Chapter 25

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They say that blood is actually blue rather than red when it is in your body. Science has proven that the reason for this is because the blood has not been ozygented yet so that makes a chemical reaction to change the colour of the fluid. Marissa however always thought there was another reason for this. She always imagined more than blood coming out of your body especially when you die. Memories would leak.  Feelings, emotions. Perhaps she thought, that would change the colour from blue to red due to the abundance of human pathos since red is a much more powerful passionate colours than blue. Blue nevertheless could be a more calm recolvise colour. When In the body you are hiding your true feelings and emotions so perhaps that is why blood is blue when inside of your body.

Right now Marrisa's blood is red.

Looking down at her own bloodied body she sees scratches and contortions that she usually would not see if she were in good health. There is a long horrible scar on her stomach. She can see the blood starting to stain her shirt. That is where the focus of her sisters strike had been; her own sister, stricking Marrisa. She couldn't bea the thought yet she couldn't look away. Marissa knew she had to asses the situation.

On her forehead though she cannot see it must be a laceration. She knows because the blood keeps dripping onto her eye and making it sting. Her eye is also burning and swelling too which means she might be developing an infection just from the blood that has been dripping into it for the past few minutes.

Her leg is the part that hurts the most. Looking down her body to below her adodemn one leg looks perfectly normal. Maybe a little bruised but not anything to be worried about. However her other leg her left one is not only bruised with the turmoil of her sister but is also bleeding and twisted into a terrible shape that no human could imagine as being functional.

With the way Marissa is looking she knows she wont surive.she knew before she even saw her body. There is something bigger going on than a few scars and broken bones. Lamia didn't just strije her body she struck Marissa's soul becsuse Marrisa can feel it.  Deep inside her she can feel things internallt shaping and shafting. She is nothing immortal since the traits skipped a generation in her family but she has been around her siblings enough to know what can happen and why it happens. She remembered years ago when she was young her grandfather had brought her an antique watch that she is still wearing to this day. Handing Ir to her the wise old man with the glasses and neat haircut had spoke the same familiar words she had always kept as he sat down next to her and tapped the glass that proteceed th clock.

"When this watch stops so will you."

She didn't know what it menat then but she knew now. She looked down at her wrist and slowly carefully turned it over so that the watch was facing her. It had not stopped yet but the minutes had began to slow down. It was stuck on the same time that it had been right before she came out right before she'd come out here. She'd knwn the watch wasn't a universal watch when her grandfather fashioned it for her. It was a watch coordinated to her own time something her grandfather a mortal angel hybrid had given to her.

Now as death approaches she cherishes that memory like it was just yesterday.  She looked up at Daniel. He looked down at her,both pain, worry and acceptance in his eyes. His checks were stained with tears . before Marissa could pen her mouth to say anything Aaron rushed over to them.

He kneeled down to Marissa's level and studied her for a brief moment, then his eyes rose to Daniel.

"I don't mean to make it sound as if Marissa is just a thing ready to be used and tossed away. Even so she must live a moment longer, she is what we need to resurrect Caitlyn." Aaron explained.

Daniel looked angry. He looked furious and heartbroken and vexed all at once. Marissa watched as he swallowed his pride and looked back up at Aaron and nodded. Then he looked down at Marrisa,

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