Chapter 6

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They finished taping the show late, and it didn't help that they stayed to chat it up with Jamie an extra hour after. And of course even before the audience left, all four managed to convince the producers to let them talk to some of their fans and take pictures with as many as they could. They only finally left the studio when the crew started shutting down for the night.

By the time Alex managed to herd them all into the back of the car, the moon was high in the sky and a chill wind whipped through the empty parking lot. They stopped for burgers on their at back to the hotel, mainly at Rosie's request, claiming she was literally starving. Alex only gave in when everyone solemnly promised to head to bed right as they reach the hotel.

Bobbi was up early the next morning, her alarm waking her up and forcing her out of bed even before Sam had started coffee and even before Alex could let herself into their hotel room to make sure everyone was up and moving. Bobbi gave Rosie a nice shove as she passed her bed towards the shower. The only response was a loud groan and a vague shift in the figure passed out underneath the mountain of blankets. Bobbi only put any effort into actually waking her up when she returned from her shower, fully clothed, hair and makeup done and Rosie had still yet to move.

"Get up, Rosie!" Bobbi tried shaking her shoulder but an arm sprang from the blankets and hurled itself in her direction. She barely had the chance to take a step back and miss getting whacked in the head.

"Alright. Fine. Don't get up. Just don't complain to me when you have to walk back to the house because you missed your ride."

Bobbi packed up the last of her things and headed for the door leading out. Rosie had managed to pull the blankets down so Bobbi could actually see her face but no advancements in the vertical direction had yet to be made.

"The car heading back to the house leaves in half hour." Bobbi called out, closing the door behind her.

Theo plopped down in the chair next to her only a few minutes later, his elbows resting against the dining table as his eyes refused to stay open.

"Well," Bobbi said, leaning forward and planting a soft kiss on his unshaven cheek, "Aren't we lively this morning?"

Theo mumbled a reply Bobbi couldn't quiet catch. In reply she leaned forward and filled a mug full to the brim with coffee, adding a dash of milk and placing it in front of him.
"Here you go." She said, just as he mumbled again. She caught it this time.

"Coffee. Need coffee."

He finally opened his eyes once the scent from the steaming mug wafted upward. Bobbi made him a plate of food as he sipped his coffee and started to wake up. Alfie, Sam and Rosie joined them for a breakfast of room service as Alex rattled off the schedule for the day. Everyone listened in silence as they ate, the only time Alex could get all five of them to shut up at the same time being when they were all eating. She had discovered this early on and took full advantage of it with breakfast meetings almost daily.

"Okay. Alfie, Sam, and Rosie, you guys have a car coming to pick you up in just a few minutes to take you back to the house. Theo, your car will arrive shortly after. Bobbi, you car will leave precisely fifteen minutes after Theo's and you guys will meet up at the management offices just in time for your meeting this morning. Everyone understand?"

Alex took a second to make eye contact with each person occupying the table and to receive a head nod in the affirmative before putting her stack of papers back in her briefcase and settling down to eat herself.

"I really need to get a car." Theo mumbled, throwing his fork down on his plate and pushing it away.

"Yeah, you do." Bobbi agreed, sipping her own coffee.

Someday Maybe [INCOMPLETE - NEVER GOING TO BE FINISHED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin