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We walked in silence as we made our way back down the dirty streets to the clinic. There was a somber feeling in the air that hung heavy around both of us. Our footsteps echoing in the stillness.
My left hand was loosely clasped in his as my other was holding tightly to his shirt sleeve. I was wishing that I could some how take him with me, I felt his other hand lightly touch my own. We had stopped walking, looking at my surroundings for the first time I realized where we were with a sinking feeling washing over me as I looked up into his eyes.
"Well we're here." He said in almost a whisper braking the stillness of the night. "Yeah, I guess we are." Looking down, trying to muster up the courage to turn away from the man I loved, and go through that door.
"Everything will be fine y/n." Levi told me as his hand gently clasped my chin and pulled it up words to plant a soft kiss on my lips. I closed my eyes and begged for time to stop so we could stay just like this. No sooner as I made my plea the moment was gone. The warmth I felt on my lips lifted away.
"I'm not going to say goodbye to you Levi." I said to him with determination in my voice. He slightly smiled at my words. "Of course your not, it wouldn't be in your character if you did."
Moving up onto my tiptoes I planted a firm kiss on his soft lips. I then turned and started walking to the door. My mind and heart fighting with each other on what I should do.
All of a sudden I felt a strong firm grip on my wrist turning me around and a warm embrace engulfed my body.
Levi was holding me to his chest his sweet smell filling my nostrils.
"Just because you don't want to say goodbye doesn't mean I don't, you silly girl." His voice sounded sad and I knew he was hurting on the inside as much as me.
"Have I told you how good you smell Levi?"
I said as I barried my face in his chest letting this smell consume me.
Lightly chuckling he intertwined his fingers through my hair on the back of my head and brought my face up to make me look into his eyes.
"This is only a goodbye for now, okay y/n. There will come a day where our souls will be reunited with one another's. My love for you will never waiver, even if years go by and I'm not beside you. So please don't look so sad, your so much prettier when you smile." He then leans over my lips and kissed them gently. He continued to speak as he pulled away slightly. "Don't let anyone mess with you and don't do anything reckless. I know how stubborn you can be." And kisses me again this time a little deeper then before. Moving his lips away one last time he whispered under his breath. "I love you y/n." I let the last four words sink in fully as he engulfed my lips in a passionate kiss.
If this continues I'm not going to be able to go. We both lifted or lips away from each other's allowing the air to be captured by our lungs. "I love you too Levi" I said under my breath and tightly hugged him for the last time.
I let my hand flow down one of his arms and my fingers moved across the palm of hand as I turned to leave. I didn't want him to let go of it. I was trying my hardest not to let him see that I was braking down. As soon as the door shut behind me I leaned up against it. My hand cliched to my shirt where my heart had been. My body slowly slide down to the floor as tears instantly started to stream down my cheeks. I couldn't hold back any longer. I felt as if someone had ripped my heart out and had a tight grip on it. How was I ever to move forward without Levi by my side?
One of the healers ran over next to me, concern in her voice. "What is it y/n? Are you hurt?" She reached out her hand and placed it on my shoulder as her eyes gazed over me looking for a wound that I knew she wouldn't find. The pain I bore was not a superficial wound you could see nor heal for that matter. It felt as if there was a gaping hole in my chest where my heart used to flutter alive at the thought of Levi.
"I understand dear, let's get you upstairs where you can rest." The woman said as she griped under my shoulder picking me up from the ground. Tears were still falling from my eyes as she ushered me up the stairs.
Everything seemed to be in a haze as if I was only dreaming. Was I ever to see his gentle smile again? Why did this world have to be so cruel? Can I survive without him? Every question that appeared in my mind felt like a fresh stab wound to my chest. So this is what it feels like when you have a panic attack. I was losing control of everything I held dear to me and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
The healer had me around the waist as she pushed open the ajared door with her foot. I slumped against her too weak to hold myself upright as she helped me through the threshold and over to the bed. She then pulled back the blanket for which I slept ushering me to lay down. "There we go." She said as I slid in between the sheets and curled into a little ball hugging the side of my pillow as it slowly began to get hard to breathe as the tears continue to flow from my eyes. I tried desperately to consitrate on inhaling and exhaling.
"Calm yourself, my child." The healer cooed as she stroked my hair.
Her being near had a soothing affect on me and I began to breath properly after a few moments of panic.
"You may hurt for some time, but you have a strong will. This is only but a fleating moment in life, a stepping stone you may call it. You only need to keep faith that one day you two will meet again." The healer gently ran her fingers through my hair. Every thing she said to me made me feel more at ease and I began to get a better hold of my emotions.
I felt like I needed to be alone, to work out all my feelings that were whelling up inside of me.
"I-I will be a-alright now, thanks for h-helping me." I choked out as my tears slowly started to subside. I looked up at the women who was still sitting next to me on the bed and tried to give her a reassuring smile.
"Try to sleep now, I will be down stairs if you need to talk." The woman said as she got up and moved twords the door. I was thankful she didn't try to press me for information on what had happened. If I were to try talking about it I knew it would only end in more tears.
I rolled over tightening my grip on the pillow that I was still holding. Thoughts of Levi started flooding my mind again and it began to hurt. What was I going to do, could I really leave tomorrow? Would it be okay? Tears started to form in my eyes again and my vision began to blur. Not again I thought to myself as I succumbed to my feelings once again.
I don't know how long a laid there in tears until sleep washed over me. It was a dreamless sleep with nothing but darkness around me.

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