Chapter Twenty-One - Bad Moves

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Draco POV:

I woke in my room on the top of my bed still fully dressed, my mother's letter still clutched tightly in my hand. The moonlight shone down on the carpet of my bedroom from the open drapes. I shivered. It was fucking freezing. I reached for my wand, closing the drapes and stepped outside heading towards the common room fireplace. I reached the bottom landing and was thankful to see an already lit the fire and warm room. I kicked off my shoes and sat down in the arm chair closest to the fire. Looking at the clock on the wall it was 8pm. Everyone would be at dinner now. My tummy rumbled as I realized I hadn't eaten anything all day. No bother I'd make something later. Stifling a yawn, I read over my mother's letter yet again. With a fresher mind, I scrunched up my face as a single line stood out over all the rest.

'Thank the stars near and far that everything is OK'

What? My mother never said things like that. Yes, it was true that our family had a long history of being named after constellations in the skies but we never made references to it. Especially not cheesy as ones like that. Being named after a galaxy, star or constellation was just the norm, we didn't feel the need to make up stupid star metaphors. So why now?

The line replayed over and over in my head and I pondered over it for hours. Theo came in and we chatted for a while about his conquests but I didn't once mention the letter or my mother at all. He tried to coerce me into spilling the beans on any action with Hermione and I smiled as I remembered her breathless moans from last night. My stomach growled again and I got up bidding Theo good night as I moved to the kitchen to make me some food. He saw my smile as he reluctantly left for his room.

I started dicing some chicken pieces, ready for me to add to a chicken salad, my absolute favorite meal, and that suspicious line floated into my mind again. I broke down the sentence, section by section.

' Thank the stars near and far ...'  Near and far?  The stars near and far? What stars?

Reaching into a cupboard for a frying pan, my hand touched something soft and lacy. I pulled out a pair of baby blue knickers. I cursed Theo and his stupid food sex games he liked to play. Washing the pan thoroughly, I threw the panties in the bin. The tag on it indicated it was bought from Andromeda's in Diagon Alley.

I dropped the knife in my hand as realisation struck me dumb. AUNT ANDROMEDA! Andromeda is the name of the closest galaxy to Earth apart from the Milky Way itself making her the near. After Aunt Andromeda was disowned and struck out of the Black Family history records, mother and Aunt Bella lost touch with her also making her the far. The reasons for their distance was simply that Bellatrix was disgusted by her sister's choice to marry a muggle-born and mother just plainly followed suit behind her sister and equally deluded husband. For this reason, I never got to know my aunt at all but I definitely knew of her and it had to be her. She could be the only one my mother would trust and if she had played her part well over the years which I knew she had, Andromeda is the last person my father would think to look at.

(A/N: In case anyone is confused, Draco's Aunt Andromeda and the shop owner are not the same person just both women have the same name)

I finished preparing my food and dished up a plate. Taking my food over to the common room, I began to eat while slowly processing this new breakthrough I had made. As I chewed slowly I began thinking of how to reach my mother. I could write to my aunt. But what would you say to a complete stranger who you always knew was family but had never met before? Fuck. I needed a girl's advice.

I couldn't bring Hermione into this. She had already been through enough during the war and I had played a huge part in that. Even now she was forced to take Occlumency lessons just to get away from my father and that was caused by me also.

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