Chapter Twenty-Two - Don't Be Such A Pansy!

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Draco POV:

I chuckled to myself as I made my way back to my dorm. Pansy's face was priceless. I knew it was cruel what I said to her but that didn't make it any less true. Pansy would be such a nice girl if she didn't throw herself at someone as soon as she realized they had a cock. Plus, I had just shown a real sensitive side of me and I was feeling a little exposed and vulnerable, with her seeing my soft side. I needed to redeem myself and slagging her off was just a reminder that I was no wuss regardless of the very unguarded face I had just shown her.

I got back to my dorm and fished a piece of black parchment out from the depths of my trunk before re-writing out the letter that Pansy had helped me whip up. I used the very rare, signature silver ink that was common in our family letters so that if my theory was right, my mother would know it was truly me.

I opened the window and brought my fingers to my mouth whistling a very distinctive whistle that I knew only my owl would answer to. I waited a few minutes before I noticed a tiny black dot soaring towards me.

My black and grey owl, Knight was her name, soared through my window. She landed on my bed and I walked over to her holding out treats for her in my hand. She jumped on to my arm nibbling at her treats and hooting in appreciation. I stroked her smooth feathers as she stared at me with her huge round, honey coloured eyes.

I loved her. She was probably the closest thing I had to a best friend. I had bought her during the war when Voldemort had been staying at the Manor with us. I got her for company during the many nights I spent cooped up in my bedroom before I became a death eater. She had seen me cry, rage, laugh and hurt. She had heard all my deepest darkest secrets and had beautifully comforted me in my time of need. If there was anyone I trusted in this world, it would be this bird. I saw her as my guardian angel and without her, I don't think I would have survived through the war.

She finished her food and climbed up my arm to nibble affectionately at my ear. I laughed and put my hand to my shoulder for her to jump onto. She did so and I handed her the letter.

"Knight, I need you to take this to Andromeda Tonks. I don't have an address but I know you'll find your way. Take care of yourself girl and come back to me safely." I told her. The owl blinked her big honey eyes at me before nodding and hooting as she took off out the window with the letter securely gripped in her beak. She was such a strong beautiful bird now. I was very confident she would make it.

I watched her disappear and shut the window shivering at the falling snow. I stripped off to my dark green boxers and crawled into my bed turning out the lights.

I rested my head on the pillow and sighed as I felt sleep take over.

* * *

Pansy POV:

I woke a little late in the morning, and rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the light in the room. I jumped out of bed and stretched. I smiled to myself as I remembered last night and the things I had discovered as well as the pot I was about to stir today.

I dressed in a sexy white three quarter sleeve, fitted blouse and left the top three buttons undone so that the black push up bra I sported underneath would slightly peek out revealing a gorgeous volumptuous cleavage. I slipped into my black pleated super miniskirt and wore a black thong underneath it. Striding over to my shoe rack I picked out my black suede high heel pumps and daintily slid my feet into them. I pulled my hair into a half up, half down style and butterfly clipped it into place. Adding clear gloss and extending my lashes I swaggered out the door to the Great Hall for breakfast.

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