I'm The Monster [Request]

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Request by Madam_Jay:


Mike and El were happily playing Monopoly. Until El ended up in jail...

El sat on her half of the table as her thimble moved to the jail section of the board.

Mike has no 'Get out of jail free' card to give to El.

"You just need to roll doubles to get out," Mike explained to her as he took his roll.

When El took her first roll and got a 4 and a 2, she goes to move her thimble from its place when Mike puts his hand over hers.

"No, El, it's got to be like this," Mike then turns the 2 to a 4. "So both the numbers on the dice are the same." El nods her head.

Her second roll saw a 4 and a 5... which made the smaller teen pout and cross her arms like the toddler she never was.

And the third roll, the third attempt to get out of jail saw a 1 and a 6.

The small girl bounced the dice off the table and one ended up hitting Mike in his eye. Mike easily bruised like a peach - and his eye started watering.

"Mike..." El mutters, guilt bubbling in her stomach. She got up from her chair and ran out of his basement, leaving her boyfriend of 2 years sat in his chair with a watery eye unknowing what to do.

"EL! Come back!" Mike got out of his chair and to the basement door only to watch as his girl clambers on her pink bike and rides away.

Karen comes down into the basement with a load of washing to put on and watched her only son sit on the sofa with his eye watering.

"What have you done, baby?" Since Mike and El started dating, Karen was now able to call her son things like these, as Mike was happier with El in his life than he was long before he even met her.


El sat on her bed, under the covers, sobbing into the pillow, holding the fluffy pink teddy bear Mike won at the state fair over summer.

As she was sobbing, she heard the skidding of tires and the crash of a bike hitting the floor. Mike.

She heard the bang on the door and she heard her dad open it. There was a muffled conversation between someone and her dad.

Her bedroom door opened and her sobbing quietness.

"El? Sweetie?" The voice of her boyfriend made its way to her ears. El tensed up and looked at the teddy bear in her arms.

"I'm the monster, Mike," El says quietly, burrowing her head into her pillow.

"You're not the monster, El. Baby, you've never been the monster. You're just a extra-ordinary girl with extra-ordinary talents." Mike says, climbing into bed behind her and snuggling in. "I-I love you, El,"

El rolled over and looked at Mike wide eyed. "Are you serious?" El whispers, smiling softly.

"Of course I do. El, you've had my heart since the first day I met you," Mike says lovingly, running his fingers through her hair and on her cheek.

"I love you too, Mike,"

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