Chapter 8

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A chill evening wind rushed into the car as soon as Bobbi opened the door and stepped out of the passenger seat. Theo threw the driver's door shut and Bobbi met him at the trunk. She raised her sunglasses and rested them on top of her head, looking around. The low lighting of the slowly fading sun cast a warm glow over the parking lot.

Theo had the trunk open and was passing Bobbi her guitar case when the band van pulled up beside them and everyone else hopped out. Alfie jumped out of the drivers seat and immediately started filling the air with words as Sam opened up the back and Rosie joined him to help unload.

"Rosie. Seriously. What are you getting us into?"

Bobbi followed his gaze towards a steady flow of college students all heading in the same direction.

"Calm yourself, Alfred. They're just youths. They won't kill you."

Rosie came and stood by him, thrusting the case containing his bass into his stomach. The force shut him up momentarily and Rosie started for the current of kids. Sam slammed the back doors shut, and with the rest of his drum set in arms, he followed Rosie. Theo shut the trunk of his own car, and, with guitar case in one hand and Bobbi's hand in the other, he started off. Bobbi laughed as she turned back to see Alfie rolling his eyes before falling in line with the rest of them.

Rosie led their small caravan and kept up the pace as she crossed the parking lot and stepped up onto a path winding through a sprawling lawn spotted with trees and ancient looking brick buildings. Alfie soon got over himself and caught with Theo and Bobbi as they kept a few steps behind Rosie and Sam.

"Dude, Alex came through with those rentals." Alfie said.

Theo smiled and looked over at him.

"Seriously. Thank goodness, too. I was gonna go mad if we had to keep relying on Frank to take us everyone."

"Alex still wants me to take Frank with me when ever I go out, so luckily that means he not out of a job." Bobbi said.

"Good thing, too. I doubt that Aaron kid would try anything if you've got Frank keeping an eye on things. I mean, the dude's got a heart of gold but a serious arm of steel. Still slightly scares the crap out of me."

Bobbi laughed but Theo nodded his head in agreement.

Rosie's laugh burst through the darkening twilight and floated on the wind back towards Bobbi, Theo and Alfie. Alfie's brighter mood dimmed again and his face was set back in a scowl.

"Why are we even doing this? This is so stupid." He grumbled.

"What are you talking about?" Bobbi said. "We use to do this all the time."

"Obviously. It just seems like, recently, we just do everything Rosie tells us to do." Alfie said. "And Sam just goes along with it."

"Dude, you're just still mad that her lyrics won out for the bridge on 'Part-Time Friendship'." Theo said.

Alfie shook his head.

"It's not that, man."

He paused before continuing, glaring at Rosie as she leaned towards Sam, her laughter causing her to double over.

"Ever since Rosie's hijacked the pool house, everything's in chaos. I mean look! She's got Sam cracking jokes. What the heck? Do you know he said a pun the other day. The dude is the epitome of dry humor and he resorted to a pun. That ain't right."

Bobbi started to speak, trying to figure out a reply that would settle Alfie down. But Rosie called back to them before she could, urging them to hurry up.

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