The Morning

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I woke up the next morning what felt like around five, it seemed like I had slept forever, and I just couldn't stay in bed any longer. The back of my head still ached a little but not enough to stop me from meeting Levi. I felt well rested after being in bed all of yesterday. This was my last full day here, and I needed to tell him that I will be leaving tomorrow morning. My heart hurt just thinking about how I was going to brake it to him. I didn't want to say goodbye yet, but I knew that this chance of me getting to the top wouldn't come again.
I slipped on a pair of clean black pants that fit snugly to my legs, and a white comfortable shirt that the sleeves only went down a little pass my elbows. It had a slit down the middle of the collar towards my breast with a leather string to tie it if I need to. I left it loosely open so the top half of my cleavage would show. For some reason I wanted Levi to know that I wasn't a little girl anymore but a woman. I would have much rather wore one of my nicer dress's but I really wanted to go out on the 3DM Gear with Levi one last time. So pants it was. I grabbed the satchel that was sitting next to my bed and folded up the small blanket that I used to sleep with and stuck it inside. "I think that's all" I said to myself, and quietly left the room without waking the other sleeping body's.

I crept down the stairs and into the waiting area, it was a decent size room and had about four chairs lined against the left side of the wall and next to the stairs on the right a hallway to the kitchen. I'm glad no ones here I thought to myself. There were often times that I would incounter someone on my way out and couldn't escape until I attend to patients, or console weeping family members and friends. But not today, as the waiting area was completely empty. I silently went into the kitchen with out making a noise and went over to where we kept the fresh water in a deep basin. I cupped both of my hands together and scooped up a handful of the cold water. Splashing it on my face I let out a tiny gasp at how cold it felt on my warm skin. I'm fully awake now I chuckled to myself as I reached for the clean cloth next to the basin and patted my face dry. My eyes scanned the counter and saw two small loafs of bread sitting out on a plate. My stomach rumbled at the sight of them. I didn't even realize how hungry I was until then. I'm just going to save these for later, I'm sure Levi is hungry too, making up my mind to wait to eat. Opening up the top drawer I pulled a clean pice of linen out to wrap the bread and set it in the bag I had hanging from my shoulder. I took one last look around the room, did I need anything else I wondered? I started to get more excited knowing very soon that I would get to see Levi. I went back out to the entry and slipped on a pair of ankle high boots and tied them loosely. As I opened the door it started to creek loudly, I instantly clinched my teeth and made a sucking sound threw them. I slowly slipped through the crack in the door and closed it it gently letting the lock softly click into place, I was out!

I was sure Levi wouldn't be here yet, I got up early enough to give me time to think how I was going to tell him that I was leaving tomorrow. I turned away from the clinic and made a little yelp as I saw Levi standing there in front of me.
Hand held up to my chest, my heart was racing. "What the hell Levi!" I said in a loud whisper as I stepped forward and slapped him on his upper arm "You scared the shit out of me!"

He flinched as my hand collided with him. "I'm sorry, but you did want me too meet you here right?" He said cooly.
"Yes, yes" I said waving my hand. "I just wasn't expecting you this early." He was wearing a white button up shirt with a grey vest that was buttoned up over it. He looked quite handsome as I let my eyes wonder over his features.

"Well I can leave and come back later when it's more convenient for you if you like." He said as he turned and started to walk away.

I took a step towards him, reaching my hand out and grabbed him by the back of his shirt sleeve right above his wrist. He stopped.

A few seconds passed and I continue to hold onto his sleeve with my eyes to the ground staring. I was trying so heard on getting all my thoughts in order. I know I needed to tell him, but I just couldn't find the right words.

"I know you're leaving tomorrow, you don't have to worry about telling me." He said braking the silence as he turned around to look at me. My hand dropped from his sleeve, and all I could do was look at him, shocked that he already new.

He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around my shoulders and tightly embraced me. "It's okay, I'm happy for you, really I am. So don't worry too much, I will see you again this won't be our last day together."

I reached around his waist and hugged him tightly burring my face into his chest. I didn't have to say anything to him, he understood. I was so worried that he would hate me and push me away, but he was still here holding me tightly telling me not to worry. Tears started to form in my eyes. Was I always such a cry baby I wondered?

We stood there holding each other as I cried into his shirt, it felt good to finally let it all out. When my tears started to subside he slowly pulled me away from him with his hands on my shoulders.
"Do you feel better now?" He said looking down at me his eyes soft and kind as I looked up into them. I wiped my tears away with the back of my hand and nodded. "Yeah, thanks I needed that. I'm sorry that I cried into your vest" I looked to where my face had been and it was wet with my tears.
"It's just a vest, I'm just glad you're not crying anymore." He lifted my chin up and leaned in softly pressing his lips against mine. He moved his hand up to the side of my face continuing to touch my skin the whole way. His other hand came up to meet the my other side. He released his lips long enough and said in a soft tone, "God, I'm so in love with you." My heart felt as if was about to leap out of my chest, as he pressed his lips back onto mine more deeply and took my tongue into his mouth playing with it with his own. My arms were still tightly around him and I grabbed for the back of his vest pulling him deeper into my body. I wanted him closer than this, I want to feel more of him. It felt as if it was just the two of us in this bubble of bliss and nothing in the world mattered.

"Look at those two over there." I heard a mans voice over to the right of me, braking our moment together.

We slowly pulled our lips apart. He set his forehead softly against mine and started lightly chuckling. It was the first time I saw that face on him, I wanted to see more of this gentle side as started laughing lightly with him.
"We better get going, if you want to look at the stars before the sun comes up." Levi's voice was gentle when he spoke as we removed  our hands from each. He then turned and took a few steps forward and then suddenly stopped and turned slightly and reached out a hand to me, "Are you coming?"
"Yeah." I nodded and took his hand in mine.

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