Twenty Five

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As you probably know I republished CH24 even though there were no changes. This is because Wattpad wouldn't add a part after it but before. Hence why the bit about why CH25 is so late is before it.



Shikamaru and Naruto sat in their room. Both had arranged their things so both of them were sat quietly at the centre table. They both sat staring at each other, neither of them quite sure what to say.

"So... Shika you were very impressive during the fight earlier. Thank you because obviously I have to be careful about how much I reveal. The way you trapped everyone with your shadow jutsu and stabbed them was very efficient." Naruto cleared his throat. His face was still in a slightly poker expression, though he could hear his heart beat in his ears.

"Thank you. I hope you don't mind but I wanted to know how your injury is and what you meant about how you were a weapon to Minami, although I have round about worked it out. Minami also told me a few bits about how you had no emotions when you met Shiro but that's it." Shikamaru asked awkwardly.

"My wound has healed up. The fox decided to heal it after I asked for Minami's help. The weapon situation is difficult... Danzo recruited me after I accidentally killed a ninja when he was trying to carve words on to me. He did get as far as Monster and half way through demon, I will give him that. For half a year, I was trained till I was half dead everyday, hence my strength. I still complete missions for him and sometimes for the Hokage too on top of my genin ones. That is my story." Naruto looked down.

"I'm glad you are still you. If that villager was still alive, he'd be dead by tomorrow anyway because I would have killed. No one will ever harm you like that again now I'm here. I'll make sure you won't have to waste your talent on them. I will protect you, I promise." Shikamaru promised.

He grabbed Naruto's hand and stared him straight in the eyes. 


Now its is my school holidays I am planning a few updates so this marks the beginning. Their natural development, of course Shiro's plans will go ahead. Thanks for your support guys.

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