Chapter 20 - Tennis Balls Can Suck It

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A/N - Yes, Yes I know the chapter is super short. But this was just a filler since I want the next chapter to be by itself.

I hope you enjoy.

Lisa's POV

Dr. Kang laughed slightly, bouncing the ball from the floor to her hand a couple times. "That was for you to catch. For balance. Which you clearly need work on." She threw the ball again, just barely missing my face.

This lady is crazy. She thinks that my second day out of my coma I'm gonna be able to catch a damn tennis ball. I think the fuck not! The ball yet again landed back in her hand.

"Lisa I dont believe you understand. You're supposed to catch the ball. Not watch it almost hit you." Dr. Kang through the ball again, this time I tried catching it, only my grip wouldnt hold up, so I dropped it.

This also knocked me down into the chair behind me. I looked over at Jennie, seeing her sit there, nervously biting her lip. Jennie's gonna have a heart attack by the end of this session.

I got back up and rolled the tennis ball back to Dr. Kang. She once again threw the ball, my arm extended and nearly caught the ball. I'm gonna die. "Why the hell cant I catch this thing!" I yelled.

"Lisa, it takes some time." Dr. Kang reassured.


It's been what, two hours since I've started this therapy session, and I haven't even caught the ball once. I fucking swear. I'm tired, mentally drained, and I just want to go back to bed. I'd say go home but I'm not allowed to leave until I manage to walk on my own.

"Alright Lisa, this is the last time I'll throw the ball. Your session is almost over." Dr. Kang held the ball up between her thumb and forefinger.

I nodded, shakily standing up. I was sweating and felt horrible. At least later I could take a shower with Jennie. She helps me with it since I cant stand on my own for long periods of time. Plus, I get to see my hot girlfriend naked right in front of me, bathing my body and serenading me with kisses.

So I'm standing there - barbeque sauce on my tities - waiting for Kang to throw the ball.

She extended her arm back and threw it. I watched the ball hurdle towards my face. Then it happened... I caught the damn thing. I fucking caught it.

"Oh my god! I actually caught it!" I jumped up, soon realizing I couldn't support myself, and falling to the floor. I laughed it off though, but I did nearly give Jennie a heart attack.

Dr. Kang came over applauding me. "Well done Manoban. We'll see what you'll have in-store tomorrow."

Jennie helped me up and handed me my crutches. "Dont ever do that again Lisa. You almost made me have a panic attack." She hugged me tightly.

"We'll be on our way now Dr. Kang. See you tomorrow, same time." I said, waving at I, sort of walked out.

Hehehe... Bath time.
A/N - I know the chapter was short but I wanted to put the bath scene in It's own chapter. Maybe have some Limario oppa or Daddy Nini~. Who knows.

Also who ever picked up the vine reference in that chapter gets a cookie.🍪

I'll hopefully have the chapter up tomorrow.

ALSO I'm supposed to be getting my Twicetagram album tomorrow. Yes I know it's late but I had to find the money to order it. I have no idea which version I'm getting since it was randomized.

Have a great Friday.

Author-nim out!😘❤

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