1. Meeting The Angel

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A white light surrounded me. I couldn't tell if they were open or closed, even though it really didn't matter. The light was shining so brightly, it could have shone right through me.

It was warm, but not scorching hot. At least that's how it started. It grew warmer and warmer as a wind blew stronger and stronger against me.

I felt a solid surface hit me- or did I hit it? Either way, the impact was painful. The light faded quickly, along with all th heat and wind. I opened my eyes to find myself laying on my right side, my body pressed against the dirt.

I sat up and found myself in a crater. The crater in the ground was warm, a bit of flame on the rim, but it soon faded. I felt tiny surges of pain hit my face and right side.

I ignored the minor aches and struggled onto my own two feet. I rubbed my arm and felt a bit of wetness. I looked at my left hand to see blood smudged on it. I looked down at my arm to see it bleeding in several spots. I felt my head, now in worse pain, to find a deep cut a half inch down from my hairline.

I held my arm and walked up the steep side of the crater. I walked with a limp, all the pain on my right side growing worse. I walked several feet from the crater and took in my surroundings.

The trees around me were very tall and thick, the tops of the trees forming a lush, green canopy. The wood of the trees were slightly wet, only more towards the top. The canopy bolt by their leaves had been shielding the ground from rain. I heard it now.

All around me were trees. I chose a direction and limped as far as my aching body would let me. It had seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes to finally see an end to the forest. I saw a clearing and picked up as much pace as I could.

I walked out of the trees and into the coldness of the rain. I realized the ground underneath me was no longer soft and uneven, it was tough and smooth. I looked to me feet to find concrete underneath my blue jean Levi shoes.

The black leggings and pale blue t-shirt I was wearing were now soaked in rain. The red flannel tied around my waist wasn't as wet, but still had been covered in rain. I brushed a strand of wet brown hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.

I heard a rumbling noise from behind me. It grew louder, and I soun around to see a black car speeding towards me. It haulted to a stop inches from me, even though I had stepped back and put a hand out in front of me by instinct.

A man stepped out of the backseat of the car, which I had recognized to be a 1967 black Chevrolet Impala. Why I knew that remained a mystery. The man from the backseat was wearing a black suit and blue tie over a white shirt. To cover it all, he wore a tan trench coat. His short brown hair was almost immediately soaked by the rain.

He stepped away from the car and closed the door. He walked towards me with his head tilted to the side, curiosity and confusion flooding his ocean blue eyes. He looked me over and the curious look returned to his face.

Two other men stepped out of the car simultaneously. The one from the driver's seat was a bit taller than the man 3 feet away from me. His hair was a brown color, a tint of blonde hiding amongst it. He was wearing a black t-shirt, jeans and a green flannel.

The other guy was the tallest of the bunch with chin length brown hair. He was wearing something similar to the driver, but was only different by having only a buttoned down grey-blue flannel on.

They took a few steps to look at me closely. These two scanned me just as the first one had. The middle-height guy had a stern look, the tallest with a confused, but kind look. The first was still buried in confusion.

"Who are you?" The first man asked me in a slightly gruff voice. Although his voice wasn't the smoothest, it was kind and caring.

"I..." I began to speak, but then realized I didn't know much about myself. I knew my name.... That's all I could recall. "My name is Angelica."

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