Chapter Forty-One - Falling

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"Love," Draco spoke to Hermione as he helped pull the four large suitcases of luggage from the back of his mother's Mercedes G-Wagon he had borrowed to take Hermione, Ginny, Blaise and himself to the private airstrip. "Do you have our passes?"

Hermione giggled. "They're called passports and yes, I have them. All though, I'm not sure if we need them just yet."

She stood next to Ginny on the tarmac in front of the waiting Gulfstream jet. Draco had bought a jet and despite Hermione's constant insistence on flying coach, had hired an air crew to take them across the sky to Rome.

Ginny squealed in delight. "Ferret! I can't believe you bought a plane! Are you crazy?!"

Draco looked at Ginny while Blaise directed the baggage handlers with the luggage.

"Weaselette, the hard part wasn't spending the money, it was converting the damn thing to muggle money without asking Princess here. My accountant is on holiday you see." He smirked as Hermione shot him a filthy look.

"Thank goodness for that." Hermione retorted. "Otherwise he would've tried to buy the staff too."

Ginny turned to her best friend and flipped her long red hair. "No making funnies for you Miss Granger! I'm still not impressed you didn't tell me about the Lamborghini!"

Hermione sighed.

It was true, Narcissa had asked Hermione how she enjoyed having the Lambo. Ginny's jaw dropped and Blaise made a snide comment about Draco coincidentally receiving Hermione's virginity around the same time.

As she hadn't exactly driven it since getting a license, she didn't have much of an answer.

"I deserve that." She admitted to Ginny. "I just didn't want to make a big deal out of it you know?" Ginny rolled her eyes and Hermione sighed again as she made her way towards the plane.

It had been a long day. Graduation and the celebrations afterwards, Dinner at Narcissa's and now they we're going to be flying all night. It was nearly 10pm and their flight had been scheduled to leave soon.

She promptly climbed the steps to the entrance of the jet.

"Good evening Miss Granger." The head flight attendant said, shooting her a dazzling smile. She had chestnut brown hair, parted to the side and pulled back into an elegant french roll. She wore subtle eye make up but bright red lipstick that seemed to have a perfectly shaped line around her lips. "Please make yourself at home."

Judging by the very wizard inspired uniforms the crew wore, she assumed they were also from the magical world.

Ginny, Blaise and Draco clambered on board after her. The inside interior was magnificent.

Beige leather seats with polished wood paneling along the inside of the fuselage, the plane almost shared similarities with her and Ginny's apartment. Only difference being that their home couldn't fly.

Crack! Hermione jumped a foot in the air as Tink, the house elf appeared between her and Draco.

"Miss Hermione! Master Draco!" The elf squealed. She jumped into Hermione's arms and buried her little elf face into Hermione's white cashmere sweater she wore. She released Hermione and jumped on Draco.

Hermione watched as Tinkerbell brought out the smile on Draco's face that only she could.

Draco handed the keys to the G-Wagon to Tink. "Are you going to be okay to drive it back Tink?"

Tink giggled. "Master doubts Tink's capabilities. No offence Master Draco, but Tink has Driven the G-Wagon most probably more times than Miss Cissy herself."

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