Chapter Five - The Divination Classroom

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Hermione POV:

Professor McGonagall dismissed us from the Great Hall and as we headed towards the North Tower, I felt an arm brush past me and a shock enter my body through my arm as a cool pale white hand slipped past mine. I quickly pulled my arm back as I felt the shock but not before I grabbed the folded piece of parchment that he had handed me. I shoved the note up my sleeve as I felt my cheeks redden and shot off torwards the dorm rooms.

"So what does the note say?"

I jumped as Ginny snuck up behind me slapping my right bum cheek as she reached me. Fuck sakes. Couldn't get anything past this girl.

"I don't know. I haven't read it yet." I confessed pulling the parchment out from under my sleeve. Seeing as she already knew, I unfolded the parchment and read:


I'll be in the divination classroom at midnight tonight. I'd like to see you again. I'll be waiting for you, Granger. Don't let me down.


"Ooooooooh!" Ginny squealed as she read over my shoulder. "Shit Mione, he's still a bit of an egotistical bastard sometimes huh?" she added as she finished the note.

I laughed. "Would he still be Malfoy if he wasn't demanding and egotistical? Besides, that's what makes him sexy!" I said it before I could stop myself.

Her eyes widened, "What the actual fuck? Did you, Hermione Jean Granger, just admit out loud that you think Draco Malfoy is SEXY?!" she said, jaw practically on the ground.

"He is exceptionally hansome isn't he?" Luna said walking past.

Punching Ginny on the arm, I said "Sure Luna, if you think so!" trying to cover my tracks.

"Luna, why are you out here walking alone? Who are you rooming with?" Ginny asked trying to change the subject.

"I was meant to room with Parvati but Padma threw a huge fit so I guess I'm not sure anymore. I suppose it wouldn't be much different if I went back to the Ravenclaw Dormitory." she turned around to walk in the opposite direction.

"Wait!" Ginny and I said at the same time.

"Luna, stay with us! McGonagall said the dorms house groups of two or three." I said. "I don't know why the Patil twins didn't think of that."

"Padma hasn't liked me very much since I scored higher than her in a charms essay Flitwick set us 3 years ago." Luna said vacantly. "Hermione, you scored higher than the both of us and she doesn't detest you."

"Oh, tell her to stop being such a bitch and get over it. Seriously, she should have been in Hufflepuff. Way too sensitive. C'mon Lu." Ginny said walking off as the rest of the seniors started appearing at the other end of the corridor.

Ginny selected a blank tapestry on the wall and abruptly stepped through it. Luna and I stepped through right behind her.

These dorms were HUGE. The stone from the castle lined the walls and the ceiling had a very victorian/medieval wooden style with candle chandeliers hanging from it. The second floor which we assumed led to the bedrooms because of the super high ceiling, had dark wooden panels and railings everywhere. The furniture matched the room well and were very beautiful.

Ginny yelled out from the top floor letting us know that there were three bedrooms and a shared bathroom up there. I spotted a water pitcher and a glass on one of the tables and realizing I was thirsty, poured a drink.

Luna made her way upstairs to her bedroom, "Goodnight Hermione. I'm going to bed. Thanks for inviting me to stay with you guys. I really appreciate it." She climbed the stairs and disappeared.

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