Chapter 23

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Aaron P,OV

"I know a way," Aaron said as they approached the Villa, Daniel following close behind with a nervous look on his face. Daniel saw Vernea turn back to him with a look of concern then finally she turned to Aaron and spoke up. Daniel looked away in embarrassment as she explained to Aaron that Daniel could not step into the Villa. Aaron looked back at him and then nodded.

"We'll go in, Daniel just for a moment. Then we'll meet you back In the garden in the gazebo."

Daniel remembered the small wooden gazebo. If you followed that path that lead through the garden out into the small groove just beyond the villa,there was a gazebo there. Daniel often remembered moments during the years and years he has been alive that would go there to just think and look out at the evening sky not having a single thought because at the time he had lost everything he'd ever cared about. He'd like to think he found It again.

Daniel grinned at the thought.

Marissa had been a mere travesty, a loss in a sea of losses that Daniel had learned to just accept. However he had realized these past few days that Marissa had been the biggest hit in the heart he had ever taken and he regretted ever pushing her out of his mind. He was a lucky man to have her back in his life,even if she didn't currently know who she was and that she had been with him before. He looked up at the sky wondering what was going on in the clouds but realized he didn't care. He had his Marissa and that's' all that mattered. Never would he thirst to taste the atmosphere of Heaven again, because as long as he had Marissa he had his own small piece of the utopia in the sky with him always.

As the others went inside. Daniel headed into the garden. Usually at a time such as this one, he would walk quickly not paying attention to his surroundings. But as of late he had been taking time to smell the roses. As he walked he breathed in the scent of roses and violets as he strolled down the path, finally coming to the groove's enterence. He had thought he was alone, but then he looked up to see a figure siting below the gazebo. When he realized who it was, his brow furrowed.

"Lamia?" Daniel called out as he approached the gazebo,

Just as he'd thought. He'd watched as she craned her neck to look at him giving him a large menacing smile. Daniel to  no fool, he knew of Lamia's nature and what turmoil she could possibly cause. But in order to keep up his relationship with Marissa and the alliance they all had together, he had to tolerate her. Yet he did not trust her as far as he could throw her.

"Hello Daniel," Lamia almost hissed rising from her seat and stepping down the stone steps of the gazebo to greet him, something she rarely ever did, "I was excepting my sister here and I'm waiting for her."

"Marissa?" Daniel asked with confusion. "It is a rare occasion that she comes out here. Why would she come out here now?"

"To meet with me of course!" Lamia crackled turning her back to him and stepping back under the gazebo. "I summoned her to speak with my privately so you should dismiss yourself."

The tone that Lamia used with him was starting to infuriate Daniel. She couldn't just boss him around. In fact he was the one that had authority over her.

"For your information and enlightenment the others will be meeting me outside here in a moment to discuss important matters having to do with Caitlyn's disappearance. I respect your relationship with Marissa but it's my preference that you either conduct this later or do it someplace away from here." Daniel explaned trying to remain level headed.

Lamia';s eyes suddenly took on a rich shade of emerald green and she stood balling her fists.

"My sister and I have important matters to discuss also so I suggest you leave." She snarled steeping a foot closer to him.

"Why are you so presistant? If you two only plan to engage in converstation, then it's not crucial that you do it here. We plan to summon Caitlyn's soul here since it is a place that her soul has touched. It can't be tainted by anything of or relative to your nature, if I may say so without offending you and your kind." Daniel said trying to keep his patience and remain respectful.

Daniel caught sight of her eyes then and it made warning signals go off in his head. He suddenly have to ask. "What do you plan to do with Marissa anyways?"

Lamia's skin had seemed to grow paler by the second and her expression had gone from irritable to angered. Daniel's eyes widened as Lamia raised her hands gasping as he realized her fingers seemed to ooze a green essence that posed a threat for anyone near.

"I said leave.!" Marrisa barkedwith fury.

All Daniel could do was shield his face as he felt the air around them thicken. However as she prepared to attatck him whether it be by devouring stricking or trapping him, he heard a delicate yet strong voice erupt from beside him,


He felt a presence in front of him and a loud boom erupt from around the entire area. Just as the others were arriving with alarm at the commotion, Daniel looked up and felt instant heartbeak as he opened his eyes to see Marissa in front of him crippled and wounded, still breathing but barely hanging onto life.

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