Chapter 6: Once again, we've been left behind

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We thought that we finished fixing the bike but apparently, it needed more work than we first thought. Days passed by, Bella and I started to hang out with the boys more often. But one day Embry didn't show up, he won't answer my calls or even reply back to me. Jake and Quil said that he was sick but that he'll be alright. I wanted to visit him but Jake said that he had mono and it's contagious. More days passed and still no Embrey, I was being to get worried for him.

 I went to an auto shop to pick up my order for the bike. I was waiting inside the store, the employee was getting my package from the back when Mr. Wolf walks in. We didn't say anything but I notice him staring at me the entire time he was there. Walking around the store but he was looking at me. He wasn't even trying to hide the fact he was looking at me. The employee came back with my package, I paid and left. Once again before I left I took one last glance at Mr.wolf, finding him already staring at me.

Bella, Jake, I went to try out the bike on an empty road. We were about to try it until we seen Mr. Wolf and his goonies by a cliff. Mr. Wolf himself was in the background while Jared, the other boy was trying to push Embry off the cliff. Jake said that one day Embry showed up with a haircut and a tattoo and now his in Sam's cult. He said that Sam is watching him like as if he's waiting for something to happen. Bella said to stay away from them and if he's giving him trouble, they can always go to her dad. Now it makes sense to why he hasn't been talking to us. He transformed into a wolf. The pup isn't a pup anymore. 

Bella and I started to hang out with the gang again. One day she told me that she missed them and that we should hang out with them. I reluctantly agree with her and since then we were with them. The gang decided to go watch the new scary movie and we all agreed. I invited Quil and Bella was inviting Jake. That day came and only Mike, Bella, Jake and I made it to the movies. Angela was sick, Eric stayed with her, Quil couldn't he had homework and Jessica, I don't know nor do I care. Throughout the whole movie, Mike and Jake were competing on getting Bella attention. It was rather amazing to watch. I didn't care nor did I feel jealous. I was actually glad I wasn't Bella at the moment. Halfway through the movie, Mike couldn't hold in his vomit. Apparently, he was sick and that's the reason he was vomiting and not because of the movie. Yeah right, he couldn't even watch a movie without throwing up, what a wimp. All of a sudden Jake started to burn up. He said that he didn't feel good, I offered to drive him home but he declined. Saying he needed time by himself. 

Just like Embry, Jake wouldn't text or call us back. The following week still no Jake, Charlie informed us that he has mono, strange just like Embry. Billy said that Jake was still sick but he's getting better. The weekend came, Charlie went finishing with Mr. Clearwater. Bella decided that she was going to see Jake. I, of course, wouldn't let her go by herself. It was raining heavily and I was impressed that Bella didn't crash. When we got there, there was someone walking. Since it was raining hard I couldn't see him properly. I could only make out that he was buff. Bella came out of the car screaming at that man. I came out running after Bella and holy shit, that was Jacob. Man turning into a massive beast made you 10x hotter.  I didn't pay attention to their conversation, then we heard a howl and Mr. Wolf and his goonies came from the woods. They stopped when they saw us with Jake. I moved in front of Jake, in a protective stand just in case. Jake said that we should leave. Bella turned around and walked to the car. I was staring at Mr. Wolf with shocked and anger, shocked that Jake was a part of his gang and anger because he's isn't letting Embry and Jake be with us. Does he hate me so bad that he's isn't letting my one friends hang out with me? What did I do to deserve such punishment? I felt a hand on my shoulder, looking over I see that it's Jake. He was giving me a sad smile, telling me that it'll be okay. It looks like he's crying but I wasn't so sure, since its raining. I turn back to Mr. Wolf and his goonies, glaring at them wanting to tell him off. But I couldn't fully know that I'll get hurt. I turned around to Jake, kissed him on his cheek, telling him if he needs anything he could always come to me. No matter what they say and also tell that Embry. He nods and I went to Bella's truck. As I was pulling away, I couldn't help but glare at Sam. This was his doing and I don't approve of it. 

ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ: 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐑. 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨Where stories live. Discover now