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Barry's POV

Barry shuffled into his apartment, his eyes half closed from the agonising pain. He laid the older man on his bed, the mans black shirt damp with blood. Barry stifled a groan as he crouched beside the bed, holding onto the wooden frame as breathed. The older mans hand rested over his, their skin lightly touching.

Barry knew that his lover's wounds were worse than his own, so with all his mustered strength he ignored his own pain, the entrenching heated stabs inside his leg and crawled beside the older man.

The mans hands were wrapped around his stomach, the crimson liquid staining his skin. Barry rested his own hands on his lovers and gently moved them aside, instantly wrapping his skin in bandages, cleaning the wound in seconds.

Hatred rose inside Barry, an anger toward Caitlin for the agony she caused the thief. Fire fled through Barry's body, his heart pounding, hitting his chest in enormous thuds. He wanted to fix the pain his lover was in, he wanted to put it on himself and feel the strain on his own body, so he knew the older man was in peace.
Barry recognised his face, he was the man who stole Iris, he was the man who captured his attention at the bar and he was his lover. Unknown to him yet, he was.

Barry's head fell onto the man's chest in relief, he was free. He had been trapped his whole life, hidden to the world, to his friends, his family. Now he had his soul mate, it felt as if the gap inside him had been filled, the empty spot taken over by a strange love. A love for man he had not met. For a man who kidnapped his sister, a man who stole and thieved and killed.

All the same, it was a love...

Barry inched out of the bed and fell into the bath, letting the cool water run over his skin. His lovers blood washing away with his own. For once, he felt in some kind of peace.
He heard the older man groaning and stumbled back into his bedroom. He was partially sitting, staring at younger, his eyes deep and strong.

His voice was rough, one word enough to make Barry fluster at the sound.

'The names Lenny kid.'

Shock waves rippled through Barry's body, he had never been in this situation before. He took a cautious step forward and sat nervously on the end of his own bed. Lenny rested a hand on his stomach and wrinkled his eyebrows. The silence in this moment, seemed to last forever.

Leonard's POV

The kid sat shaking on the end of the bed, too far away to touch. He was scared...Lenny knew he was thief but wasn't this kid some kind of hero? Lenny held his breath and inched himself of the bed, he meagrely stepped in front of Barry. Their legs touching, Lenny's jeans resting against Barry's.

It was an awkward tension, Lenny could only think that after years of pain, waiting for his soul mate, he was given...a child. He wasn't all that young and certainly not little but a good fifteen or so years younger than him.

Lenny cupped the boy's face, his cheeks pink and soft, rested perfectly in the older's hands. He leant down and placed his warm lips on his, gently embracing his young lover. He moved his lips down the boys neck, leaving bruised lines on his trail. He slid his tongue over his skin, making the younger shiver beneath him.
All of a sudden the sound of a door slamming cracked through the apartment. Before Lenny could blink he was sitting on top of blanket in a...bathtub? A piece of paper laid on his chest, it read don't make a sound.

Barry's POV

Barry sprinted to the door where Cisco and Caitlin stood. In an instant all of the love and warmth that had been inside him was replaced with bitterness and frustration.

'Caitlin, you need to leave.'

Her brown eyes widened in sorrow, 'Barry please I'm sorry! It wasn't me you know that.'

Cisco grabbed Barry's shoulder staring at his neck, 'what the hell happened to you?!'

Barry shoved his friends backward so they stood outside the door.

He furred his eyebrows and muffled, 'I'm not coming to the lab tomorrow,' and shut the door.

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