TBHB Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 ~ Jess

I was cuddled up with Jeremy on top of his van and we were wrapped up in blankets. Tonight has been amazing. I looked down to see Steven and Leda kissing under the fireworks and I guess Jeremy borrowed the idea because he did the same. As the fireworks lit up the sky, I kissed Jeremy back. When we pulled away, I pulled him closer and we watched the rest of the show.

“I’m really glad you came out for the summer,” Jeremy whispered between explosions.

“So am I,” I sighed happily and felt him kiss the top of my head.

“Have you made up your mind yet on if you’ll stay?” He asked.

“Not yet, it’s still a while away,” I told him and had to strain to hear what he said next.

“You should stay,” He whispered. I almost didn’t hear him.


Emily, Leda and I were getting ready for the concert tonight. Of course we had to leave early since we were going with the boys all the way to Sacramento. Since I’d moved out here, Leda and I still needed to go shopping but luckily I still had some of my stuff from Canada. I picked out a lacy black dress that wasn’t as slutty as it sounds. I also wore black heels and a little jewelry. Leda came bursting in just as I was finishing my makeup and turned off my music. It was Of Mice and Men.

“Come on, they’ll be here any minute!” Leda yelled and drug me out to the porch. Luckily I grabbed my purse before we left.

“Jesus Leda, calm down!” I said as I sat on the porch railing.

“I can’t!” She said just as our boys pulled up. Leda ran right to Steven and I probably would’ve done the same if I wasn’t wearing five inch heels. Jeremy helped me over to the car and I kicked Paul to the window seat so I could sit beside Jeremy.

“You look amazing,” Jeremy said honestly.

“Thanks,” I giggled and blushed.

The drive was interesting to say the least. We all sang loudly and off key to the radio and Spencer started yelling out the windows at other cars. I swear he’s secretly twelve. We decided that we could take care of the merch table while the boys set up their gear.

“I gotta pee guys, I’ll be right back,” I said to the girls and went backstage to find the bathroom. On the way, I saw some girls had snuck their way backstage and were falling all over Jeremy. Now saying that I was jealous would’ve been an understatement. I clenched my fists and clicked away to the bathroom.

It didn’t help that on the way back, they were still there. I didn’t want Jeremy to see me so I pried my eyes away from him and went back to Leda and Emily.

“What’s wrong Jess?” Leda asked me.

“Nothing,” I said quickly and Emily just looked at Leda.

The boys obviously did great and we waited for them at the table. Steven and Paul were the first to get back, followed by Spencer, Andrew and Jeremy. I was trying to keep quiet and I guess Jeremy figured out that something was wrong. He kissed me on the cheek before going to sign some posters for fans.

All the girls were getting pretty handsy with Jeremy and I tried to ignore it, but it’s just never that easy. I told Leda I was going outside and practically ran out the doors. It was nice to have the cool, fresh air. I leaned against a wall and tried to collect myself. It was obvious that I couldn’t go back in there. I didn’t want to start a fight. And trust me, I would’ve. After a while, I heard the door open and I figured it was just Leda.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Jeremy asked me quietly and wrapped his arms around me.

“It’s nothing,” I brushed his question off.

“Don’t you dare, now tell me what’s wrong,” Jeremy said.

“I hate all those girls hanging off you, alright?!” I shouted and pulled away from him. “It bothers me because you let them!”

“Hey, calm down, I don’t want to hurt you,” Jeremy started. “They don’t know that I’m with you so they think it’s all harmless. It’s clear to me now that it’s not so you and I are going to go in there and fix it.”

Jeremy wrapped his arms back around me and I was almost at the point of crying. I clung onto his shirt and he kissed my forehead.

“And how will we do that?” I asked, taking a shaky breath.

“We’ll give them a show,” Jeremy said before putting a hand on my waist and pulling me against his side. Together, we walked back in and I laid my head on his shoulder.

“There you two are!” Paul shouted. “Oh my god, what happened?”

“We’re fine Paul,” Jeremy said before kissing me in front of everyone.

Jeremy kept me beside him the rest of the night and a lot of the girls backed off. A lot of the girls also tried to fight me because they were drunk or high. All in all, it was an interesting night and we got out alive. I was snuggled into Jeremy’s side as he drove us back to Leda’s. Jeremy and I went for a little walk when we got there.

“I’m so sorry,” He apologized and pulled me by my hips towards him.

“We’re okay now, that’s all that matters,” I said and put my hands around his neck.

“I feel so bad though that I didn’t notice,” Jeremy said. I shut him up by kissing him.

“Don’t feel bad, it was stupid of me to be jealous,” I told him.

“Too bad, it was my fault for letting those girls get so close to me,” He replied. “It won’t happen again. You’re the only girl I want anyways.”

“You’re such a nerd!” I laughed as we walked back. Jeremy kissed me goodnight and I joined Emily and Leda in the living room to watch movies.

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