Devil of a Man

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It was mid day by the time we made it back to the training grounds. My body was sore even though it had only been a couple hours. We were to have a quick bite to eat and replenish our tanks on the 3DM Gear so we could head back out. Hanji seemed pleased with my skill level stating it was almost on par with Levi. It may had been years since I last used the gear yet for some reason it all came rushing back to me as I left the ground for the tall trees overhead.
I smiled to myself thinking back of those days. Though they were long ago I could still see them so vividly.

"Was Levi the one who taught you?" Hanji asked as they landed next to me with ease.
"Yeah, without him by my side back then I think I would have lost all hope." My heart fluttered at the thought of Levi. The one who I had given myself to and will always be a part of me forever more.
"I always had a feeling there was someone out there that Levi was trying to protect." Hanji said as they unbuckled the 3DM Gear from there hip. I processed what they said as I also began removing my gear.
"He can be quite prickly at times can't he? Thanks for looking out for him." I smiled sincerely hoping they knew just how thankful I truly was. It was nice to think that Levi had still been looking out for me through our time apart and I began wishing I could see him right now. My face must of reflected my thoughts because Hanji began to laugh at me. The sudden weight of there hand was felt on my shoulder and I looked to there face. I was surprise to see there eyes happily looking into mine. "I leave him in your care now, it's quite refreshing to see him not moping around. It feels as if he has found his purpose."
"Is there a reason why your so close to y/n?" A voice laced with annoyance came from behind me and my stomach fluttered at the sound.
Hanji's hand left my shoulder and they took a step back giving me my space. I turned around to see Levi standing there with pose looking to me then to Hanji with a scowl on his face. "What kind of nonsense are you filling her head with now Hanji?"
I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips as I smiled at the one I loved.
I reached out and took ahold of his hand with mine and his eyes floated back to me. His expression softened as he peered down at my face. "Did you come to fetch me for lunch Levi?" I questioned as my hand lightly squeezed his own. A small smile began to form on his lips making it hard not to want to kiss them.
"I've never seen you look at anything that passionately before Levi. It soots you well."
Levi's face slightly flushed at Hanji's words making my heart thump loudly in my chest.
"Hey now, if you tease him like that it might make him have the opposite affect!" I said as I turned around to look at Hanji. I felt Levi's hand slink around my waist and twirl me around. No sooner as I faced him his lips brushed against my forehead. "Hanji was only stating the truth, thank you for being concerned for my feelings." He whispered into my ear sending a pleasant shiver throughout my body.
"I shall bring y/n back within the hour, if that's alright with you Hanji." Levi said as he stared down into my eyes. There was authority to his words as if Hanji had no other choice but for them to comply. I didn't realize how embarrassing I felt until my eyes found Hanji. They had an ear to ear grin on there face as they looked at the both of us.
"How can I say no to something so cute. Just be sure to bring her back to me okay." Hanji smiled and waved brightly as Levi wrapped an arm around me his hand slightly pushed me forward on the small of my back sending a wave of warmth through out my body.
We walked side by side as we made are way to the mess hall for lunch. Our hands were so close to touching several times but I new we should uphold a certain appearance in front of the other cadets. I let a loud sigh escape wishing I could touch him. "Are you upset about something?"Levi said softly still looking forward.
"Oh no it's nothing." I replied as my eyes darted down to my feet. It was a silly thing for me to request of him yet I still would very much like to hold his hand.
"You're a horrible lier." As soon as the words left him I felt the warmth of his fingers slip around my hand and grasped it tightly. My heart leapt wildly within my chest wheal I could feel my cheeks slightly began to grow warm. Looking to the ground I watched as our feet guided us forward. Soon the sound of silence began to linger in the air. It were these kind of moments that I wanted to cherish most. I let my fingers intangel with his and slightly squeezed. "Why is it you always know what I'm thinking?" I said as I let my thoughts carry out into words.
"You tend to wear your emotions on your face. Like right now. You want me to whisk you away so we can have a little private time together."
My thoughts instantly carried me to a lued vision and I felt my body react to the vivid thought. I could almost feel his hot fingers over my burning flesh. The truth was that the pull of his eyes when he first showed up made me have this same thought.
"Am I really that easy to read Levi?" My voice was soft as I spoke down at the ground hiding my face that was growing hot. I could feel his gaze which made my heart beat feverishly within my chest.
I could only feel Levi's warmth as he stopped and turns me towards him. His free hand traced along my chin bringing my eyes up to his. Levi brushed his thumb lightly on my bottom lip as our gaze met. The need for him surged from within my core. The whole world around us seemed to disappear and all that I could see was him.
"When your face and body reacts to such a simple touch from me it's hard to resist the urge to want more of you." 
I only had enough time to whisper his name as his soft lips came down upon mine silently sealing any other words. Levi flicked his tongue to mine making me moan as I felt pressure from his hand on my back bringing my body closer to his.
"You will have to make due with this until tonight." His husky voice and hot breath tickled my sensitive skin.
"Why do you insist on playing with my heart like this?" My voice soft as I slowly pushed Levi away from me.
I felt his grip tighten around my waist. His lips began to turn upwards at my words.
"I love seeing your face flushed with your eyes only on me."
My heart began to beat wildly within my chest. I pulled away from his grasp, trying to brush away the thoughts that were going through my head.
"I'm going to get something to eat now. If you're done teasing me then you can follow." I said turning to leave.
I could hear Levi's little chuckle as my feet carried me further from that devil of a man.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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