Chapter Sixteen - An Unlikely Betrayal

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Hermione POV:

I walked back to my dorm feeling numb. Harry? No way. Why would he do this? Why wouldn't he just come to me? How the hell did he manage this? I needed to speak to him. I needed to know why he betrayed me this way. Madame Pomfrey had given Draco a sleeping potion so that he could heal faster and Professor McGonagall had gone back to her office to deal with the minister. I opened the portrait and climbed inside. Luna and Neville sat by the fire clutching mugs of hot chocolate. I sat down as Luna handed me a mug. We sat in silence for a moment before Neville spoke up.

"Hermione I'm sorry about the way I reacted with Malfoy." Luna smiled at her boyfriend and Neville looked down at his hands. "I don't much like him but I don't know what it was like between you two. He's not my favorite person but I don't want him to-" he stopped quickly and cleared his throat looking around as if he hadn't gone there.

"I think he'll be fine Neville" I said in a shaky voice. "It's Harry I need to speak with right now."

"Harry? Why? I haven't seen him since last night. I threw a tantrum, as you saw and then Luna and I argued. She sent me to my dorm and I took off. When I got there, Harry was sitting on the couch." His face fell as he spoke next. "I- I told him Hermione. I'm sorry."

I took a deep breath as I recounted for the third time the events that took place over the last 24 hours.

"Wait what?!" Neville said confused. "Lemme get this straight, so after I told Harry you were with Malfoy, instead of coming to find you and confront you, he breaks death eaters out of prison?"

I nodded and shrugged at the same time. "Guess so."

"Neville, go to your dorm room and see if Harry has come back yet. If he has, act normal and send a patronus to us. We need to see him if we can, before the ministry gets to him. He's an accessory to a prison break now. He'll be arrested." Luna said airily. She had an assertive aura about her.

I took a sip of my hot chocolate and stared into the flames of the fire.

Neville POV:

I stepped out of the girls'dorm and continued on to our dorm. I stood outside our portrait and thought of the password. 'Trevor's Wig' I thought and the portrait swung open. Harry and I had tried to make up a password using our names but I kept forgetting them so I suggested maybe using Trevor and Hedwig our long lost companions and Harry came up with Trevor's Wig. We thought it was hilarious and it kinda just stuck. I thought about the laughs I'd shared with one of my best friends. I thought of all the heroic things he'd done and how he had always been there for me. I couldn't believe he would do something like this. Go this far. Even to Malfoy. And especially to Hermione.

I walked round the corner and Harry sat in an arm chair in the dark.

"Evening Neville." He said. His voice was dark and cold. Not like the Harry I knew at all.

"Har- Harry. Wha- what are you doing? Si- sitting in the dark I mean?" I stuttered.

"Do I make you nervous Neville?" Harry asked standing up. I automatically started backing up against the wall.

"N- no. N- no- not at all." I stammered. Fuck. I was royally screwing this up.

"Are you lying to me Neville?" He tutted. "Tut-tut-tut Neville we must not tell lies now should we? You should tell your pal Granger that the next time you see her."

"She wants to see you!" I blurted out. "Her and Luna are in the common room in their dorm. If you let me, I'll take you there."

His eyes flashed and he smiled a creepy smile. He had dark circles under his eyes and his breathing was uneven. He walked towards the portrait hole and dipped out.

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