The Truth

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After Erik took Christine back to his home he found Madam Giry watching after Gustave. He showed Gustave some sites on Coney Island and some of the lights of New York. Gustave started to grow tired so Erik brought him back to his home.
"You will be sleeping here Gustave."
"Thank you sir."
"Goodnight Gustave If you need anything please tell me."
"Goodnight Mr. Y."
Erik turned off the lights to Gustave's room and walked back to his own bedroom.
Christine was laying in the bed reading a book already in her nightgown. Erik went in the bath room and changed into his white shirt and black pants. He left his mask on just in case Gustave walked in. As Erik stepped out of the bathroom he noticed Christine had unpinned her hair.
"You look beautiful Christine." He said admiring her beauty. She motioned for him to come in the bed with her and he obeyed.
She kissed his soft lips slowly. Christine started trailing kisses down his jaw to his neck and his chest. Erik didn't complain.
"I have been waiting ten years to kiss you my sweet angel." Christine purred.
"Well now you can kiss me all you want and not have to worry about Raoul."
"What do you mean?"
"As I was showing Gustave Phantasma I saw Meg and Raoul kissing at the bar. I over heard them taking and he said that he knew you loved me and he needed to let you go."
"Well now you have me. All of me, anything you want I will give to you my angel and master." She said in his ear.
"Christine i have waited ten years to hear those words but we can't make love tonight. I know Gustave will hear us, a curious child like that will ask questions."
"Alright my darling."
Christine said kissing him again but putting her hands down his chest.
"You have gotten stronger."
"Competing against some of the performers take a lot of strength."
Christine and Erik both laughed.
"You hair, it has grown so much."
"I know I need to get it cut."
"Don't you dare I love it."
Christine kissed him again then snuggled in his arms.
"I love you Christine."
"I love you more Erik."
Christine and Erik said as they both heard sleep calling their names.
The next day
Christine turned to see her husband.
"Yes Raoul?"
"I need to tell you something.."
"No I already know. Your in love with Meg."
"Yes I am."
"Raoul I need to tell you something too.."
"Your in love with Erik, yes I know."
"That's not all Raoul."
Christine paused.
"Raoul Gustave's real father is Erik."
Raoul felt tears form in his eyes.
"Have you told him?"
"When you do tell him that even though I might not be his father, I still love him with all my heart."
"I promise Raoul."
"Christine would it be alright if I asked for us to get a divorce?"
"I was about to ask you that. Here take back your ring."
She handed the ring to Raoul and looked up to him.
"Raoul I might not love you the same way I love Erik but I want you to know that you mean a lot to me. Thank you Raoul for all you have done for me and Gustave. I wish you luck with Meg."
"I wish you luck with Gustave and Erik. Goodbye Christine."
Christine hugged Raoul and said goodbye to her former husband and lover.

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