Chapter 2 - Make It or Make Out?

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A/N - Most of these chapters were probably written on the same day and ill release them probably all at once if I want to. If not I'll do it everyday. Reason being is I'm driving back from Florida to go home.

School uniform above

Lisa POV

I watched Momo go sit back on her bed and do her homework. When she finished she started making food for dinner. Momo really liked food.

"Mmmm... Momo that smells amazing," I said, walking up behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder.

"Thanks honey." Momo smiled and kept stirring whatever was in the pot. Momo and I acted like a couple living together. She's always calling me honey and baby girl. Honestly it's embarrassing sometimes because people often think we are dating.

I smirked a little bit and snaked my hands up her shirt, gripping onto her breasts. It was easy too since she wasn't wearing a bra, only and oversized shirt and panties.

I earned a yelp and a slight moan from it. "Lisa what have I told you about doing that to me!" Her voice was all highpitched and her face was red.

"You do it to me too." I added squeezing her again. Sometimes I wonder if the two of us are way too playful with each other. But then again we always play around and tease the hell out of each other when we can.

"Lisa stop it," she glared at me her face tinted with blush. Her voice had became high pitched and whiny. Momo leaned back into me and kept cooking.

I eventually took my hands away from her chest and wrapped my arms around her waist again.


"Yes baby girl?"

"Do you think that Jennie will be happy with me if I say yes?"

Momo turned her head and looked at my pouting face. "I mean she asked you out. She'll so so wonderfully happy. Even joyous maybe."

She turned back to the food, taking it off the burner and pouring it into bowls. "Is this ramen?" I asked, smelling the deliciousness.

Momo noded her head and took the bowls to the table. I sat across from her and ate my ramen, intently thinking about Jennie.

Thinking about her made me blush a little but since the food was hot it was hidden by the steam. I looked at the blonde headed girl.

Momo was a transfer student like me, only she was Japanese. In my defence she was a bit stupid sometimes but she was sweet and caring. Not to mention she's horny half the time and is always hanging out with Dahyun.

You would not believe the amount of times I've caught them making out or just completely going at it.

At the same time she always has Jungyeon over as well. Except Jungyeon is shy and cold to Momo sometimes since she always denies her but when I'm next door hanging our with Nayeon and baby Chae I can always hear strange noises coming from my dorm room.

"Do you think Dahyun gets jealous when you fool around with Jungyeon or vice versa?" I asked, slurping down my ramen and drinking some of the broth.

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