Chapter Twenty-Four - The Burrow

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Hermione POV:

As we reached the Burrow, I saw Ron, George and Mr. Weasley indeed pitching tents.

Ron ran over to me and wrapped me up in a hug. "Hermione are you okay?" He asked, worry all over his face.

"I'm fine now." I said stepping back into Draco's arms. "Pansy saved me."

Ron looked stunned. "Pansy?!" He said.

"Yes Ron, Pansy. Now keep your voice down. And I'd appreciate it if you would not give anyone shit tonight. Especially her. She's had a really rough night." I gave him a stern look to show him I was serious and grabbed Draco's hand as we walked inside.

"HERMIONE! Oh thank goodness you're alright!" Mrs. Weasley drowned me in hugs while Draco stood at the door awkwardly. He really did look very out of place here. If not for the battle we'd just been through, it would have been quite funny.

"Now now young man. Don't just stand there. I know who you are and regardless of what's been done in the past, you have earned every right to be under this roof by your actions tonight." Molly waved her arms about ushering Draco inside.

He sat down at the table next to me and I squeezed his hand underneath it. I knew this was hard for him but he was here and that's what mattered.

Ted Tonks Senior walked in and the two Black sisters walked in behind him, arm in arm. Draco stood as he saw his mother and Narcissa rushed to embrace her son.

"Draco my boy!" She spoke with a strong British accent, very proper. "Thank Godrick you're okay!" She kissed her son and hugged him tight before releasing him.

"I'm fine mother. Are you well?" He spoke so formally that everyone in the room halted to stare.

"Yes my son, I'm well enough." She said with a small smile.

"Mother, there is someone I'd like you to officially meet." Draco held out his hand for me to take. I stood as I put my hand in his and turned to face the mother of the man I loved. "This is Hermione Granger. My girlfriend." Mrs. Weasley dropped her wooden spoon.

Narcissa stared at me for a while before stepping forward and embracing me heartily. "It's wonderful to meet you Hermione. May you always be the light in his darkness." She said pulling back. "Please understand I have never been prejudiced to blood status in my life but I have not been the strong woman I am in  voicing my own opinions and standing up for what I believe in and that has cost me in more ways than you could ever imagine." She reached a hand out to her sister and they gave each other's hands a tight squeeze. She released her hold and grasped my hands, holding them in her own. "I never got the chance to thank you properly for saving my life earlier. From the bottom of my heart, I truly appreciate what you did." She hugged me again. "That's definitely one way to win your new boyfriend's mother over." She winked at me and smirked in a way that I knew all too well.

She moved round the table and stood in front of Mrs Weasley. "Hello Molly. Narcissa Black. Pleasure to meet you although I do wish it was under better circumstances. Please know that my family and I are absolutely appreciative of your hospitality tonight. Thank you for opening your home to us all." She embraced a gobsmacked Mrs Weasley.

Andromeda moved to stand in front of Draco and he shifted uncomfortably. "Draco dear," she spoke. "You clever young man! You cracked the code! You knew your mother was with me. I'm so proud of you. I am sad that so much time has been robbed from us but all we can do is try to make up for lost time." She hugged him as she smiled and he stood there awkwardly, a pink tinge beginning to rise in his cheeks.

"Where's Teddy?!" Ted spoke up suddenly.

"Oh, he must be with Ginny, I'll go find him." I said getting up. I smiled at Ted before leaving the room. Mrs Weasley looked as though she was about to object but I was gone before she had the chance. I walked into the living room and sitting on the couch with a sleeping Teddy Lupin in her arms was a strange petite girl I had never seen before. I drew my wand, approaching carefully.

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