To Love Someone

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I just want to apologize for this chapter being so long! I just couldn't stop writing! There is a lemon coming up too and it was my first one so I'm sorry if its not that great. Well hope you enjoy!

We didn't talk as we walked hand in hand towards the edge of town. I smiled softly to myself, thinking about how we probably looked like a couple walking like this. My cheeks started to grow hot with that thought.

We got to the spot in no time at all as the hole came into view. I was happy to see that the  stars were still out shining brightly in the night sky. I was in such high spirits that I ran a little ahead of him, still holding his hand and turned towards him tugging his arm slightly "Come on before it's too late!" I beamed.

When we got there I pulled out the bread that was wrapped in the piece of cloth first and handed it to Levi, "Here I brought breakfast today." Smiling at him.

He took it from me and I then pulled out the blanket and laid it down on the grass where it always belonged and I plopped down. Looking up at him I patted the blanket next to me to sit. Levi slowly sat down beside me letting his shoulder brush up against my own. "Thank you for the food." He said as he opened up the cloth to reveal the two loafs of bread and handed me one of them.

"Yeah, not a problem." Was all I could reply back as I eagerly took a bite of bread.

We watched the stars in silence as we ate. After I was done I leaned back with my arms outstretched behind me and sighed.

"I can't believe this is going to be the last time I'm going to see the stars at this angle." I said to him trying to brake this heavy silence that somehow had formed around us.

Levi didn't say anything.

I turned my head to look at him. His legs bent and his elbows were rested on each knee his long slender neck stretched towards the sky. He looked to be lost in thought as he stared  up at the stars. I turned my gaze back up just in time to see a shooting star, I gasped as it flashed brightly against the darkness of the night and then was gone, never to shine it's light again.

"Did you see that Levi!?" I said excitedly turning my head to him to find his grey eyes looking at me. Blushing instantly I looked back at the sky.
"I did see it y/n..... I just love the way your face lights up when you see something you like.... Did you know that you give me that same look when ever you see me? It makes me want to keep that smile from ever disappearing from that beautiful face of yours." Levi's gentle words touched me and left a warm feeling inside that quickly grew as I started to scan back to all the days I had spent with him. I couldn't think of one moment that I wasn't happy when I got to see him.

I slowly turned my face back towards him. He was now looking back up at the sky. It looked like he had a somber expression on his face making my heart drop as I realized that he must be upset about something. I had a feeling it had something to do with me leaving. I needed to stay strong for his sake as well as mine and hide the sadness that had been looming in the back of my mind for a week now of having to say goodbye to him. I wanted this day to be a good memory that I could bring with me not a sad one.

"Hey Levi?" I quietly spoke.

"Yeah?" He's voice was soft as he turned his head to look at me.

"T-thank you Levi. I just want you to know that I will be able to look back at this moment with you today and be able to smile, because just thinking of you will always make me happy. I'm truly grateful for all the memories we have got to share together over the years, but I think today is going to be my favorite memory of you because you said I was beautiful." I smiled at him brightly trying my best to to lift the mood he was in. I slightly chuckled to myself at the last little bit I said to the man of very little words. It was always fun to tease him when you got the chance. Wait a minute.... he actually said that I was beautiful! With that thought my cheeks began to get warm. H-he thinks I'm beautiful! My mind began to go back over what he said to me, oh god why did I have to make a joke about it he was being so sincere! Why am I such an idiot when it came to this kind of stuff! I was positive Levi saw my flushed cheeks and the panic in my eyes as gazed at me. He began to lightly chuckle, which made me feel even more embarrassed for myself.

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