Chapter 9

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"Alright! Out! Everyone out! We've got ten minutes for red carpet. Group shots first, then couples. I've got Aaron and Kylie on standby. No interviews. Let's go!"

Alex shouted her commands over her shoulder as Frank brought the car to a stop.
She stepped out on the the curb, her speed and intensity instantly at its peak. The volume of the atmosphere rose as ambient noise from the outside flooded the interior.

"Why do I feel like I've been drafted into the army?" Alfie said, leaning over to open his door.

"Because we're at war, with Alex as our commanding officer." Sam offered.

Theo laughed softly, giving Bobbi's hand a quick squeeze then releasing his grip as he climbed out to follow the rest.Bobbi gathered up the black folds of her train, her feet already feeling the pinch of her stilettos. Theo stayed by the car door and had his hand outstretched for her to grab as she stepped onto the sidewalk.

The early evening chill was setting in but Bobbi barely had time to register the shiver that ran through her body as Alex guided them towards the awaiting aisle of photographers and red carpet coordinators. She caught a quick glimpse of a second head of blonde hair retreating out of the other black SUV parked behind Frank, following behind Aaron's tall frame. Alex recaptured her attention as she directed them to their first mark and set them up in their set positions. Bobbi's face took on it's instinctual smolder as the cameras started flashing and she took her spot in front of the rest of the band. She smile faltered a bit when she turned to move to the next mark and saw Theo imitating her look. He winked at the sight of her lips pressed together in a tight smirk.

His pleasant expression fell flat as Alex called out for Aaron to join Bobbi. Bobbi barely got the chance to send him back a warm smile as Aaron appeared seemingly from nowhere and wrapped his arm around her waist. His hand wasn't as low as she was sure he would have wanted it to be but it was low enough Bobbi could almost feel the scowl that flashed across Theo's face.

She could hear cries for Kylie but the rest of Alex's commands were drowned out.  Bobbi instead focused her energy on making her smile seem as genuine as possible as Aaron held her close to his side, turning their coupling every which way for the cameras.
Luckily, Alex called out for everyone to head inside before Bobbi could start to go blind. She was nearly pulling Aaron along with her as she climbed the few steps before heading into the museum.

Alfie and Sam rejoined Bobbi and her date in the large lobby. The high ceilings echoed back the noise and the cries from outside every time the glass doors were opened to let in another guest of the Be Better, Be Best charity gala. The lobby's low lighting illuminated the few guests dawdling outside the large ballroom, emitting music and energy from its rows of open double doors.

The sounds from outside filled the air once again and Bobbi turned back to glance at the newcomers. Her stomach dropped at the sight and an all too familiar of wave of nausea crashed over her. Alfie must have seen her lose all color in her cheeks, a fate even the large amounts of makeup she wore for such an event could not have remedied. He was instantly at her side, grabbing her arm and leading her inside the ballroom. 

"Come on, Bob. Better head in."

Bobbi worked hard to keep her smile set as Aaron took charge. Alfie didn't leave her side when his grip dropped from her arm, blocking the sight of any other guests entering the ballroom.

"Eyes forward, kid. Or you'll never make it out alive."

Bobbi caught Alfie's eyes while turning her head back forward and found a sympathetic smile. She kept her feet moving and followed Aaron's lead as he guided her into the large ballroom.

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