Untill Next Time

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Levi came back to the clinic with me. He had said that he couldn't let me pack by myself but I knew the real reason was because he wanted to make sure to see me off properly. A part of me wanted to stay here with him, but I knew deep down that I couldn't be selfish and stay down here with him. He wouldn't want that.
I had very little to pack just a few old clothes and a small stuffed doll a little girl had made me for treating her mother when she was ill.
"Is that all your taking with you?" Levi said braking the silence in the room.
Stuffing the doll into my small satchel I then turned to him. " The most important thing I want to bring with me won't fit into my bag." I reached my hand out to his that was next to him sitting on the bed and lightly squeezed. "And what is this important thing?" He said as he reached out for my body bringing me close to him. He knew what I meant with that statement of mine, and he just wanted me to vurbily tell him what I was feeling.
"My most precious important thing is you, the one I love most in this cruel world we live in is you Levi." The words flowed out of my mouth in a whisper. He squeezed me and I welcomed it not wanting him to ever let me go.
There was a sudden rap on the door making my mind snap back to the reality of what was going to be happening soon. One of the healers poked her head in, giving us a warm smile. "It's almost time my love"
"We'll be right down." Levi said as he returned the smile given. She brought the door to a gentle close and I could hear her soft footsteps walk down the hallway and continued down the stairs as she left.
Levi turned his eyes back to me "Let's go, before I become selfish and keep you here with me." His voice was somber as he spoke.
All I could do was nod my head yes, as my heart yearned for him to be selfish and keep me by his side. He stood and reached for my satchel that was on my bed and then extended  a hand out for my own. I took his hand in mine that was warm and inviting as I tighten my grip around that heat. Taking one last look behind me as we crossed over the threshold of the door  at the small room I had shared with the others all those years. I let a small smile spread across my face thinking about all the times I got to get up knowing I was going to be able to see Levi that day. I then turned my eyes to the man in front of me as our feet moved toward the stairs. If he can move forward I know I can too. I'm not going to let this be the last time I see him. And in order to make that a reality I know that I will have to work hard, as I know he will be doing the same to be by my side one day.
Before I knew it we were outside my hand still in his heading towards the stairs that lead out of this place. I became anxious with every step I took looking at the back of Levi as we moved threw the crowded streets. My heart quickened with every step forward until my feet suddenly became heavy and froze. Levi stopped when he realized I had and turned to me.
"Everything is going to be okay, you have to keep moving forward y/n. You need to stay strong for both of us, I can't do this alone" He said as his free hand reached out and softly cupped my cheek.
Why does saying goodbye have to be such a hard thing to do? Levi was right of course, I'm sure it was just as aggainising for him to keep moving forward.
"Let's keep going I'm okay now thanks to your strength." I said as I placed a hand over his that was still pressed to my cheek and gave it a little squeeze. He smiled down at me and then leaned over placing as sweet lips on top of mine. I closed my eyes relishing the moment until the warmth lifted away and we were walking again.
The stairs to leave the underground were within eyesight now etched out of the rock face leading upwards to my future without Levi by my side.
As we approached I saw Dr. Yeager standing next to what appeared to be a military police soldier going over some papers in his hands.
Levi stopped suddenly and turned to me bringing my body into his as he wrapped his strong arms around me "This is where we say our goodbyes." He said in a whisper.
"I love you Levi, you're always going to be with me. I'm never going to forget you." The tears started to form as I tried to fight them away.
"I will find you when I get out of here I promise y/n. You are stronger then you even know. I love you too."
I forced the tears away, as I pressed my check to his and whispered softly in his ear. "Until next time my love"
"Until next time." He repeated back.
Both of us bringing our lips together for one last kiss.

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