Chapter 14

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Bobbi's head fell back and landed harder than she expected against the wall. Her bureau caught her legs and her body crumpled, relaxing for the first time all day. Every part of her ached and let out a collect sigh. Her brain was at the top those complaining. With her eyes closed, the soft breeze blowing through the open windows of her bedroom was the only thing she could sense. A strong word and harsh argument floated in from the fading afternoon light outside every once in awhile. Bobbi felt the tiniest bit of reassurance at the thought of Rosie and Alfie still holed up in the studio, hashing it out over the pile of half-completed songs she had thrown their way. Sam's drum beats came through during the quiet moments and their work as a whole continued to move forward.

A faint cloud had migrated over the heads of each band member over the past couple of days. Not even Rosie seemed immune. Although no one dared mention it. Not that they wanted to. It would only bring the reality of their situation closer to home.

The clouds held only one word and the same word for each of them, it seemed. One word that held so much power within itself. Album, with a faint but strong handed undertone of Soon. It came from the label by way of Alex the minute the band touched back down in LA. When the wheels of the plane hit the ground, so did the band. Maybe not in the exact way the label had hoped, but it was forward irregardless. And they hadn't stopped since.

All dove head first into a variety of other projects with only half a head actually dedicated to anything resembling the album. They allowed for a quick break when Rosie reappeared at their doorstep when she re-entered the city and took residence once again on their property. She did so with a bottle of champagne in her hand and a round of congratulations for Sam and his new bride-to-be. The spontaneous reunion celebration fizzled at Rosie's about when Bobbi's wedding to was going to be. She claimed it was off her own intuition and not off of the load of crap she was sure to have read in the newspapers. Reality nudged its way further into their dining room with the remark and helped break up the party.

Alex continually brought updates from Management along with several strong nudges from the label in a vain hope to help guide the band in the right direction. The label's instructions were set aside and thrown out of mind when uttered. The one's from management were not so easily ignored. Nor were they nearly as subtle or kindly worded. Annette and Bernard seemed to be riding a high from their shenanigans in Boston and were shifting Bobbi and Theo into a higher gear.

The album was at a near stand still, with an unspoken agreement between all involved that they had nothing to go on and nothing driving them forward. The label remained a mere notice and hard glare in the form of Alex and neither weren't helping the flow of creativity between the band.

Alfie's main source of procrastination became helping Rosie with her own record when not arguing over the scarce material he had for his own. That left Bobbi and Theo with only their responsibilities to Management and their 'image' to distract them. And Sam was spending half of his time flying back and forth to Boston to start preparations for his now up and coming nuptials. He was the only one with a valid excuse, it seemed, for not giving full attention and effort to the album, the one thing they were all suppose to be doing.

Bobbi's feet winced when she finally opened her eyes and found stilettos staring back at her. Her brain's plea for a quiet night was temporarily and forcibly gagged. Spending most of the previous week and a half stuck slouched in a lawn chair, lounging in the sun, attempting to her purge mind of any sort of worthy song idea was proving exhausting. She had managed to write plenty. But nothing actually worth sharing or even allowing it to be heard by another human being. It was all crap and she knew it. Her brain was exhausted from continuous failure and the thought of one more minute spent on the property helped her quickly regained momentum in her limbs to keep her body moving forward. Her day was far from over and her night was only just beginning.

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