Everything Went Black

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I hadn't seen Levi around in a couple of days, and all I could do was hope he wasn't getting into too much trouble. I had some important news to tell him. I was actually kinda relieved he wasn't here this morning, but I knew I couldn't put it off much longer about how Dr. Yeager was going to take me back with him at the end of the week and four days already had gone by that I hadn't seen Levi. My chest tighten at the thought of having to leave him, my one and only friend that has been there this whole time.

I continued to practice with the 3DM Gear Levi had left for me at our spot, and I excelled greatly. It made me forget about having to leave. To feel that kind of rush, flying through the air. It was the only time I felt as if I could just let go of everything. I loved the engineering it took to make something like that, a tool to help humanity take back what was rightfully theirs.

I had been coming out to our spot every morning since I first tried it out with Levi and wanted nothing more than to continue doing it even after I get out of this pit. Levi was not going to be too happy on what I was thinking about doing, but I still hadn't decided on anything yet.

Finishing strapping the 3DM Gear to my back I looked up to the rock celling as a smile spread across my face. I ejected the anchors to be pulled up off of the ground, I then released the left anchor when I got to a good height letting it speed back towards me all at the same time as shifting my weight and ejecting some of the gas out the exhaust to propel me towards the right missing the large hanging rock that protruded from the ceiling, and I was off!

A few hours later I was back laughing to myself at how exhilarating it was being able to feel the air whip around me. I truly felt free when I was up there I thought to myself. I then looked up at the sky through the hole wishing that I could fly up there someday too with the sun shinning down and blue sky's all around me. The sky was slowly dimming as dusk quickly approached. The colors  started to melt into the large clouds that were lazily drifting by. I closed my eyes feeling the warmth of the sun disappearing. I wondered what Levi  was doing right now? I then slightly started to blush thinking back to when he was helping me put on the 3DM Gear. I couldn't get it off my mind the way his hand felt on my flushed cheek.  I wanted him to touch me like that again, gentle and warm.  When did I develop this feeling for that man? No these feelings were there the whole time. My stomach leapt as the sudden realization overflowed into me and my eyes shot open. They were there this whole time! The moment his eyes had met mine when we were but little kids and I had looked away so foolishly now that I thought back to that memory. I shook my head trying to shake those thoughts away but I couldn't. My mind was made up in that instant. He needed to know my honest feelings that I care for him  deeply before my time ran out and I wouldn't see him again for who knows how long. My heart felt like it were about to jump from my chest as I thought about how much I wanted to see Levi right now, even though it was going to be hard to confess my feelings to the man I had loved for so long. I will go and find him as soon as I finish here thinking to myself as I hastily removed the gear and set it gently beside me.

I had just taken off the moving parts and was just finishing putting my boots back on when I suddenly heard footsteps coming from the rubble behind me from what sounded like two, no three people, definitely not Levi my mind grasped quickly. My reflexes were fast  as I jumped up and swung around to see what appeared to be three grown men approaching me. This doesn't look good, think y/n think!
"Hey, what's a sweet thing like you doing out here all alone?" The one on the right called out to me as the other two started moving to the left laughing as if the man had said something funny. They were going to surround me that much I knew. Keep calm and show no fear to them, you can get out of this. "What the hell do you want." I called out to the one on the right who was clearly intoxicated, and I could smell his stench even though he was no where near me. Still keeping my eyes on the other two that were slowly creeping forwards as I continued to think of a way out. "What do you think we want?" This time it came from the tall skinny man to my left. I could tell they had done this before, I'm not there first. I'm going to have to fight, it was the only way I was going to survive. I was slowly backing up towards the garden my arms were out stretched, my body slightly hunched, think quick there almost upon me. "Listen, I don't want to hurt you." I told them in a calm voice as my eyes scanned for a way to evade them. They chuckled at my words as if I had just told a joke. I was scared but I couldn't let them see that.
"She looks like she could fetch us a nice price." The fat one in the middle called to his friends while licking his disgusting lips and looking me over.
There, the tall skinny man, he was the weakest of the three of them as he took another step forward towards me with a limp. There was no more time, and with that I shot forward with a quickness that they didn't see coming, as I ran towards the man to my left, if I could just get pass him. They all ran forward as well, but I was much quicker. Adrenaline coarsed through my body as I shot towards the ground right before the tall man could grab ahold of me, my hand instinctively reaching for the dagger I had concealed in my boot. I never thought I would have to use it and glad that I had it with me today. Don't stop I need lots of force my mind told me as I pushed my toes into the ground and with the blade firmly gripped in my hand with the the sharp end resting under my pinky towards the ground I jumped up with such force that my dagger dug deep into the side of his groin and upwards tearing through his flesh and then through gut all the way until I hit the rib cage sending a jolting pain up my arm that held the knife. He let out a horrible scream as the other two grabbed me from behind. "You little bitch!" The fat one yelled as he had my wrist that held the knife up over my head.
There friend dropped to the ground screaming in pain, blood gushing from his inner thigh in a rithmetic pulse to the beat of his heart. This man was soon to be dead. I slightly smiled at the fact that that piece of shit couldn't hurt anyone else.

I tried freeing my wrist that held the knife, but it was too late, the drunk man seized me by a handful of my hair and lifted me off the ground with one hand and wrapping his other large dirt covered hand around my throat, he squeezed. I didn't have time to think as dropped the knife and reached for the man's hand that was around my neck to try to loosen his grip he had on me. I couldn't breathe, my body desperately gasping for air but I was getting nothing. My vision slowly started to blur and my lungs start to ache longing for oxygen.

I felt weightlessness all of a sudden as the man lifted me by my hair and throat. He then let go of my hair when my feet couldn't touch anymore and slammed me down hard against the ground, my head bounced violently as it collided with earth. He then let go of my throat, and I instantly started to gasp, my lungs hungry for more air. My head was throbbing, and I felt that I could lose consciousness at any moment. Someone roughly grabbed my wrists and pulled them up over my head. I tried kicking but It was too late as I felt the weight of one of the men on my body pinning me down tightly against the ground. I heard a rip and suddenly felt my breast were exposed and a greedy hand started squeezing forcefully.
"No" I forced from my raw throat. "Now how about you be a good girl and shut that mouth of yours, don't struggle, I want to take my time with you." The man on top of me said calmly sending a shiver down my spine at his words. I could feel the hot sour smell of breath on my face, as his free hand cascaded down wards over my stomach and I felt his fingers start to unbutton my pants slowly. My throat was raw and I was slowly getting my vision back I had to keep fighting, I needed to tell Levi how I felt! It can't end here right now! I have to do something! With the fleeting of my my strength  I started struggling desperately to free my arms, I yelled as loud as My voice would allow,"I'm going to kill you! You hear me, you fucking bastards!" Tears started to stream down my cheeks. I wanted nothing more then to see Levi's face at least one last time.
"You're not going to be the one doing the killing y/n." A monotone voice that could kill replied back.
I knew that voice.
A wave of relief spread over me as things started to go dark again, I could feel something warm and sticky on the back of my head where it had hit the ground. Hearing a faint scream I suddenly felt a warmth splash across my face, was that someones blood? Then suddenly the weight  that was on top of me was gone. My hands were then released, followed by another fearful scream that sounded far away, things we're getting more fuzzy.
I then felt weightless again, but this time it was warm and the smell was inviting. I was being held closely to Levi's chest his arms tightly holding me to him. "Every thing is going to be okay now y/n." I heard his all to familiar voice call to me.
"Mmmm" I let the words escape my mouth wanting nothing more than to be engulfed in this smell forever and then everything went black.

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