A Beautiful Morning

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Christine woke to the sound of music being played. It sounded beautiful they way the notes sang.
"I remember there was music
Swirling music upon a vast, glassy room
There were candles all around
Who was that shape in the shadows?
Whose is the face in the mask?"
Christine pulled off his mask.
Erik yelled covering his face. Christine was shocked by the amount of scars on his face.
She gently put her hand on his hand covering his face. Tears flooded her eyes.
"Who would hurt this kind and gentle man?" She asked herself now starting to cry.
"Christine." He breathed now crying.
"O Erik who would ever want to hurt you like this." She said staring into his eyes. She gently brushed the tears that had fallen on his face.
"My mother gave me away to a circus and they abused me because of my disfigured face."
"O Erik I'm so sorry."
She said hugging him with all her love.
"Christine how can you not fear this cursed face? Why don't you run away in fear?"
"Because I can see a beautiful man underneath."
"You don't mean that."
"I truly do Erik. You are beautiful just the way you are. You are the kindest person I have ever met."
Erik looked into her blue eyes. He knew that she meant every word. Before he knew what was happening she placed both of her hands on his face and kissed him lovingly. He was shocked at first but slowly closed his eyes and kissed her back. She wrapped her hands around his neck as he put his arms around her small waist. When Erik pulled away Christine had Love in her eyes.
"Erik, I love you just the way you are please don't change a thing."
"I promise Christine, with all my heart."
He said standing up and grabbing his mask.
"Come I must get you back before they suspect things." He said walking her out of his office down to the Prima donna room.

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