The Room for which I Will Stay in

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I was in no way presentable as I looked down at my filthy blood stained clothes as I awkwardly stood there waiting for a reply.
"Come in!" I hurd a stern voice call through the wooden door.
Turning the knob slowly I entered the room with caution. It was a large office with an arched widow overlooking what it appeared to be a courtyard. There was a desk sitting a little aways from it with Erwin behind it in a chair. I bowed deeply when we made eye contact with each other.
"Thank you for allowing me to stay with Leith."
Bringing my head back up I looked at Erwin and noticed that he was now standing.
"I should be the one thanking you for saving his life y/n. I was informed that you had to amputate his leg, but the surgery was a success. Thank you." He then bowed down in gratitude before me.
I stepped forward, "Really you don't need to do that. I was only doing what any doctor would in a situation like that." I said to him.
Erwin straightened up and his blue eyes glistened in the candle light as they looked at me curiously.
"Please have a seat, I have a question for you." He said as he extended his arm towards one of the chairs that sat directly in front of the desk. I walked in silence over to the chair and sat putting my hands together on my lap.
"Levi, would you come join us in this conversation?" Erwin said turning his head to look at the man standing next to a bookcase that I hadn't noticed till now.
Just with the simple mention of his name made my heart race.
Levi stepped out of the shadows and into the flickering light alumanating his every feature.
I wanted to run to him and wrap my arms around him, but I knew that this wasn't the time nor place for a happy reunion. I squeezed my hands together and bit down on my bottom lip, trying to restrain myself before I could do something foolish.
"Levi explained your situation with me and with much heated debate I have decided that the Survey Corps would benefit greatly if you were to join us as a medic." Erwin said as he sat down in his chair placing his hands together on top of the desktop and leaned toward me.
I looked at him in disbelief and then turned my gaze to Levi. He was looking out through the window with a blank expression on his face.
Why was he not saying anything?
Erwin looked over to Levi and then back to me.
"Levi strongly disagreed with me about asking you to join without any proper training. But I have a feeling you're a quick learner. Of course you can sleep on it tonight. I will send someone to feach you tomorrow morning and you can give me your answer then."
Was this really happening? Did Erwin actually offer me the chance to join the very group I was considering earlier today? I didn't know how to respond, my mind darting from one question to the next.
"I can tell you weren't expecting that." Erwin said with a light chuckle.
"No, I really wasn't, I thought you were going to send me back to the Shiganshina District tonight. I wasn't prepared for something like this to happen." I said looking down at my hands and began to pick at the dried blood that was still under my fingernails.
"If I am to stay here tonight I'm going to need too clean myself and have fresh clothes. As you can see I'm a little of a mess right now. If that's okay then I will think about your offer." My words spilled out of my mouth without thinking them over.
"We have already arranged a room for you with all the remedies you have asked for. Levi if you would, show your friend to their room, we have kept her here long enough. Plus I'm sure you two have a lot that you want to catch up on." Erwin said looking to Levi.
My eyes too were upon Levi's face. He seemed like he had aged well with our years apart from each other. But there was definitely something different about his eyes.
"I have asked Toby to escort her to a room already, he should be waiting outside for her." Levi's words stung as I quickly realized he didn't want to talk with me.
I stood up, confused and hurt that Levi would be this cold towards me.
"I will take my leave now, I've kept Toby waiting long enough." I said giving a small bow and turned quickly to leave that room. I felt as if I was going to brake down and I didn't want theme to see this side of myself.
"Have a good night, and please consider my offer." Erwin called to me as I opened the door to the hallway and then shut it with a little too much force.
"You can take me to my room now Toby." My voice laced with annoyance to the man who was still leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. He looked to me with sleepy eyes.
"So you're pushy when you get upset? I like this side of you, very cute. Want to tell me what happened?" The tall slender Toby said as he bent down and looked closely at my face.
What was with this guy?
"Can we just go? I don't really feel like explaining my emotions with a man I barely even know." I said trying my best to keep a handle on my feelings and not take it out on Toby.
Without a word the man suddenly took my hand and started to lead me down the hallway.
"Listen y/n, don't feel disheartened. He can be a pain but he has a kind heart, I'm sure there is a reason he doesn't want to see you." Toby's voice was gentle making me feel not so alone. A warm tear rolled off my cheek, I couldn't hold them in any longer and they began to trickle down from my eyes.
