Chapter 15 - Playing

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A/N - Let's start this off with a sha-bang.

Have fun.

Honestly don't know what's gonna happen.


I love you all.

Lisa POV

I felt a warm thing on my arm, it was quite heavy. I seemed to be in a state of comatose. There was no movement being done to my body by me, I could hear, even tried opening my eyes; I could see, but my body seemed to not let me be moving; couldn't move my head either.

I opened my eyes, going blind by the light hitting my face. By the looks of it through the window it was morning, sunny as well. I strained my eyes to look downward to see what was on me, it was a sleeping Jennie on my right. To my left was my stitched up and bandaged arm, I could tell it was stitched because I could feel it. My arm was resting in a sling that hung from the ceiling.

To be honest I wasn't that mad at Jennie anymore, just annoyed at the fact that she told me it would be better going back to Thailand, when she clearly knows I hate that place, Bangkok specifically. That's where all of my family lives if you didn't know that.

I looked back down at Jennie, seeing that she looked peaceful and unbothered. She must have been here all night. I mentally signed. Why do you have to be such a good girlfriend Jennie? I asked myself.

Just for the hell of it I tried to move some part of my body. I didn't know how long I was gonna be like this, so why not try. I tried moving one of my toes that were covered under my blanket.

It didn't work...

I tried again, somewhat succeeding I thought. Turns out it was just Jennie moving around in her sleep. She had woken up from her seemingly peaceful slumber and looked at me. A smile appeared on her face as she thought that I was awake.

The brunette leaned up and hugged me. Me being in an immovable state, couldn't hug her back. She then looked at me confused as to why I wasn't hugging her back.

"Lisa?" Jennie said, confusion in her voice.

Although it seemed like I was moving my eyes in my head in reality I wasn't.  The latter looked at me and frowned, giving a pout. Moments later the doctor came in, smiling at Jennie.

"Over night was had to put her in a medically induced comma," he explained, rubbing the brunnette's back comfortingly.

Her gaze went from the doctor to me, then back at the doctor. She nodded, "do you know when she'll wake ?" The doctor shook his head, not knowing. "These kind of things could last from days, to weeks, to even months or years. I mean you probably saw what happened to the one girl's brother in Age of Youth. He was in a comma for what I think about 6+ years."

Jennie's face slumped as she formed a pout on her face. "The good thing is Me. Monoban can still see and here you. She just can't respond or move." The doctor told her.

Jennie nodded and went on with what she was doing. She placed a kiss on my cheek, then my hand. I felt myself internally blush. Once the doctor left Jennie placed a few little, sweet kisses on my lips. I could feel her plump pink lips on mine. I just wish I could kiss her back.

I tried moving my toes again, failing for the third time. Come on move god damn it, I told myself, getting angery over the immobility that is my body. "Lisa..." I heard Jennie's voice crack I I looked at her. "I'm... I'm sorry for making you do this. I-I didn't mean to and I realised this is all my fault." Tears started falling from her eyes.

I wanted to comfort her but I couldn't, I just couldn't. I really really wanted to. My girlfriend held my hands in her own and sobbed on my chest. I mentally pouted, feeling myself grow sad.

Come on Jennie don't try, is what I tried to say, but yet ended up not succeeding.


Jennie's POV

I can't believe Lisa is in a coma. I wonder when she will get out. Currently as of right now she's just staring off in to space with a monotone expression, where if she were to talk she'd sound like a robot that just got dumped.

This is all my fault. I kept telling myself that all day. If I hadn't gotten mad at her this wouldnt have happened.

My parents were kind enough to watch over Lisa for a little while, while I went back to my dorm to take a shower and get in to a change of clothes; also bringing pyjamas since I was gonna stay the night, again.

I'm not leaving until she wakes up. Well... wakes up more than she already is.

My gaze fell on my sleeping girlfriend. I leaned forward and kissed her lips, then her pulse point on her neck. "I love you Lalisa..." I mumbled, holding her hands tightly.

I could feel her pulse when I kissed it. I'm also kinda horny right now as well, since ive been fantasizing about Lisa and I. My thighs rubbed together slightly. I stood up from the chair and walked to the bathroom, closing and locking the door.

I sat down on the bench that they had in there, spreading my legs slightly. My right hand traveled down underneath my skirt, but not past my panties. I rubbed my clit through the thin piece of fabric, letting out and airy moan.

I pressed and rubbed harder with my index finger, bucking my hips slightly. I was getting restless and decided to say 'fuck it.' Slipping two fingers past my panties, I slid them into me fairly since I was so wet.

I thought of Lisa sucking on my hard nipples and fucking me till my brains fall out. I thrust my two fingers inside my entrance, moaning quietly in pleasure. My free hand traveled up my shirt and past my bra, playing with my now hard nipple.

My hips rolled and grinded against my fingers as my pace got faster. I arched my back, letting out another breathy moan, making sure to keep quiet. I had brought my phone into the bathroom with me as well.

I picked it up and opened the camera, holding it out and looking at it. My fingers moved faster, making me bite my lip, a red tint across my face as I took the picture.

I switched to the video and started taking one, making sure to moan loud and seductively enough the when I send this to Lisa it makes her drenched.

"Lisa!" I screamed out as I came on my fingers, still taking the video.

I took my fingers out of my dripping warmth and licked my fingers off seductively. I panted heavily and ended the video, sending it to Lisa, as well as the picture.

She's gonna like this when she wakes up.
A/N - Sorry for taking so long and taking forever to update. I've been not feeling well. But anyways I hope you liked the chapter.

Also should I make a BLACKPINK and TWICE smut book. They would both be in the same book becayse I don't feel like making two separate ones.

If so then you may request as well any ship you want, the scenario, kinks, if you want futa (girls with dicks). Anyways let me know.

Author-nim out!😘❤

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