Am I a Screw Up?

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Since El had started high school, she's always had trouble keeping up with her friends.

They excelled, showing off their brightness and intelligence.

Whereas El felt like she was stuck in quick sand, no one there to help her out, feeling like she should just dropout, be a high school dropout and keep the same job she now hates, for the rest of her life....


Mike was sat on the Wheeler sofa, reading one of his comic books, while El was sat at the other end of the sofa (a noticeable gap between her and Mike, one that wouldn't usually be there) reading Pride and Prejudice, a notebook and pen at her side as she struggles to understand words from the era that it is set.

Mike looked over at his girlfriend, who looked like she had a permanent frown on her face. That made him worried.

"El? Sweetie, what's wrong?" Mike asked, pushing his hand into his girlfriend's hair, with an extremely worried frown on his face.

"Am I a screw up?" El asks, looking up at Mike with her big, round, puppy dog eyes that were glistening with tears.

Something Mike never wants to see.

"What?! El, why would you think that! Sweetheart, you're one of the smartest people that I know," Mike said, rubbing El's nose with his thumb.

"Promise?" El asks, looking at the love of her life.

"Promise," Mike repeats, kissing her nose, that he had only previously been rubbing.

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