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I was sitting on the blanket and was just finishing putting my boots back on. My mind was buzzing with thoughts of Levi. I really didn't want this day to end at all, when would I see him again? I wanted to stayed in his arms forever.

Looking up I staired at the man before me. He was just finishing buttoning his shirt. I let my eyes marvel at his small slim built body, his strong stern shoulders, his musclier arms and the way they felt when they were embracing me, his warm skin pressed up agents my body, I loved this man, I told myself. My lips turned upwards as I gazed at Levi.
He then leaned over and picked his vest from off the ground, I then admired his perfect ass, now when did I become such a perv? I wondered.

I let out a soft chuckle as he straightened back up he then looked at me. My cheeks felt hot when our eyes meet and I quickly looked back at my boots hoping he didn't notice that I was gawking at him. I was still a little in awe on what we just got done doing with each other.
"What was that just now?" He called over to me as he put each arm through the vest holes.
"What ever do you mean?" I replied quizicly looking back up to meet his gaze.
He started to move towards me a small smile spreading on his face.
"You know it's not nice to answer a question with another question, right?" He was now in front of me slightly hunched with is hands on his hips surveying my face waiting for my reply.
He looked so adorable I thought to myself, I'm going to keep this going to see how much he can take, this will be fun! I smiled up at him pleasantly, crooking my head to the side "I'm sorry, dose it bother you?"
"No it doesn't, it's just I would very much like to know why you were giggling at me." Putting his hand on my chin and bringing my face up towards his own, which was now so close that I couldn't move away even if I wanted too.
"So, why were you giggling at me?" He said in a persuasive tone.
I pretended to be in shock, eyes wide and mouth open "I was giggling at you?" I don't know how much I can last with him staring at me like that. Hold it together my mind told me.
Bringing his face over to my ear he said faintly "Yes you were, and do you know what is going to happen to you if you refuse to tell me?" I could hear the smile that I knew was on his face.
Grinning myself I brought my lips over to his ear and whispered "What?" My heart began to beat faster waiting in anticipation on what was going to happen next.
His face pulled back to look into my eyes, there was a smirk that was spread across his face, and a hunger in his eyes.
He suddenly pressed his lips onto mine and kissed me ruffly. I was surprised, but pleased at the same time and I spread my mouth to let his tongue have entry. He pushed me to the ground, and put his body on top of me, making sure I couldn't get away. His lips pulled away from mine, and his eyes pierced into my own.
"You're to cute when you try to tease me like this." Levi said to me, as his fingertips softly moved over my cheek brushing my hair back.
My cheeks lightly flushed. He new from the beginning that I was trying to have some fun with him. "Hey it's not my fault when you leave your self wide open for me to mess with you. You do know that you do it to me all the time." I nuzzled my cheek to his warm hand, closing my eyes to better remember the way his hand felt against my skin. Whenever his skin connected with mine, it made me feel at ease, warm, loved.
"You know we should have been doing this a long time ago." My voice couldn't hide the sadness I felt inside. Thinking back at all those missed opertunitys to hold him in my arms. The fact that tomorrow morning I will be leaving weighed heavy on my heart.

Levi rolled off of me and grabbed ahold of my body and I moved instectivly to my side and wrapped my arm around his waist and embraced him, bringing my face into his chest. How can someone smell this good?
Levi began speaking in a soothing voice as one of his arms snuggled under my head making a comfortable rest as his other started weaving through my hair. Levi's voice broke my thoughts. "You know, I have loved you since I first saw you...... I was probably around twelve or so. I saw at a distance that this man was harassing a little girl, I'm really not sure why but I knew I didn't like it." I moved my head away from his chest and looked up at his face. It held a soft expression on it. I was a little confused, because I remembered that day, but I can't for the life of me remember Levi being there.
"She gave him a swift hard kick to his shin and ran. I had admired her for being so fearless at such a young age.  I just instinctively ran up to the drunk and kneed him in the face as he was bent over holding his shin in pain, I wanted to make sure he understood not to ever touch that girl again." Levi's lips softly touched my forehead and then he rested his chin on the top of my head.
"So you were the one who broke that guys face?" I was a little in shock  because I remember seeing the man the next day, his face badly bruised and his nose not in the correct place. When the man saw me he looked panicked then turned and started briskly walking in the other detection.
"I was happy knowing that you wouldn't be messed with by that guy again. When ever I caught a glimpse of you in the streets you always had a look of hope written on your face. It made me want to keep going, and fight for what I thought was right." Levi told me.

I had always wondered why that man never came near me again, and it was surprising to find out that Levi saw something in me that I didn't even know I was projecting from myself.
"It's kinda funny because the first time I saw you." My heart skipped a beat remembering that day as if it was yesterday. I was too young to know what that feeling I had when I first laid eyes on that boy, but there was no doubt in my mind now that what it was, was love.
"I had heard shouting in the street behind me and I turned back to look, and that's when I first saw you." Chuckling a little as I recalled how he looked back then. "You were such a scrawny little kid." Pausing I squeezed him tighter and turned my head so I could listen to the steady beating of his heart in my ear. "You were unstoppable at anything you put your mind to. You didn't let anyone push you around. I had admired that and still do to this day. It made me who I am. I didn't know at the time that what I was truly feeling when I looked at that boy before me was how much I loved him."
He tightened his grip around me. "I'm always going to love you, no matter how far away you go from me, no matter how long I'm not going to get to see you for. The one thing that I can promise you y/n is that I will never stop loving  you." With those words he said with such deep emotions. He brought his hand to my face as I brought my chin up. He looked at me sincerely, and I could tell he was not lying. My heart quickened. I wanted nothing more then to stay in his strong embrace forever and never have to leave them, but I knew that by tomorrow at this time I will be heading to the Shiganshina District with Dr. Yeager.
I reached my lips to his and planted a deep kiss, wanting to remember how his lips tasted against mine. How was I ever going to be able too leave tomorrow?

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