Chapter 6

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Aaron P.O.V

Heaven in ruins. How taboo that sentence. Heaven is supposed to be a place full of happiness and rejoicing. Or at least for everyone but Aaron it was. Aaron bowed his head. Not even the other inhabitants of the sky could enjoy that weightless, ecstatic feeling that Hevan gave them anymore. It was just....destroyed. Aaron looked off into the distance. It seemed like after Cass had left all of his other collegues had too. The gates were in shambles and the gold no longer glowed instead the colour was a dull bronze. Heavens gates only glowed when they were standing tall. When they were broken their true appearance came out. Rusty ugly metal.

Aaron looked around at the other angels too. They all walked around looking shell shocked, their limbs stiff and their eyes wide. Some of them picked up planks of wood and bricks from buildings. Others weeped and dropped to the ground among the glass and debris. Some angels looked unscathed. Others had tapered wings from flying debris and wounds all over their bodies. Aaron looked down and examined himself. He had a few cuts and bruises and rips in his clothing, yes but his main concern was with his wings. The feathers were tapered and the bones were broken from flying up through the portal. Each time he moved even a little bit shockwaves of pain moved through his body causing him to cringe and shiver and moan.

He had fialed them once again.

For a second he wondered why he was so upset about his failure. These people were the same people that condemned him and ridiculed him for falling in love with a mortal. Why should he care about their condition? All he got in Heaven was strange looks from people and hushed whispers. They had failed why should he care if he failed them?

Aaron shook his head. He was being arrogant. The main focus here was on the Angels and Heaven's condition, not his own silly problems.

Aaron looked behind him to see what was there and what he spotted was like a little circle of Heaven that had gone unscathered. The shimmering pure light that usually lingered around Heaven was still there while the surrounding area was dim and unlit. Small fragments of sparkling mana food for angels fell within that section. And Aaron instantly gravitated towards it. Within this small circle was a piano that was still standing the only thing left standing. He remembered seeing the exact same piano many times before he fell sometimes when there were ceremonies, angels would play for it but only angels of high authority.

He ran one if his hands over the golden engraved wood. It was untouched, unscathed. A brand new patch of skin among bruised,broken ones.

He sat down at the bench in front of the piano and gently rested his fingers on the keys. He hadn't played the piano in ages... he preferred the organ. However he was drawn to this piano in particular one he had never enough credit to play.

There was no music sheets but Aaron didn't need any. He just started to push the keys down, orchestrating his own tune. The movement flowed naturally through his fingers as if this piano was fitted perfectly for him and him for it. As he played the circle of light around him began to get brighter even though the rest of Heaven was dark and dull. Angels came out of the darkness and gathered around the piano in a circle watching Aaron in confusion and awe. Aaron knew what they were thinking. How could the most disrespected angel in Heaven play that piano? But he payed no mind to it... he just kept playing. He felt an odd sense of release as he played, something he only felt around Caitlyn. He played for her.

When he finally felt satisfied, he ended his creation with soft notes and let his fingers slide off the keys. When he looked up he was surprised that almost every inhabitant of Heaven had joined him.... Even the Wisps were purple emtities made of human souls that died in ways that didn't allow them to become angelic such as murder or corruption. Their souls were stuck in a mortal state. Purple floating silhouettes of the humans that the soulds belong too,, faceless. Aaron understood the,... what it felt like to be rejected.

He had just wanted to walk away. Be done with it and fly back to Earth to visit his Caitlyn after much too long. He wanted to not care... but when he tried to he couldn't. even if he was no longer welcome in Heaven, deep down he accepted it as a home ti him.... Because once before the great war it was his home.

So instead of walking away he diid something else. He stood on the bench next to the piano and let his tapered broken wings stay out no matter how much it pained him.

He cleared his throat and spoke,.

"This has been the last straw...." His voice quaked with anger. "The last time we fail. For so long,for eon's.... we have let things like this slip...we have allowed ourselves to be tormented." He stood up straight "I am not your leader, your god...I am far from it. But I will say this we cannot let this happen again. First it was peace on earth. Then it was our sense of security....but they will not take our home..." Aaron jumped down from the bench and onto his feet. "This is heavens last stand.... And you can either lock your pride away and fight for your home, your people or hide away in the shadows and cower like we have been for centuries."

And without another word he dropped through the clouds and into Earth's atmosphere, his broken wings struggling to keep up with the harsh winds and his movements.

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