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My heart skipped a beat as he pulled me inside the dark room. Everything was happening so fast that I couldn't think straight. My eyes began to adjusted to the glow of the night sky coming through the large window and I felt Levi give my hand a gentle squeeze. "Wait here, I will light a candle." The warmth that I held disappeared and I heard the distinct sound of flint on steel that sent flecks of light into the black room illuminating Levi's face for a brief moment. The sparks danced in the air before they hit the awaiting wick that eagerly consumed theme. Slowly spreading its light across the darkness it bathed the decent size room with a warm glow. "Please have a seat." Levi said formerly.
I was confused why he would have brought me back to his room but I took a seat in front of his desk letting my curiosity get the best of me on what he wanted to give me. 
"I'm I even allowed to be in your room at this hour?" I questioned as I crossed my leg and leaned back in the chair.
"It would be frowned upon." He said as he moved over to the bookcase and reached for something. Peering across the room I tried to focuses on what he had in his hands when he turned back around to face me. The light seamed to bounce off what appeared to be something white as he came closer to the desk. He set down two porcelain tea cups and looked to me with a smirk. "I had just brought a kettle of boiled water to my room when I heard someone pass by my door. Thankfully I had already placed some leafs in to steep." He leaned over the desk to a teapot that I hadn't noticed until now. Levi opened the lid and I could see the heat rise into the chilly room. "Is this..." I began to say sitting more upright then before; sliding closer to the edge of my seat quit interested.
"Yeah, hopefully it's not to bitter since it's been sitting so long." With a soft click he set the top back on and picked it up gently. Tipping the pot slowly; Levi began to pour its dark amber contents into one of the cups and then the other. The steam steadily rose giving off a robust scent that made the inside of my mouth begin to water. "Here please have some." He's finger tips lightly held the rim of the cup as he passed it to me. "Thank you." I said as he set the warm porcelain in my hand and I cupped around it with my other one. I brought my nose closer to the aroma and closed my eyes letting the smell over take my senses. Tipping the warm fluid to my awaiting lips I let it slowly enter my mouth. My eyes widen at its flavor and I looked to Levi.
"Do you like it?" He asked, knowing all to well what my response was going to be. My face couldn't hide the joy I was feeling. "Very much." I said before I took another sip.
"I'm glad." Levi brought his cup up and took a sip from it as he looked upon my pleased face. "I've always loved the way your face lights up when your happy, you really haven't changed? Have you?"
My cheeks dusted red. I will never tire of hearing him say such sweet things to me.
"You really don't think I've changed?" My voice quizzical as I let my feet dangle from the chair, lightly kicking them to and fro much like a small child would do when they ware happy about something. Levi chuckled lightly and took another sip. "If anything you have become more stubborn. At least back then I was able to reason with you." He said slyly the corner of is mouth slightly turned upwards. I looked to him with a pout upon my lips. "Do you really think that?"
Levi let a chuckle out making me smile. "Why yes I do think that but in no way is it a bad thing though." I took another long sip from my cup with my eyes upon Levi. He was leaning up against the desk in front of me, his buttocks right against the rim a hand outstretched over the dark wood where his fingers were laid out. The years were extremely kind to him, his face was still young but his eyes told a deferent story. He had witnessed thing that I couldn't even try to understand without being there to see them with my own. He was the same but slightly different, all at the same time.
I brought myself up from the chair and let the blanket I still had around me slip from my shoulders where it crumpled into the chair. Taking a few steps towards the man that completed me. When ever I was around him it felt like my body would just act on its own. I lightly set my cup on the desk as Levi's followed my every movement. My heart was pounding in my chest as I stood in front of him, starring deeply into those soft grey orbs of his. "There are subtle changes." I said as I slowly reached my arm up and moved it around his slender neck letting my fingers brush upwards on his nape until they were running across the soft bristles of his under cut. "But what exactly has changed?" My voice was soft and alluring, beckoning him to relax.