We continued in silence until I felt Toby's hand lightly squeeze my own.
"Here, this is where your staying tonight, every thing you need is in there." He let go of my hand and turned to me. I couldn't look him in his eyes so I stared down at the wooden floorboards. I hope he couldn't see my tears as I tried my best at keeping them to myself.
"I will come and get you tomorrow morning, bright and early. Try to get some rest okay." I felt the weight of his hand on my head for a brief moment and then it was gone. I looked up in time to see him turn away. I was suddenly reaching my hand out to grab ahold of the back of his white shirt that was tucked into his pants. Toby stopped and stood still with my abrupt movement.
"Thank you Toby." Was all I could say to the man and I let my hand drop.
"Sure, I will see you tomorrow okay." He said with his back towards me.
I stayed there in that spot until I could no longer hear his footsteps walking away.  I finally turned towards the door and opened it slowly. There has to be a reason why Levi didn't want to see me. What happened to him I wondered as I let my eyes adjust to the darkness in the room. The only light was from the moon shining through a large window. The room was medium size almost identical to Erwin's office. Except the desk was a lot smaller and there was a small bed in the left corner of the far wall. I shut the door behind me and slowly entered. I looked to the desk and saw that there was a candle in a holder on it and a small rectangular stone that I presumed was flint. "Good lets get some light in here." I said to myself as I pulled out the small dagger that I always kept in my boot. Holding the objects close to the wick, I scraped my steel along the flint sending sparks that twinkled alive within my palm. It took a couple of try's but the room soon began to dance in shadows with light. I picked up the candle and held it out in front of me to reveal my surroundings more clearly. It looked to me that someone else had been staying here. I really hoped they didn't kick that person out of there room just for me I thought to myself. There was a stack of papers that appeared like they were waiting for a signature as I fluttered through the pages with my thumb. I then cast my light to the right of me and scanned the wall. A book case stood taking up most the space and next to it what looked like a cabinet that would hold the chamber pot. I looked across the room where there was a large wooden wardrobe cabinet to hang your clothes in and next to it what I had been looking for. The wooden floorboards creaked  as I made my way over to a large porcelain pitcher sitting in the beautifully crafted basin that was used for cleaning ones self. I touched my hand to it to see if the water was still warm. A soothing heat resonated off of the pitcher and I smiled at its warmth. I looked to the bed and noticed some neatly folded clothes and a small wash rag. Good, I thought stepping towards the bed and setting the light on the night stand. I began to undress myself right away, wanting to be rid of my blood covered dress desperately. When I was undressed I grabbed the cloth and held it over my chest and turned back to the basin. It felt strange being naked in someone else's room I thought as I looked to the only entrance to the room, almost expecting someone to barge in. No one came and I gave a sigh of relief.  Picking up the pitcher I poured half the water out into the bowl and watched the steam rise. The smell of lavender wafted up and I noticed the small flecks floating on top of the water. "How lovely." I said aloud to myself. Lavender was hard to come by, only the nobles would have something like this I thought. I set the wash rag into the water and let it soak giving it enough time to fill with the fragrant fluid and then wringed it out. I started with my face and wiped all the dirt that the long day had given me. I then moved the cloth down along my arm and then the other one. I put both my hands into the water and swirled the cloth around inside the basin and then continued cleaning both of my legs. After I was done I went back over to the bed where someone laid out a light chemise for me and I slipped it over my head. Looking back over to the basin I decided it would be best to remove the water so I could use the rest of the pitcher in the morning. I guess I could put it in the chamber pot for the time being. I picked the bowl up and brought it around the desk. As I reached the other side of the room I noticed something that I didn't see before. A medium size plant was sitting on a stand tucked in the corner next to the window.
"Oh, would you like some water?" I said down to it smiling. I wonder what kind of plant someone in the Survey Corps would keep in there room, it must be important to them. I thought to myself as I began to poor the water into the pot. "There you go." My voice was just a quiet whisper to the beautiful plant. Holding the empty basin with one hand, I let my free hand brush over the leafs lovingly.
My heart began to race as I suddenly realized what kind of plant I was touching. I looked around the room almost in a panic. This couldn't be his room could it? Was this really the same plant that I had once nurtured all those years ago?

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