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Two weeks later

Barry's POV

Barry stumbled into Star Labs, Cisco and Caitlin were huddled together in the corner whispering. He slumped on the chair, watching them with curious eyes. He hasn't spoken to Iris or Joe all week, he had shown up at Joe's once but neither him or Cecile opened the door.

Nothing had changed for Barry in the last week, he still felt empty and his family were still ignoring him. Cisco and Caitlin haven't mentioned the 'event' of last week, other than Caitlin managing to bandage the back of his head. It had healed quickly, luckily enough because Joe split it open, that's why there was so much blood. Caitlin had nearly had a panic attack when she saw the cut on his skin.

Cisco sat beside him, 'Harry's coming tomorrow. You know that right...?'

Barry nodded, uncaring at the fact. He heard Cisco sigh and went back to his research on Captain Cold. He had finally figured out who was behind the robberies. There was another one set for tomorrow night and Barry was ready to go, his team, of course, didn't know. Barry was becoming accustomed to doing things himself.

Leonard's POV

Lenny chucked the guns in the back of the van, Lisa shoving bags behind the seats for a quick grab.' Mike and Lisa weren't coming to the next heist, they were going on their honeymoon. The wedding wasn't really a wedding, the just signed the papers and Lenny was the only guest. Lewis was, of course, not attending. Not that he was invited in the first place.

Lenny was on his own for this one, to be fair it was only a small job.

Lisa grabbed her brothers chin, scrunching her face she sighed 'Lenny can you please be safe? We won't be here to help you, okay?!'

Lenny chuckled and shoved her hand away.

'I'm fine sis.'

Leonard was ready, now he waited.

Barry's POV

Barry had sat on his favourite cushioned chair for exactly three hours, twenty six minutes and five- no- seven seconds. He was waiting until exactly eleven o'clock when then heist would begin.

He had tried calling Iris, he didn't understand why she was mad with him, he had kept her secret. He also tried Cecile in some lost hope, she answered and then hung up.

Barry could feel the pellets of rain thundering on his windows, the vibrations when it splashed against the glass. When it was finally the right time Barry bolted off to the warehouse, it was this massive, dingy black building that blended in with the infinite sky.

He waited outside for a noise...nothing. Only the pounding of water against the soggy mud below him. He slid through the black door into the damp, chilled inside. The air was crisp, like the atmosphere outside the hidden criminals bar - it was still.

He could see a black figure, their body tall and built. They look familiar, oddly familiar...

All of a sudden a loud crash echoed through the hollow building and Cisco and Killer Frost jumped out of thin air and began shooting at he figure. Barry tackled Cisco to the ground, he looked up in confusion, his eyebrows scrunched. Barry turned for killer frost but she had already run, she had to be close.

The figure had shoved themselves behind a pole, their deep eyes poking out from behind the metal...those eyes...Barry has seen them somewhere...

In Barry's moment of distraction killer frost had launched a pin of ice into his leg. The pain splintered through his muscles as he froze, screeching in pain. She kept shooting, the figure darting between poles and crates. Cisco pulled her arms down before they hit Barry for a second time.

Barry looked over to see the black figure laying on the ground, their fur hood covering their pain.

Fur hood...

The bar! Shit!

Barry grappled the floor as he heaved his body to the figure, crawling over broken ice. He grabbed the older mans neck, feeling his warmth over his fingertips Barry whispered, 'please let me help you.'

The mans eyes widened in utter shock, his hand gripping the younger ones wrist, 'I'm peachy.'

Both men lay in confusion, the pain rising in both their bodies. Barry laid his forehead on the others, salted tears sliding off his rose cheeks. A large spike of ice was pointing out of the mans stomach, blood stifling around the wound. Barry cautiously wriggled it out, watching to be sure he didn't cause to much strain.

Barry picked up his eternal lover and ran...

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