The New Manager

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"We would like you to meet the new owner of the Opera House."
"Everyone this is Erik Destler."
A tall man with dark black hair steps into the stage. Christine turns to see the Handsome man walking I front of her. He looks like a normal attractive man except he white mask covering half of his face.
"Hello everyone it is a pleasure to be working with you all." He greeted.
"I believe I am keep you from your rehearsal, please continue I will watch."
The ballerinas take their place for the ballet number. As the music plays Christine and Meg start their routine as Erik watches. Christine looks over to see him watching her. She can't help but blush, but she then hears the backdrop fall on Carlotta. Screams eco through the theater as Piangi starts to help her up.
"Where's Buquet?!" Andre yells.
"Who is Buquet?" Erik asks.
"The managed of the flies."
"Carlotta, these things do happen." Firman says trying to calm the diva.
"These things do happen all the time. Until you stop these things from happening this thing does not happen!" Carlotta says rushing of the stage with Piangi.
"Well I don't think there is much else we can help you with. We will be in Frankfurt if you need us." Firman and Andre say leaving the Opera House.
"Who is the understudy for the role?" Erik asks Madam Giry.
"I am afraid there is no understudy."
"Christine Daae could sing it. She is a very good singer."
"Daae? No relation to the Swedish violinist?"
"My father monsieur."
"Well let me hear your voice."
Erik says doubting that she could sing very well.
Christine- blonde Christine with Sierra boggess voice
Erik- looks like peter jöback voice like Ramin Karimloo
The other cast (Madam giry, meg, Firman, Andre, etc.)- 25th anniversary cast.

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