyelids starting to turn grey.

Suddenly Verena, Thorne and Claire were there. they had been there for the entire time. But I had not noticed until now. They all looked frozen inn shock and fear staring from Marissa to Daniel to the ashes to Aaron and i.

"What happened..." I asked looking up at Aaron.

He swallowed hard and met my eyes. I expected him to tellme that he couldn't say or that night now was not like he'd had been doing but he did exactly what I didn't expect him to do he told me.

"We had to kill Lamia...she attacked Marissa which caused her death and Amar killed himself so he could join his two sisters in the afterlife. We had to use Marssia to summon you back to this Realm." Aaron explained.

My eyes widened as he spoke. Slowly I looked back down at Marissa and at the pile of ashes. Then asked "The Ashes?"

"Amar was a vampire. That is how Vampire's die. The only reason Lamia didn't die the same way is because she is mostly demon rather than of vampire nature."

As I assessed the area around me I cling to Aaron terrified and hurt by the events that had gone on without me. I wanted to cry for Marissa. Lamia's death was justifiable but I still didn't think she deserved to die. And Amar the one who had been the most welcoming to me was gone before I'd even had the chance to say goodbye.

Daniels echos were getting louder and more frequent. Slowly I raised m =t head and whispered in Aaron's ear.

"what about Daniel?" I asked.

Aaron's eyes fogged with sorrow. As he explained it, I felt my heart jump in surprise.

"Daniel is mortal now. He fell for Marissa...which is even worse because now Marissa is dead not much longer later he cannot take it back," Aaron explained his voice dropping with pitty for his brother.

"Oh gosh... are you okay?"

That was one thing that made Aaron smile the corners of his lips tilted up in a half grin and he put his hands on my shoulders as he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Now that you are within close proximity to me again, I am well." His grin faded as he gave me a solemn stare. "I am sorry...for not trusting you. I should have told you at least some of the things you asked me about. Some things my Caitlyn, you do deserve to know." He bowed his head with guilt.

Completely taken aback by his apology I grinned nad raised my hand to his cheek. Slowly hesitantly he raised his eyes back to mine and looked at me with passion on his eyes.

"I'm sorry for not trusting you, Aaron. I'm the one that should be apologizing. Not you." I giggled a sound foregin the dismay in the air around us. It seemed  almost selfish to laugh at a time like this.

He grinned and pressed his forehead against mine. Then in that moment it all got ruined.

The air slowly began to grow heavy with humidity. The stench of death filled the air. Aaron released me and we both looked in the direction we knew it was coming from. Even Daniel drenched in sweat tears and Marissa's blood lifted his head from her body to see what was happening. There in the earth was a dark black whole a green chilling glow erupting from within. I gasped as the person from within climbed slowly out of the hole, the dark hair and emerald eyes sticking out more than usual and stricking me more powerfully than before.

"Caitlyn my dear," Kieran's familiar voice echoed breaking the ominous silence. However his voice just made It even more ominous than it had been before. "Why did you leave us? You should join us again."

That was when I clung onto Aaron once again, tighter than before. He kissed the top of my head and then gently tossed me behind him protecting me from any of Kieran's possible attempts.

"She is staying here, where it is safe, Kieran. Go before this gets any worse." Aaron snapped.

Kieran's laugh was cold and empty of emotion the exact same way a laugh shouldn't be,

""Oh Aaron that is exactly what I don't want to hear"

There was a sound that erupted around us. Aaron tried to jump in front of me but before he could my eyes widened as Kieran raised his arms. I was too frozen in fear to move. As the air around him and I began to shimmer a blackened emerald green he let out of a shout as he sent a single shadowy tendril my way, I raised my hands to cover my eyes but that wouldn't stop or even slow the effects of what Kieran had just done. When it hit me the last thing I felt was the impact of Kieran;s power had left me. as I went down, I felt the darkness envelope me again no matter how hard I tried to grip onto life.

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