He closed his eyes slowly enjoying my gentle touch over his warm flesh.
"Did you get shorter? Or did I just get taller?" The smile spread on my face seeing Levis eyes blink back open to stair, unbelief resonated from them. He must have set his tea down because his hand wrapped around my waist bring my body close to him. He picked me up with ease and rotated me so he was now pinning me against his desk. His body draped over mine as a hand wrapped around my free wrist and held it up above my head.
"What have I told you about talking to your superior like that?" His face was serious, but I could see his eyes light up in delight.
"Levi? Are you shrinking?" I played with him.
"Now don't make me punish you." He said in a silky tone while his fingers cascaded up my outer thigh bringing my night dress up to expose my flesh to the cool air. To have him make contact with such sensitive skin that his hands had not touched since the last time he had taken me was almost to much and I instinctively pushed my hips upwards urging him to touch me more.
Levi's lips came down upon my awaiting mouth and we eagerly clasped them together. My body was alive again as Levi's hand continued up my dress, leaving my skin aching for more. His palm made contact with my firm breast and squeezed tenderly and I couldn't stop the moan that escaped from me.
"You're so beautiful y/n." His voice called to me through his own desire for more. Teeth found my ear lobe and grazed it gently making my whole being quiver for more.
The thought of getting caught flashed through my mind but faded just as quickly as it appeared. My body acting on its own as I allowed this moment to overtake my better judgement. I would just have to stay quiet and bite my lip but I didn't know if I could contain the silence that I knew I must. Levi's hands slowly explored my body causing an ever increasing chance to moan his name to the quiet room. He suddenly grabbed at my hips and brought me closer to the edge of the table and looked to me with hungry eyes. "God y/n, I have never wanted anything more then to be able to touch you again... And now that you are here I'm not going to have you say no. Let me be selfish... Let me love you again..."
All I could muster was a small nod as I felt the heat of my cheeks began to rise. "Then let me be selfish too Levi."
"I was then and I am now, forever yours." He whispered right before his lips touched my own.
The love we shared was endless and had carried through the years. I felt overwhelmed with emotions for that man. Everything was right again as he picked me up gently and laid me down on his bed. I wanted to explore his skin once more with my lips.. To feel his naked body pressed against my own. Just that simple thought made my groin yearn for him to take me.
Levi's hands brought my gown up over my head and tossed it to the ground; his fingers eagerly danced over my bare flesh not sure where they wanted to touch first.  Leaning over me, his warm lips went around my nipple and I felt the gentleness of his wet tongue begin to playing with it.
So many nights I had woken up, face flushed and a yearning in the pit of my woman hood at what my mind had dreamt about.
This wasn't a dream... Levi was here; I could touch his warm skin; bite his bottom lip; dig my nails into his back as he had his way with my body.
My hands reached for the cold metal of his belt buckle and began to unfasten it. Longingly wanting to feel his member with in me. He pulled his shirt up over his head as I did so to revel his fit torso. I began pulling at his pants eager to touch his flesh. The room began to feel as if there was an electrical charge within it. Much like the feel of the air when a lightning storm was at bay. My excitement was building rapidly and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to control myself much longer. Levi help me remove his pants and they were quickly discarded. The surreal moment that we had both longed for was exulting quit rapidly. My hand wrapped around his shaft and began stroking it to the movement of his hips. Levi couldn't hide his pleasure as he groaned hungrily into my ear. I had never wanted anything else as much as I wanted him right now in this moment. To have him, all of him to myself. His fingers found there way to the ever increasing wetness between my legs where two of his fingers easily slid in between them. "Levi... Please..." I moaned longingly; my mind swam in lust as they began to explore me more. "I've missed the way you feel y/n. I still can't believe you're really here right now." There was a deep eagerness with in his voice as he plundered deeper inside of me causing me to arch my back and let out a sensual moan.
Time seemed to stop as we both relished in each others presents. A burning desire to feel what we had been missing all those long years apart.

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