Chapter 7

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Caitlyn P.O.V

Verena had been right the villa resided on a hill isolated from the rest of the world just across the stone bridge that lead us across the river. The villa was desolate yet grand. Stone pillars stood tall and beneath the canopy of stone were cracked steps that lead up to the stone doors. The villa was a light vanilla colour and looked ancient. If I looked high enough I could see balconies on the top floor. However the ruthless sun was beating down on my pupils and I tired not to look up too often,

Daniel was the first up the steps and I could see why. He looked tired and worn more than I've ever seen a person be. He had dark circles under his eyes and his tan skin seemed to be paler. I felt a little sorry for him even if we didn't see eye to eye all the time. Yet this feeling in my gut told me that the reason for Daniel's gaunt face wasn't just exhaustion.

Nevertheless he pushed his entire weight against the massive doors and opened them, then with one push, they flew open and made a loud creaking noise. He began to pant and looked back at us.

"Hurry up I'm tired." Daniel snapped then stormed inside.

"Whats up with him?" I asked as vernea and I began up the steps suddenly feeling a little less sorry for Daniel.

"He's just....tired." the hesitation in her voice made a red flag go up in my mind. She was hiding something and so was Daniel. "Arent you ready to get out of these clothes and relax? It's so hot out."

I was too exhausted to argue. Vernea was right about one thing. I was really tired. All the traveling that had been going on for the past day and a half had taken a toll on me. I wasn't used to having my feet on the ground; I was used to being on a train, sitting stiffly in those cushioned booths and peering around the velvet drapes to see the outside world. I could not touch. It was either that or flying with Verenea and Daniel which I didn't mind.

I ignored Verena's hesitation and began up the steps.

Only to be stopped by a tall women standing at the door.

I had just began to walk inside the Villa when she'd apperared. For some reason she seemed familiar. Short, dark hair and black holes in her pupils. Her skin was sun kissed and her arms were crossed. She was tall and thin. I was lost in her beauty yet shaking in my sneakers. She was beautiful yet intimidating. The tank top she was wearing exposed the tattoos of a flock of birds trailing up from the edge of her collarbone, over her shoulder and down her spine where the ink disappeared into her shirt.

She smiled looking down her nose at me. her mouth read benevolence but her eyes read conniving. I had a bad feeling about her but every time I looked away from her eyes and at the smile on her face, it seemed to fade away. She extended her right hand towards me.

"You must be Caitlyn." She began still looking at me with that same dark beauty. "I'm Lamia. I'm friends with Daniel and Verena." She had a heavy Latin American accent.

"Uh....Hi" I hesitantly extended my hand to shakes her's.

Everything was fine until her hands touched.

She gripped my hand firmly and didn't remove her eyes from mine. Everything around us disapperared, never had I been so intimidated in my life. There was no in between now. She was a threat and I knew it.

Yet there was nothing I could do about it. Thankfully Verena intervined.

"Nice to see you again Lamia." Verena beamed smiling with kindness in her eyes. "I believe Caitlyn should catch up on her sleep and get something to eat after the long trip once we introduce her to your brother. "Shall we go inside?"

Brother? There's another one? I felt like I was going to be sick.

"Of course," Lamia agreed smiling a smile that seemed to stretch all the way up to her ears. "Follow me"

Vernea followed closely behind as if she didn't notice Lamia's odd dark vibe. I followed also my hands trembling and my palms sweating.

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