Chapter 6: before the battle

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The next day, Embry, Jake and I were going to meet up Bella, Edward, and Jasper in the field that they were going to fight in. We were walking towards them we Jake started to be an ass.

"You're not fighting? What, did you pull a muscle or something?" Jake asked, making me crack a smile. 

"He's doing it for me," Bella says.

"So does this mean that Sam isn't going to not fight?" Embry said.

"You're an idiot if you think he's going to miss out on this fight. This battle going to be legendary to the tribe" I tell Embry. 

"Whatever, just tell us the plan," Jake says to Jasper. He rolls his eyes.

"This field will give us an advantage in battle. We need to lure the newborns with Amelia and Bella's scent. It needs to end here" Jasper explains. 

"Edward, Amelia and I are going to a campsite. Even if they carry us, they'll pick up on our scent." Bella says. I look at them confused. 

"Carlisle wants you up with us. Far away from the battle." Edward softly tells me.

"Sorry but Sammy gonna have me on lockdown with Emily. You won't be able to convince him otherwise, trust me you won't. And besides one of the wolves will be there to guard if anything happens." I tell them Edward looks sad but nods. He turns to Jake.

"Your stenches, however, are revolting, " Edward tells Jake and Embry rudely. Jake walks up to him.

"Dude you don't want to start to compare stinks," Jake says, glaring at Edward. 

"What he means, idiot, that your scents will mask ours if you two carry us" I explain to Embry and Jake.

"Done," Jake says rather quickly. 

"This is not a good idea," Edward says to Jasper. 

"Edward, they won't want to go anywhere near their.... odor," Jasper says looking at Jake and Embry. 

"Okay, let's do this," I say as Embry carries me.

"Eau De Wolf comin' up," Jake says as he picks up Bella. Embry starts to run to the forest, after a while he stops and walks. 

"So what's new with you beautiful?" Embry asked me probably to pass the time.

"Oh nothing, the usual. Crazy vampires trying to kill me" I tell him, we both laugh.

"But really, are you going to that one college all the way over at London?" Embry asked, I really haven't thought of that. So many things have happened, I haven't even thought of college. And now what happened with Carlisle, I don't know what to do.

"Don't know, I haven't thought about college," I tell him honestly. He nods and it became quiet once again. He continues to walk until I hear him sigh.

"What's going on with you and Dr. Vampire?" Embry asked me, staring forward.

"Mmm, what do you mean?" I asked, kinda confused. He looks at me with that look 'are you serious?' 

"I ain't dumb, Amelia. I see the way he looks at you. It's the same way Sam looks at Emily. Or when Jared looks at Kim and Paul looks at Rachel. He looks at you as if you're his imprint" he says. I went a little stiff. Does Carlisle really look at me like that? 

"Look, I don't know anything about imprinting but I do know what love is. All I'm going to say is that, if he hurt's you, I won't and will not hesitate to beat up his vampire ass, okay. Just like you're important to Sam. You're just as important to us and me. I, umm, we love you, Nani. I don't want you to get hurt. Just be careful okay and don't make any difficult choices right now. No matter what happens, you'll always be my girl. Alright?" Embry tells me, omg this is the sweetest thing ever!!! I was crying, just a little. "Hey don't cry, you know I don't like it when you cry," he says frowning. I laughed.

"Well then don't say cute things like that," I said wiping away my tears. He smiles, kisses my forehead and starts to run towards the other. 

We got there, seeing my puffy eyes Jasper looks at me worried. I shake my head and smile, indicating that everything is okay. Edward informs me that I should go with them tonight, but I decline. Saying that Sammy wouldn't let me go that easily. I'll meet them at his house tomorrow morning. He nods and we walk away from them. We headed to Emily's house where everyone will be. I walked in laughing with Embry. We came in as everyone was sitting in the living room. I stopped laughing along with Embry. 

"Mm whats up?" I asked them. Sam comes walking up to me, touches my cheek. 

"Nothing, we were all thinking of having a small campfire down at the beach." I knew what he meant by that. He wanted everyone together just in case if this will be the last time, either one of us sees each other. I nod and head up to my room to pack for tomorrow and change my clothes. As I was packing I couldn't help but think that this was somehow my fault. Because of Bella and I, the Cullen and the pack were risking their lives for us. One tear came falling down, I wiped it away fast before someone sees me. I go back out and I see them all there, waiting for me. 

We got to the beach, the pack and their imprints. Along with Sue, Quil's grandfather and Billy. Sam and Billy were cooking some burger, Sue and Emily were talking, the pack playing soccer. Leah in the corner looking all annoyed with everyone, the imprints were watching the boys play and I was in the background. Lost in my own thoughts, I didn't hear them calling me until Embry comes up to me. Asking me whats wrong, I told him it was nothing but obviously he didn't believe me. We went other there, ate some burger, talked, had some fun before the battle begins. Night time fell and once again we all sat around the campfire. Billy was telling us some more about the tribe's history. 

"Like I said before that something big was going to happen. This battle will be ugly, some won't return but you'll always be great warriors to our tribe. You won't be forgotten." Billy says looking at the pack. It was quiet since I'm the responsible for causing them grief, it only felt right that I would say something. I stood up looking around at everyone and began to talk.

"I know I should be the last one to say this. But I'm sorry, I didn't want any of this to happen." I look at the Clearwaters, all three of them were sitting next to one another. 

"I didn't want anyone to get hurt nor to be killed. I'm sorry" Sue and Seth nods giving me a sad smile, Leah just looks down. I turn to the boys 

"You guys can back down and not fight. But I know you wouldn't want to miss this opportunity to kill some bloodsucker" I say slight laughing. They all nod and laugh, fully knowing it's true. 

"I will never forget your sacrifice and service. And to the imprints and the parents of the pack, I'm sorry for doing this to you. Sorry for putting them in this position. I hope one day, you'll learn to forgive me." I turn to Sam and Emily. 

" I finally have gotten my family back, and now they're being threatened. Sammy, I want to thank you for showing me, my true family. Thank you for coming back for me. Thank you for showing me so much love and happiness. There aren't enough thanks in this lifetime for me to give you. But thank you and I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble. I didn't mean too." I began to cry, Sam gets up and hugs me. Hugging me tightly, saying it isn't my fault. I didn't notice that the others got up and joined in on the hug. The girls and I were crying, the boys would never say that they too were crying. 

After that, we all went home to get some rest. Sam, Emily and I went home. I couldn't sleep so I went outside, I sat down on the porch looking at the stars. Sam came outside with me and handed me a cup of hot chocolate. I took it as he sat down. We didn't say anything for a while.

"You know, no matter what happens you'll always be my little cousin, my little sister. Nothing will change that. I'll always love you. You'll always be important to me. Alright?" I nod not looking at him but at my cup. I hear him sigh and gets up. "Get's some sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day. We need to prepare. Good night, Nani" He begins to walk. 

"Hey, Sammy," I said stopping him. Sam turns around and looks at me.

"I love you" he smiles and tells me he loves me. He left me there, I began to think about everything that happened with the one year and a half that I been here. Man, what a life. I got up and went to bed, I finally let the darkness take over. Falling asleep, dreaming of what will happen. 

ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ: 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐑. 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨Where stories live. Discover now