Chapter 19

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Daniel P,O,V

He looked up at the grey pool of clouds above him with new eyes and a new perspective. He was no longer swooping in between those clouds navigating the way to where he needed to go effortlessly. Instead he walked ahead seemingly going the speed as a tortoise. The stone pine trees overhead seemed to tease him sawying in the wind and almost mimicking the action of flying. Even though he hated the trees for their popmpus trickery he knew that they were a sign that he was getting closer to where he needed to be. Back in Verona.

He was a mortal

Daniel was a mortal

Before, Daniel had thought that being a mortal was the equilivant of being an angel just without wings, however Daniel was learning that this was not the case. He had only been this way for two days and he was already feeling the draining effects that came with mortality. He felt the sun sitting on his back. He felt the dry heat take the hydration from his lips. He felt the self deprecation wearing him down. He felt the grey atmosphere take the light from his eyes.

He felt  nothingless

Once the thought was released into the mianature reality that was his mind he took it back. He did not feel nothingness. He knew what was there, the one thing that was keeping his heart pumping that even he himself couldn't ignore. It was the elephant in the room. The feeling coursed through his veins no less stronger than it did centurites ago. At night he felt it creep up into his head making him dream of her again and again only to wake up the next morning and have her the first thought that popped into his head as he opened his eyes.that was the worst part of being mortal. He couldn't escape his dreams by just not sleeping anymore. He needed sleep.

Nevertheless, Daniel continued to walk solemnly.

The villa no less beautiful than the last time Daniel had seen it stood tall and palatial as usual. Daniel let outa sigh of relief as he saw it, overlooking the bridge and the hills that attempted to tower over it but fell short.

Looking closely he watched as he saw a figure stride to the window and grab the drapes shutting them. He smiled for the first time in days. He had recgonised her before he'd even seen her face. That image of her strolling to the window and shutting the drapes in that beautiful long nightgown with her ocean of black hair tied back up into a half up half down style, kept playing out in his mind, over and over again making his feet move faster as he crossed the bridge ahead of him and approached the luxurious limestone doors.

....only to be shocked away the moment he grabbed the marble handle,

Daniel cried out in pain as the handle singed his hand and sent him flying a good ten feet off the porch. He hit the ground hard his hair now disheveled and his jacket ripped on the sleeve. He felt the muddy terrain beneath him soak his clothing an dhair but that wasn't nearly as bad as the stain his own sin had left on his soul, he couldn't enter the Villa.

I cannot go forth for I have sinned greatly. Daniels mind echoed.

Daniel should have known that the villa would reject his soiled hands and soul... it's heavenly reputation had disabled it from accepting a sinful person for centuries especially mortals. However Daniel know the only reason she was admitted inside was because she was pure almost as pure as the one Aaron called his partner if it weren't for his ahce to pine after her. Daniel knew he was worse than Aaron; Daniel put up this tough façade but he usually became more attached to those he cared about more so than Aaron did. It wasn't that Aaron wasn't as attached to Caitlyn as Daniel was to his love. It was that Aaron practiced self control better than Daniel ever had. In daniels mind it was all or nothing. In Aaron's mind it could be everything if he redeemed himself.

Luckily as Daniel sat up he heard the Villa doors fly open. Even though he was still winded from his fall the feeling didn't keep the smile from stretching across his lips when he saw her. Out she came her eyes wide with concern and her nightgown flowing behind her like an ocean wave and her hips were the shore.

"Daniel" she exlaixemd and again Daniel took pleasure in the way it sounded coming off her lips.

Even though the weight of heaven wweighed down his shoulders Daniel stood not caring that his legs and back were popping from his landing. He limped to her wishing he could run. If he were still immortal he would be healed by now.

"Marissa!" the word studdedred off his tongue weekly

Once she was close enough he collapsed into her open arms. He was week, both physically and emotionally. She looked up at him as they held each other.

"You're bleeding! Oh god, Daniel, you're bleeding!" she exclaimed in her thick Italian accent but all Daniel could do was give into the spell that was her sea deep royal blue eyes.

"I don't regret it" Daniel muttered weakly finding it hard to keep his eyes open.

"Daniel?" Marissa broached trying to get him to repat the words he meant with all his heart.

One last time before he fainted he repeated his words again and they were burned into the ground there like the engraving on a tombstone.

"I do not regret it..."

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