Chapter 16: Bella, we're idiots

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We pulled up to a hotel, Alice went to get us a room, while Jasper stayed back with us. Inside the room, I recognized it as the one from the movie, deja vu. Alice said we should take a nap in the rooms, so Bella and I went to take a nap.

I was woken up by someone talking. Bella was talking on her phone. So I stayed 'sleeping' to see what she's talking about.I realized that Bella is talking with James on the phone. I heard her say that I wasn't a human, that she wasn't lying, and that she couldn't make me go with her. She agreed to meet with him in her old ballet studio. She hangs up the phone and sighs. She sits on the end of the bed, back facing me and starts to cry. I walk over to her and hug her. After a few minutes, I pull away and told her that this is some sort of trap. That James couldn't possibly have her mother. Like always she doesn't listen to me, saying that she had to go for her mother. I sigh and told her if that's what she wanted to do, I'll go with her. But we needed a plan first, that we couldn't just go there without a one. We both agree that we'll tell Edward where we were, once we were almost to the studio. And what a stupid plan.

~~at the ballet studio~~

Before we got there I texted Carlisle, saying where we were at and I apologized for my dumb actions. When we got to the ballet studio, I was terrified, not only for my life but also Bellas. I just pray that we both live through this and that Edward comes earlier than expected. Bella made sure she had her pepper spray, silly girl what would that do? Bella and I walk in the studio, looking around for her mother. Then we hear a voice calling out to Bella. Bella shouts for her mother and follow the voice. She runs to a closets and opens it and see a t.v. She then realizes it's actually a trap, like I said. We hear someone laugh behind us, turning around we see James.

"You were such a stubborn child, weren't you?" James ask Bella. 

I pull Bella behind me, trying to protect her as best as I can. From behind me, I hear her say that her mother isn't even here and that she should of listen to me. Well this isn't the first dumb thing she doesn't. He turns to me an smirks.

"Well, well what do we have here. You know, you fooled me into thinking that you are one of us. How did you do it?" He tells me as he walks up to me. He picks me up and throws me across the room. I hear Bella shout my name. I must of hit my head because its hurting like hell. I try to get up from the floor but couldn't. I see James push Bella to the wall and telling her something. I couldn't hear them talking because there was a ringing in my ears.

"Edward has nothing to do with this" Bella shouts at James. 

They do some more talking when once again I try to stand up. I see Bella spray James as she makes a run for it. She didn't make it far, James grabs her and throws her to where I was at. She collided to me, making me hit my head on the wall, injuring my already bruised head. Before he would so anything else Edward comes to our rescued. He pushed James far away from us. Edward made his way over to us. Seeing that I'm injured more he try to pick me up but I stop him, saying he should get Bella away from here. Edward turns and was going to jump but James stops him, grabbed his leg and threw him. Causing him to crash with a window, injuring Bella's leg. Shards of glasses flew everywhere, one piece managed to cut my arm. The glass cut threw my left vain, causing me bleed out. Damn just freaken great, I'm starting to regret this. James picked her up once again and threw her to me. As she collided to me, she managed to push the glass more inside my skin. James walks over to us, I was able to put myself in front of Bella, he picks up my arm and bites down. 

"NO!" Bella screams as James bite down harder.

Edward tackled James, breaking the floors as they landed. I was shaking uncontrollably, feeling pain like I never felt. I just wanted someone to stop it. I just wanted it to stop, I wasn't strong enough. I didn't I could make it. I heard Bella call out my name, pleading me to stay awake. I turn to her, she was crying, I didn't realized that my head was on her lap. She was caressing my head telling me everything was going to be okay. I wanted to tell her I was okay but couldn't speak, I couldn't do anything, the pain was to much for me. I knew it was the venom doing this to my body and also the stress.

"OMG! CARLISLE! CARLISLE COME!" Alice screams out coming over to Bella and I. I couldn't hear what was going on. No, my mind wasn't working. All I was focused was on the pain. How can anyone stand this? I could barely hear Bella tell someone to please help me.

Carlisle POV:

I smelled her before I even saw her. Amelia was laying down on Bella's lap shaking uncontrollably. I went straight over there, as Jasper and Emmett finished off James. She said she'll be okay, she told me she'll be okay. She lied to me, she wasn't okay, I don't think she will be okay. This is the reason why I didn't want tell her that she's my true mate. I didn't want her to become a monster just like me. I didn't want her to go through so much pain. I gently moved her head from Bella's lap and placed it on mine. I moved some of her hair that was in the way. I hear whisper my name. Even when she's in great pain she thinking of me.

"I-it hurts" Amelia says through the pain.

"I know, but you'll be okay. I won't let you be a monster" I tell her. I didn't know if she shook her head in disagreement or because of the pain.

"Please help her, Carlisle. Please she's dying." Bella begs me to save her. Of course, I was going to save her. She won't be a monster, I won't let her. I take Amelia's hand.

"I'm going to save you" I tell her before I bite down on her hand. Amelia let out another pierced screamed. Then I realized something big. This is the most delicious blood I ever tasted. I wanted to drain this person, I wanted this blood. I wanted it all. I didn't realized that I was making Amelia weak. Edward had to push me away from her. Once her hand was away from me I could breathe and I could see what was going on. Amelia looked paled, Bella crying on Alice shoulder. For a moment I couldn't hear Amelia heart, but after a second I heard the most beautiful sound ever, her heart beating. I picked her up and turned to the other saying we had to take her to the hospital. I looked down at Amelia thinking that she was unconscious, I whisper that everything was okay, that I loved her and the she was my mate. That she better be alright because I wasn't letting her go anytime soon.

Amelia's POV;

The last thing I remember was seeing Carlisle holding my arm. I felt my eyes grow heavy and I left them close. For a while it was silent, I couldn't hear anything at all, but then I hear it, more like him. I heard the most beautiful voice ever, calling out for me. Saying that everything was going to be okay and that he loved me. I was his true mate and that I was going to make it. At first I didn't know what was going on, who's voice was that. Then I realized it, I knew who voice was that, of course I would never forget it. But why would he say such things? Why would he call me his true mate? Why would he say that he loved me? So many questions and no real answers. Maybe I'm just dreaming, yeah probably I'm just dreaming. This was just a sweet dream, my own personal dream. He really didn't say those things.

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