TBHB Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 ~ Leda

I was so excited once Jess arrived. Now, my summer would be complete, and it would be me, her and my best friend Emily all hanging out every day.

Now, to show Jess how we party here in California. It was concert time. I left her in her new roomand stepped out into the hallway. Pulling out my phone, I called Emily, who answered immediately.

“Hey Leda, what’s up girl?” She asked.

“You got our tickets for tomorrow night?” I questioned, trying not to sound too hyper.

“I’m guessing Jess made her flight here safely. But yep! Three backstage passes too!” She replied. “I’m so excited!”

“Awesome, I’ll pick you up tomorrow around five. See you later!” I hung up with a smirk on my face.


Me and Jess spent a long ass time getting ready for the concert. Once I told her we had backstage passes, she practically freaked. At least she wasn’t freaking out as badly as Emily was. Emily had a huge crush on one of the band members, Paul, whom we had known all our lives.

“What bands are we seeing?” Jess asked as we were putting on makeup.

“A couple local bands I’ve seen before. The one we really want to see is called The Eclectic. All the guys in it went to my school and they just graduated. My other best friend Emily, who we are picking up tonight, has a crush one of the band members. So the two of us have been hanging out with them a lot.” I explained with a smirk.

“Awesome.” Jess replied with a huge smile. I knew how much she loved concerts.


We picked up Emily and blasted my stereo down the highway. The concert was only about twenty minutes away, and started at seven. We were going to be about an hour early, but I figured we could meet up the band if we got there early enough.

The line to get in wasn’t long, and the inside wasn’t crowded. Concerts like these usually filled up once it started. Just like I predicted, we found the band members hanging in front of the stage. They always were one of the first few bands to go on, but never the first.

“Paul!” Emily called, running away from us to go hug him.

Me and Jess just laughed as we watched them hug. It was so obvious that they liked each other and were too shy to admit it to each other.

“Hey girls.” Jeremy said to us once we reached them.

“Hola!” I replied as I gave each and every one of them a hug. Jess stood there awkwardly, and I completely forgot that she hadn’t met them before.

“Oh yeah, guys this is Jess, she’s living with me for the summer. Jess, this is Andrew, Paul, Jeremy, Spencer and Steven.” I pointed to each boy, and they gave a small wave to Jess. I couldn’t help but notice that Jeremy couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

“Hi.” Jess whispered back shyly, and thats when I remembered how shy she was around guys.

“Wait now. You didn’t me a hug Leda!” Steven complained as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Yes I did!” I argued back, but turned around and gave him another hug.

“Thats what I thought.” Steven replied playfully and let go of me.

I just giggled and hoped I wasn’t blushing. Jess shot me a WTF look, and I just shrugged.


When The Eclectic went on, the three of us basically went crazy. We pushed our way to the front of the mosh pit that was forming and stood right in front of the stage. We stayed there for the whole time they were on stage, and once again I noticed that Jeremy had his eyes on Jess.


After their performance, we used our backstage passes to get backstage. Luckily, me and Emily knew exactly where the Eclectic’s room was, so we walked right in. The boys were all shirtless now, all relaxing after their tiring performance.

“THAT WAS THE MOST AWESOME SHOW EVER!!” I screamed as we walked in, causing Jess and Emily to jump. All the boys just laughed.

“Okay, who gave her a Monster?” Steven asked, and both Jess and Emily shook their heads.

“No one did. I bought it for myself” I answered with an evil laugh.

“A hint Jess, never let her get ahold of an energy drink.” Emily whispered to Jess.

“Good to know.” Jess replied with a laugh.

Emily then went over and sat by Paul, who smiled at her. I almost wanted to scream at them, they should just be going out already!

“Well Jess, what did you think of the show?” Jeremy asked as she sat down on an empty seat.

“I really liked it. You guys are awesome!” Jess replied.

Seeing that the only other seat was next to Andrew, who didn’t like me very much, I sighed. Instead, I went over and randomly sat down on Steven, who was not expecting it.

“You’re my seat now!” I announced with a smirk.

“Well okay.” He laughed.

For the rest of the night, all of us sat in the room, talking about the show and many other random things. So far, it had been an amazing night.

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