Chapter 29: The End

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A/N - This is the end of the story. Final chapter. She left me so it just felt right to end it.

Thanks for 6k though.

Lisa's POV

I'm currently at the movies with Nayeon. I'm still fighting with Jennie. She won't talk to me. I'm also still suspended from school. Shit's gone down, so I mean I'm trying to have some fun.

We decided to watch Love Simon, cause why not. We are all gay here. But other than that pretty depressed. I cut last night. My forearm hurts, you know the usual shit. Nayeon's having fun though. She linked her arm in mine and I didnt pay much attention to it.

Sure, yeah, I missed Jennie but I dont need to think about that. Momo came home when I was in the middle of cutting myself, and tried to stop me. She did, then forced me to take a shower with her so she could see what I was doing. I love her to death but she's over protective sometimes.

My hickeys disappeared completely, though, my neck is super sensitive to the touch now. But over all I'm okay for the most part.

The movie was about to end so I turned my phone on, discovering I had a text message from Jennie.

Hey where are you? I want to talk. I came to your dorm but Momo said you were out with someone.

I'll be there in a minute. I was I the movies with Nayeon.

Oh... It was Nayeon? What did we talk about Lisa? I told you to stay away from her, she's bad news.

Yeah, well she asked me if I wanted to go to the movies so I said yes. It that too much to ask for? Can I not hangout with my friends?

No, I just don't like when you hangout with her. She flirts with you the whole time, right in front of me.

So what Jennie! She doesn't know we are dating. How is she supposed to know shes not allowed to flirt with me. And don't even get me started. You're always around fucking Jisoo and you know I hate her, but you still hang out with her.

That's different. She's straight Lisa.

Not by the way she drugged you and raped you while you were tied up. She's in fucking love with you Jennie, but you still hang out with her because I'm not about to get jealous over your rapist...

What the hell Lisa! You know I don't like when you talk about that shit. You kniw what I'm fucking done...

A call came through from my phone. It wasn't even surprising that it was Jennie. I looked at the number for a moment, then licked up the line, "hello?" I said, clearly annoyed.

"You had no right to talk about that! What the fuck. You dont appreciate me and you're never loyal. All you want is sex and kissing... That's all the fuck you want. I'm done with you Lisa. Go back to fucking Thailand, I could care less what the fuck you do to yourself..." Jennie yelled through the phone, clearly crying.

"Jennie calm your shit. You're making up lies. I love you and I don't just want sex... That's all you ever want and that's all we ever do... Why can't you appreciate me for who I am? Why Jennie?" I look down at the sidewalk, waving at Nayeon who is now at the arcade.

"No, Lisa... That's not how it is. You never cared to do anything for me... Ever. What have you done for me the past few months?" She scolds me as if she has authority.

"I was in a fucking coma for a month and then I had to go through PT... I couldnt hardly walk Jennie..." I look around, mumbling now.

"No, I'm done... I'm breaking up with you, Lisa... Go fucking die and go to hell!" She screamed through the phone.

I looked around as Nayeon can over, dropping my phone. The only thing I could hear in that moment was Jennie's voice saying 'go to hell.' That's the only thing that registered in my mind in that very moment, was losing the one I loved most to something as stupid as jealousy.

I stood there for a good minute, just staring into the distance as I finally realized what had happened.

She broke up with me...

And all I could do was just stand there in shock, fazed by my own oblivion to the fact that Jennie wasnt happy, she was suffering as much as me. She never bothered to tell me. I could have fixed it.

And that was the end of it...

No more JenLisa to look forward to.

No more waking up with her in my arms, or opening the door and she'd be there.

No more stealing kisses and making love with each other.

No more sharing secrets and expressing intrests.

No more anything...

A/N - And that's a wrap. It's been over a month since I uploaded anything. The book is finished....

Happy now that it is? This doesnt mean my hiatus is over it just means I had the inspiration and will to write about my break up. It wasn't like this at the movie theater but it was over the phone.

I hope you liked it...

Author-nim out!❤😘

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