cheater (newt) pt. 4

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"tom! dont do it, please!" you yelled as he pointed a gun to newts head, putting him out if his misery.
"dont listen to the shuck girl! kill me! do it now." newt screamed.
"tom dont do it please please stop! brenda and minho are coming with the serum and theyll be here any minute." you yelled.
"shut up yn! you shucking coward. i hate you! i hate you both. now kill me!" newt said.
"dont do it tom. dont. you'll regret it. please we need him. i need him. you need him. dont let him go. just hold on newt" you begged
"slim it you bloody shuckface. kill me now tom." he yelled.
"please tommy, please." he begged.

with his heart falling into a black abyss, thomas pulled the trigger.

"no!" you screamed, running to newt.

"you son of a-" you ran to thomas, beating him up.

"he was my everything! my world! you killed him, murderer! he was mine, all mine..." you stopped, knowing it was no use.

"newt.." you cried.

thomas handed you a necklace. "he said he wanted you to have it." he said with tears.

you took it and put it around your neck. then, brenda and minho ran up with the serum.

"too late, shuckfaces." you pointed to newts lifeless body and walked right past them, wiping tears from your eyes.

not a day went by when you didnt think of newt.


the necklace broke in half, and out came a piece of rolled paper. you opened it.

if you're seeing this, then i have not made it to the safe haven with you. i wrote this when i was starting to show signs of the flare. i wanted to have closure with you.
when you came into the glade, i thought you were the most beautiful girl i had ever seen. i wanted to spend all my time with you, make you laugh, and be you're shoulder to cry on. but when things didn't work out between us, i was devastated. i never lost my feelings for you though. i am still in love with you.
im not afraid to die, like i had told you earlier. but my darling, when i die, my last thought will be of your lips on mine. you filled me with life and energy.
please don't be sad about me for too long. you deserve happiness more than anyone else. you've been through so much with bravery and courage. please find love, laughter, and life with fry, min, and tom.
always remind the boys how much i truly cared about them. reminisce with stories of our adventures and all the fun we had.
take good care of the boys for me. you have my heart forever and always, and i will always be with you wherever you go. i promise.
until we meet again,

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