Chapter 1

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        Walking out of the Godiva in the Florida Mall I buzzed with excitement over the white chocolate covered strawberries I just bought with my friends. Kory, the crazy tall one, was laughing at how the cashiere couldn't count back my change because of his nerves. I really didn't care that much I just wanted my strawberries, but I did get a discount from him.

        "That was hilarious!" Kory exclaimed as she grabbed her stomach from the laughter. Kory was nearly six foot and was skinnier than a twig, but damn she did have the best butt any one has ever laid eyes on. She had blonde hair that reminded me of curly fries when she didn't straighten it. She also had the most gorgeous blue eyes she was the perfect recesive trait to walk this earth. Along side us was our friend Taylor who was a grade younger than us but still was a amazing person. She was a couple inches taller than me and had perfect curves for her age. She had blonde pencil straight hair and carmle brown eyes. These two have been my best friends since my first day of school they both came right up to me and asked me to sit with them but the thing is they never even talked to each other before then. I'm glad i was able to unite two different groups of people.

        "He seemed out of breath," Taylor bluntly said. "But it was funny when he droped the coins and hit his head on the table coming back up," she said finally cracking a smile.

        "Stupid boys. What are you going to do with them?" I replied as we giggled. As we walked through the mall we were about to pass the music shop in there. When Kory said, " Think about how awesome or amazingly wonderful it would be to date a band member or any guy who can play a instament?"

"Both awesome and amazingly wonderful," Taylor replied stealing one of my precious strawberries. "Hey if you want some go get your own!" I said sticking my tounge out at her. She replied by shoving the strawberrie in her mouth and smiling.

        "Damn he is wow," Kory stated while stopping to answer her phone. "Who?" I asked turning towards where she was just looking. Thats when I saw him. He was tall with dirty blonde hair that curled beautifully. He was wearing a shirt with the sleaves cut off, despite the chill in the air outside and the unbearable buckets of rain, his arms were ripped with muscle leading me to think of what the rest of his perfect body looked like. He was talking to a awkwardly tall blonde boy who, from the side of his face that I could see, had a lip ring. But the boy I was looking at was smiling and his teeth were perfect and the boy had beautiful dimples. I've never seen any guys, in person, that had dimples and his were wow. He started laughing at something the blonde boy said and I could hear his laugh perfectly. It was like music to my ears. He mad me speachless as cliche as that sounds.

        Thats when he looked over at me then back at his friend but then right back to me. He just stared and I was to star struck to feel self concious because I was just staring right back at him. He waved to me and thats when I snapped out of it and looked at Taylor. "OMG Victoria go talk to him now! Kory get off that god foresaken phone! Victoria is falling in love here!" Thats when Kory quickly hung up and said "which one?" with authoirty in her voice.

        "T-th-that one," I stutter for some reason and nodded to him. "He's still looking at you!" Taylor squeled. "I'm  liking the blonde tall one. Dibs!" Kory stated to us. "OMG.... He's walking over here," Taylor whispered squealed. "What?!" I said and turned around just to come face to face with the magnificent boy.

        "Hi I'm Ashton..."


 HI GUYS! Well this is my first story ever! Please don't judge I haven't edit it yet. To those that have read it so far I'll try upadting later tonight. Happy Fathers Day!

Please leave comments or suggestions. I'll appreciate it but if you have nothing nice to say don't say it all.

Byeee my lovelies.

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